Fort Myers Regional Library Shelf List
System ID | Title | Author | Media Type | Call Number | Physical Location | Last Updated Date | Subject | Location |
9312 | Special Collections at Georgetown: A Descriptive Catalog - Bicentennial Edition., c1989. | Georgetown University. Special Collections. | Book | 027.7 GEO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
9305 | Black Itinerants of the Gospel: The Narratives of John Jea and George White. | White, George and Graham Russell Hodges. | Book | 287.6 WHITE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/27/2012 | African American, General Reference | |
9651 | Princeton University Alumni Directory, 31st ed. and supplement, 2v., c2009. | Book | 378.749 PRINCETON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/12/2012 | Genealogy Reference | New Jersey | |
9617 | The Genealogist's Guide to Researching Tax Records, c2007. | Darrow, Carol Cooke and Susan Winchester | Book | 929.1 DARROW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Taxes - Tax Lists, General Reference | United States |
9311 | The Delaware Finns or The First Permanent Settlements in Pennsylvania, Delaware, West New Jersey, and Eastern Part of Maryland., 2001. (NOTE: Shelved in Delaware Collection.) | Louhi, E.A. | Book | 929.1 LOUHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/1/2012 | Family Records, Genealogy Reference | Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania |
9339 | Irish Family Research Made Simple, n.c.d. | Collins, E. J. | Book | 929.1089 COLLINS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/10/2012 | Genealogy Reference | Ireland |
9688 | Antwerp Emigration Index, n.c.d. | Hall, Charles M. | Book | 929.349 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Immigration - Emigration | Belgium |
3285 | Huguenot Historic Sites & Burials. v.1, c2001. | National Huguenot Society | Book | 929.373 HUGUENOT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | General Reference, Cemetery Records, Huguenot | |
5963 | National Huguenot Society Bible Records: Abstracted From Files of the Society., c1996. | Finnell, Arthur Lewis (compiler) | Book | 929.373 NATIONAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | General Reference, Lineage Societies, Huguenot | |
4706 | National Huguenot Society: Membership Directory 2001. | National Huguenot Society | Book | 929.373 NATIONAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | General Reference, Lineage Societies, Huguenot | |
9600 | Atlas of Bath & Fleming Cos Kentucky., c1884 | Lake, D.J. | Book | 929.3769 D.J. | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Kentucky, United States |
9342 | Atlas Map of Knox County, Illinois., c1870. | Andreas, A.T. | Book | 929.3773 ANDREAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/10/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Marriage | Iowa |
10813 | Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution, c1988. | Langguth, A. J. P. | Book | 973.3 LANGGUTH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | United States |
9567 | Fauquier County in the Revolution, c1976. | Russell, T. Triplett and John K. Gott | Book | 973.3455 RUSSELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | United States, Virginia |
9507 | AGLL MICROFICHE - Catalog of Ship Passenger Lists, 1790-1890. | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 1 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/21/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
9515 | AGLL MICROFICHE - Catalog Supplement: Corrections, Pennsylvania, and Surname with Index | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 1 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
9508 | AGLL MICROFICHE - Catalog of Census Records, 1900-1910 | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 2 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Census Records, Genealogy Reference | |
9509 | AGLL MICROFICHE- Catalog of Census Records, 1920 | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 3 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Census Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
9510 | AGLL MICROFICHE - Catalog of Military Records | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 4 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | |
9511 | AGLL MICROFICHE - Catalog of Ship Passenger Lists. | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 5 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
9512 | AGLL MICROFICHE - Catalog of Locality Listings: General, Alabama, Mississippi, Amite-Taxation | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 6 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
9513 | AGLL - MICROFICHE - Catalog of Locality Listings: Mississippi, Attala Taxation Wisconsin | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 7 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
9514 | AGLL MICROFICHE - Catalog of Locality Listings: Foreign, Surname, Ethnic and Special Collections | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 8 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
3587 | Internet Sources for Tracing your Swedish Roots., c1998. | Swedish Information Service | Book | 004.67 SWE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Internet | Sweden |
9480 | Miscellaneous IGI (International Genealogical Index) Microfiche, Conn (the O-Ne thru Young, Joseph), - Ireland/Ulster Province | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 115 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/21/2021 | Family Histories, Family Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
4067 | Local Newspapers, 1750-1920: England and Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, c1987. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 015.42 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Newspapers | England, Wales |
627 | Archive in Osterreich (Archives in Austria)., c1998 | Book | 016 ARC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Austria | ||
906 | Bibliography on the History of the Chaffey Communities., c1999. | Balgooy, Max A. Van | Book | 016 BAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
1204 | Centre D' Accueil Et De Rechere Des Archives Nationales (CARAN) France (French National Archives)., c1998. | Book | 016 CEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | France | ||
2444 | Genealogical Resources at the Mississippi Department of Archives., c1995. | Chan, Frances | Book | 016 CHA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mississippi | |
1583 | DAR Library Research Service, May 1998. | National Society Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 016 DAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
3395 | Index of the DAR Seimes Microfilm Center, Washington, D.C., c1978. | Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 016 DAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
6394 | Selected Genealogical Source Material., c1998. | Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library | Book | 016 DAU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
1741 | Directory of Genealogical Libraries in the United States, June 1998. | Book | 016 DIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | ||
2429 | Genealogical Research at the Regional Branches of the National Archives, c1998. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 016 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
391 | America's Best Genealogy Resource Centers, c1998. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 016 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
6392 | Select Bibliography of Works at the Library of Congress on Norwegian-American Immigration & Local History., c1998. | Douglas, Lee V. (Information Specialist) | Book | 016 DOU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Norway | |
1935 | Ellen Payne Odom Genealogical Library, Moultrie, Georgia: Collections & Materials, c1994. | Ellen Payne Odom Genealogical Library | Book | 016 ELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Georgia | |
3590 | Introduction to Research in the West Virginia & Regional History Collection - West Virginia University, Morgantown., c1990. | Forbes, Harold M. | Book | 016 FOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | West Virginia | |
2726 | Godfrey Memorial Library, Middleton, Connecticut Genealogy Collection. Holdings: March 16, 1998. | Godfrey Memorial Library | Book | 016 GOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Connecticut | |
5412 | Oregon Genealogical Libraries and Collections., c2001. | Lenzen, Connie | Book | 016 LEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Oregon | |
6551 | Sources for Genealogical Research at the National Library of Wales., c1986. | McDonald, R.W. | Book | 016 MCD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wales | |
1339 | Collections, Catalogues, & Research Techniques., c1998. | National Library of Scotland | Book | 016 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
7330 | The National Archives of Ireland Web Site - Maintained by the Dublin Institute of Technology., c1998. | The National Archives of Ireland Web Site | Book | 016 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
5395 | Ontario: Archives of Ontario, Genealogical Research., 1998. | Archives of Ontario | Book | 016 ONT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
5398 | Orange County Historical Society. Occasional Papers, No.1., c1975. | Orange County Historical Society | Book | 016 ORA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
5478 | Palatines to America Library, Columbus, Ohio: Serving Researchers of German Speaking Ancestry: List of Holdings in Subject Order as of October 20, 2001. | Book | 016 PAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | ||
5580 | Pennsylvania & Middle Atlantic States: Genealogical Manuscripts., c1986. | Parker, J. Carlyle | Book | 016 PAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
5792 | Prince Edward Island Archives: Genealogical Research at the Public Archives & Records Office., c1998. | Prince Edward Island Archive | Book | 016 PRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
5877 | Quebec Family History Society., c1998. | Quebec Family History Society | Book | 016 QUE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
8270 | Welsh Collection at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City., c1989. | Rawlins, Bert | Book | 016 RAW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Utah, Wales | |
5948 | Reference Works: Genealogical, Biographical, Historical, and Topographical relating to the Old Dominion, Virginia., c1967. | Book | 016 REF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | ||
2415 | Genealogical Holdings of the Selby Library, Sarasota, Florida., c1987. | Sarasota Genealogical Society | Book | 016 SAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
11642 | DAR. Index of the DAR Seimes Microfilm Center, Washington, D.C., c1978. | National Society Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 016 SEIMES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Military - War, Lineage Societies | |
6660 | St. Louis (Missouri) Genealogical Society Library Collection., c1999. | St. Louis (Missouri) Genealogical Society | Book | 016 STL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Missouri | |
6393 | Selected Bibliography of Virginia, 1607-1699., c1952. | Swem, E.G. | Book | 016 SWE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
2440 | Genealogical Research Sources., c1998. | Texas State Library | Book | 016 TEX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
6817 | Texas State Archives Homepage. Texas State Library., c1998. | Texas State Archives | Book | 016 TEX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
3278 | Howe's Historical Collections: An Untapped Source for Genealogical Records., c1995. | Waterfield, Marjorie | Book | 016 WAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ohio | |
11643 | Telephone and City Directories in the Library of Congress: a Finding Guide, c2003. | Walsh, Barbara B. (compiler). | Book | 016.025 WALSH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Directories | |
9666 | Telephone and City Directories in the Library of Congress: a Finding Guide, c2003. | Walsh, Barbara B. (compiler) | Book | 016.025 WALSH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Directories | United States |
2416 | Genealogical Manuscripts in British Libraries., c1967. | Kaminkow, Marion J. | Book | 016.0942 KAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
10745 | Guide to Manuscript Collections of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College, c1982. | Book | 016.289 FRIENDS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Pennsylvania | |
10746 | Haverford College Library: The Quaker Collection and Other Special Collections, n.c.d. | Book | 016.289 HAVERFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Quaker | Pennsylvania | |
11644 | American Indians: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1998. | National Archives (NARA) | Book | 016.3058 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | Native Americans, General Reference | United States |
499 | American Indians: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1998. | Book | 016.3058 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Native Americans | ||
8845 | United States. Catalogue of 1790-1890 Federal Population Census Available Through the Census Microfilm Rental Program., September 1992 | Book | 016.312 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Census Records | United States | |
8846 | United States. Catalogue of 1900 Federal Population Census Available Through the Census Microfilm Rental Program., October 1992 | Book | 016.312 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Census Records | United States | |
8847 | United States. Catalogue of 1910 Federal Population Census Available Through the Census Microfilm Rental Program., April 1992 | Book | 016.312 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Census Records | United States | |
8848 | United States. Catalogue of 1920 Federal Population Census Available Through the Census Microfilm Rental Program., December 1991 | Book | 016.312 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Census Records | United States | |
11645 | Diplomatic Records: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1986. | National Archives (NARA) | Book | 016.327 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference | |
8100 | Virginia Legislative Petitions: Bibliography, Calendars, & Abstracts from Original Sources - 6 May 1776 - 21 June 1782., c1984. | Church, Randolph W. (compiler) | Book | 016.328755 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
11646 | Military Service Records: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1998. | National Archives (NARA) | Book | 016.355 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | Military - War, General Reference | |
4569 | Military Service Records: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1998. | Book | 016.355 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | ||
10592 | Folklife in New Jersey: An Annotated Bibliography, 1982. | Cohen, David Steven. | Book | 016.398 COHEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | New Jersey |
11619 | Historic American Buildings Survey of New Jersey, c1977. | Bassett, William B. (compiler). | Book | 016.72 HISTORIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, History | New Jersey |
1147 | Catalog of Books and Rare Manuscripts Available through the Southwestern Genealogical Library., c1971. | Book | 016.78 CAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | ||
419 | American Diaries in Manuscript: Descriptive Bibliography: 1580-1954, c1974. | Matthews, William | Book | 016.8 MAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
8624 | Maps of Indian Reserves & Settlement in the National Map Collection. Library has v.2 covering Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon Territory., c1981. | Public Archives of Canada | Book | 016.911 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Canada |
3881 | Land Ownership Maps: Checklist of 19th Century U.S. County Maps in the Library of Congress, c1967. | Stephenson, Richard W. (compiler) | Book | 016.91273 LAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
11649 | Land Ownership Maps: Checklist of 19th Century U.S. County Maps in the Library of Congress, c1967. | Stephenson, Richard W. (compiler). | Book | 016.91273 LAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Land Records, General Reference | |
11650 | Cartographic Records, Bureau of Indian Affairs, c1977. | National Archives (NARA) | Book | 016.91273 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | Native Americans, General Reference | |
11651 | Bibliography of American Directories Through 1860, c1961. | Spear, Dorothea N. | Book | 016.917 SPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | Directories, General Reference | |
2460 | Genealogies in the Library of Congress: a bibliography, Supplement 1972-1976, c1977. | Kaminkow, Marion J. | Book | 16.929 | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | |
9218 | Virginia Genealogies: A Bibliography, v. 1, c1967 | Brown, Stuart E. et al (compilers) | Book | 016.929 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia |
9219 | Virginia Genealogies: A Bibliography v.2, c1980. | Brown, Stuart E. et al (compilers) | Book | 016.929 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Marriage | Virginia |
11653 | Surnames, a Selected List of References About Personal Names, c1994. | Connor, Paul J. (compiler). | Book | 016.929 CONNOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference | |
9667 | Surnames, a Selected List of References About Personal Names, c1994. | Connor, Paul J. (compiler) | Book | 016.929 CONNOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
407 | American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: 1982-1985 supplement, c1987. | Filby, P. William | Book | 016.929 FIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Heraldry | British Isles |
408 | American and British Genealogy and Heraldry: selected lists of books. 3rd edition, c1983. | Filby, P. William | Book | 016.929 FIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Heraldry | |
8863 | Unpublished Personal Name Indexes. 2nd Edition., c1985 and 1987 | Gibson, Jeremy | Book | 016.929 GIB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
2564 | General Register Office & International Genealogical Indexes., c1987. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 016.929 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
7194 | The Hearth Tax., c1987. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 016.929 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Taxes - Tax Lists | England |
3887 | Land Tax Assessments: c1690-c1950., c1983 and 1987. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 016.929 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
7991 | Unpublished Personal Name Indexes in Record Offices & Libraries: An Interim List., c1985.. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 016.929 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Archives - Libraries | England |
4246 | Marriage, Census, & Other Indexes for Family Historians. 3rd edition, c1988. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 016.929 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
5876 | Quarter Sessions Records for Family Historians: A Select List. 2nd edition, c1986. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 016.929 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
11659 | American Genealogical Research at the DAR, c1997. | Grundset, Eric G. & Steven B. Rhodes. | Book | 016.929 GRU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
423 | American Genealogical Research at the DAR, c1997. | Grundset, Eric G. & Steven B. Rhodes | Book | 016.929 GRU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
2837 | Guide to Research Materials in the North Carolina State Archives - Section B: County Records., c1974. | Book | 016.929 GUI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Carolina | ||
6804 | Tennessee: Family Histories & Genealogies, A Bibliography., c1996. | Hehir, Donald M. | Book | 016.929 HEH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Tennessee | |
9187 | Irish Family History Catalogue - Simplified, c1993. | Hjelm, Linda Adair | Book | 016.929 HJELM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
9043 | New Englanders in the 1600's - Guide to Genealogical Research Published Between 1980 and 2005., c2006. | Hollick, Martin E. | Book | 016.929 HOLLICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | New England |
3566 | Indiana Sources for Genealogical Research in the Indiana State Library., c1984. | Miller, Carolynne L. (Wendel) | Book | 016.929 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Indiana | |
4702 | National Archives of Canada. Reference Sources & Abstracts For Canadian Genealogy., c2005. | National Archives of Canada | Book | 016.929 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
5216 | Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois: Selected Local & Family History Acquisitions, June 1985. | Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois | Book | 016.929 NEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
11559 | Ohio Genealogical Society Periodicals Index, 1960-2000, c2002. | Ohio Genealogical Society. | Book | 016.929 OHIO GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | Ohio |
8883 | The Parish Churches & Nonconformist Chapels of Wales: Their Records & Where to Find Them - Volume One Cardigan, Carmarthen, Pembroke., c1987 | Rawlins, Bert J. | Book | 016.929 RAWLINS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference | Wales |
2410 | Genealogical Guidebook & Atlas of Sweden. 2nd ed., c1998. | Thomsen, Finn A. (compiler) | Book | 016.929 THOMSEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Sweden |
3365 | Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1983, 1998. | Book | 016.929 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | ||
9044 | Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications. 2nd Edition : Includes 5 New Ports of Entry, 13,000 New Roll Listings., 1998. | Book | 016.929 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | ||
11667 | Genealogical and Biographical Research: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1983, 1998. | National Archives (NARA) | Book | 016.929 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference | |
11668 | Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications. 2nd Edition : Includes 5 New Ports of Entry, 13,000 New Roll Listings., 1998. | National Archives (NARA) | Book | 016.929 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
11669 | Microfilm Resources for Research; Comprehensive Catalog, c1992. | National Archives (NARA) | Book | 016.929 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference | |
4547 | Microfilm Resources for Research; Comprehensive Catalog, c1992. | United States National Archives | Book | 016.929 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
11775 | Maine Name Lists; Published and Online Censuses and Census Substitutes, 1623-2012, c2015. | Dollarhide, William. | Book | 016.9291 DOLLARHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Census Records, General Reference | Maine |
2382 | Genealogical Books in Print. 1998 edition (5th) US Sources and Resources, Alabama - New York, 1998. | Yantis, Netti Schreiner | Book | 016.9291 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | Massachusetts | |
11670 | Quaker Genealogies: A Preliminary List, c1974. | Heiss, Willard. | Book | 016.9291 HEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference, Quaker | |
5851 | Quaker Genealogies: A Preliminary List, c1974. | Heiss, Willard | Book | 016.9291 HEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | |
11671 | The Best Genealogical Sources in Print: Essays by Gary Boyd Roberts Expanded From Book Introductions and Journal Articles Published 1976-2004 With a New Preface Covering Genealogical Progress Since 2004., c2012. | Roberts, Gary Boyd. | Book | 016.9291 ROBERTS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference | |
6360 | Scottish Family History., c1930 and 1983. | Stuart, Margaret | Book | 016.9291 STU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
11672 | New England Family Histories – States of Maine and Rhode Island, c2000. | Hall, LuVern N. and Donald O. Virdin. | Book | 016.9292 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | Family Histories, General Reference | Maine, New England, Rhode Island |
11673 | New England Family Histories and Genealogies – States of New Hampshire and Vermont, c2000. | Hall, LuVern N. and Donald O. Virdin. | Book | 016.9292 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | Family Histories, General Reference | New Hampshire, Vermont |
4789 | New England Family Histories - States of Maine and Rhode Island, c2000. | Hall, LuVern N. and Donald O. Virdin | Book | 016.9292 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Maine, Rhode Island, New England |
4790 | New England Family Histories and Genealogies - States of New Hampshire and Vermont, c2000. | Hall, LuVern N. and Donald O. Virdin | Book | 016.9292 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | New Hampshire, Vermont, New England |
4791 | New England Family Histories: State of Connecticut, c1999. | Hall, Lu Verne V. | Book | 016.9292 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Connecticut | |
7835 | Tutwiler Collection of Southern History & Literature, Birmingham Public Library., c1992. | Book | 016.9293 BIRMINGH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Alabama | ||
10747 | Guide to Records of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Chester County, Pennsylvania 1681-1969, c1988. | Catanese, Lynn Ann (compiler). | Book | 016.9293 CATANESE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Court Records, Genealogy Reference | Pennsylvania |
11894 | Delaware Name Lists 1609-1992: An Annotated Bibliography of Published and Online Name Lists, c2013. | Dollarhide, William. | Book | 016.9293 DOLLARHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Delaware |
11916 | Idaho Name Lists: An Annotated Bibliography of Published and Online Name Lists, c2013. | Dollarhide, William. | Book | 016.9293 DOLLARHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Idaho |
11768 | Illinois Name Lists 1678-2009, c2013. | Dollarhide, William. | Book | 016.9293 DOLLARHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Illinois |
10748 | Guide to Genealogical Sources at the Pennsylvania State Archives, 2nd edition, c1998. | Dructor, Robert M. | Book | 016.9293 DRUCTOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Pennsylvania |
9198 | Genealogical Holdings of the Wheaton Public Library: A Subject Guide, c1985. | Wheaton Public Library and DuPage County (IL) Genealogical Society (compilers). | Book | 016.9293 GENEALOG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Illinois |
5803 | Printed Sources for Genealogical Searching in Wisconsin: A Selective Bibliography, c1964. | Gleason, Margaret | Book | 016.9293 GLEASON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wisconsin | |
3398 | Index to American Genealogies and to Genealogical Material Contained in all works, 1900-1908 supplement. | Book | 016.9293 IND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | General Reference | ||
3399 | Index to American Genealogies and to Genealogical Material Contained in all works, 5th edition (1900). | Book | 016.9293 IND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | General Reference | ||
11675 | Bibliography & Source Materials for German-American Research, v. 01: U.S.A., c1982. | Johnson, Arta (editor). | Book | 016.9293 JOHNSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/27/2018 | General Reference | Germany, United States |
2510 | Genealogists Guide to Bibliographic Sources in Great Britain. Reprint of the 1903 Edition., c1973. | Marshall, George W. | Book | 016.9293 MAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
2406 | Genealogical Guide to the Burton Historical Collection - Detroit Public Library., c1944. | Oldenburg, Joseph | Book | 016.929373 OLD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Michigan | |
3619 | Irish Records: Sources for Family and Local History., c1997. | Ryan, James G. | Book | 016.9415 RYA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
2506 | Genealogist's Handbook for Atlantic Canada Research. 2nd Edition, c1997. | Punch, Terrence M. | Book | 016.9715 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
9668 | Heraldry, A Selected List of References, c1994. | Connor, Paul J. (compiler) | Book | 016.973 CONNOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Heraldry | |
9082 | Library of Congress. Research Guides. Hispanic Local History and Genealogy in the United States: Selected Titles at the Library of Congress., c2002. | Douglas, Lee V. | Book | 016.973 DOU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Hispanic | |
183 | A Bibliography of American County Histories, c1985. | Filby, P. William | Book | 016.973 FIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, US History | United States |
7928 | United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography: v.1 Atlantic States: Maine to New York. | Kaminkow, Marion J. | Book | 016.973 KAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | |
7929 | United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography: v.2 Atlantic States: Maine to Florida. | Kaminkow, Marion J. | Book | 016.973 KAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | |
7930 | United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography: v.3 Middle Western States: Alaska & Hawaii. | Kaminkow, Marion J. | Book | 016.973 KAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | |
7931 | United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography: v.4 The West. | Kaminkow, Marion J. | Book | 016.973 KAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | |
7932 | United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography: v.5 Supplement and Index, c1975. | Kaminkow, Marion J. | Book | 016.973 KAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | |
939 | Black Studies: Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications, c1983, 1996. | National Archives Trust Fund Board | Book | 016.973 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, African American | |
934 | Black History: A Guide to Civilian Records in the National Archives. c1984. | Newman, Debra L. | Book | 016.973 NEWMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, African American | |
9670 | Immigrant Arrivals: a Guide to Published Sources, c1997. | Wood, Virginia Steele (compiler) | Book | 016.973 WOOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
11303 | West Virginia Civil War Literature: An Annotated Bibliography, c1963. | Shetler, Charles. | Book | 016.9737 SHETLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | General Reference, Military - War | West Virginia |
9079 | Researchers Guide to Boston., c2003. | Lainhart, Ann | Book | 016.9744 LAINHART | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Massachusetts |
11166 | Directory to Collections of New York Vital Records 1726-1989, with Rare Gazetteer, c1995. | Bowman, Fred Q. and Thomas J. Lynch | Book | 016.9747 BOWMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, Vital Records | New York |
10749 | Chester County (Pennsylvania) Bibliography, c1981. | Carlson, Robert E. (editor). | Book | 016.9748 CARLSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Pennsylvania |
2817 | Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research in Pennsylvania - Supplement., c1985. | Hoenstine, Floyd G. | Book | 016.9748 HOE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
2818 | Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research in Pennsylvania., c1978. | Hoenstine, Floyd G. | Book | 016.9748 HOE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
2848 | Guide to the Published Archives of Pennsylvania., c1949. | Eddy, Henry H. | Book | 016.9748 PEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
11304 | Guide to Manuscripts and Archives in the West Virginia Collection, c1974. | Hess, James W. | Book | 016.9754 WEST VIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | Archives - Libraries, General Reference | West Virginia |
8682 | Carolina Families: Bibliography of Books About North and South Carolina Families., c1994. | Hehir, Donald M. | Book | 016.9756 HEHIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | North Carolina, South Carolina |
4064 | Local & Family History of South Carolina: A Bibliography., c1981. | Cote, Richard | Book | 016.9757 COT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | South Carolina | |
12206 | South Carolina in the American Revolution: A Source Guide for Genealogists and Historians, c2013 | Grundset, Eric G. | Book | 016.9757 GRUNDSET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | South Carolina |
9565 | Guide to the Manuscript Collection of the South Caroliniana Library, c1982. | Stokes, Allen H., Jr. | Book | 016.9757 SOUTH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Archives - Libraries, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | South Carolina, United States |
9096 | Florida History: a Bibliography., c1972. | Harris, Michael H. (Compiler) | Book | 016.9759 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Florida |
905 | Bibliography of the County Histories of Alabama., c1991. | Ward, Robert David & William Warren Rogers (editors) | Book | 016.9761 WARD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Alabama | |
3765 | Kentucky Historical Society Microfilm Catalog. v.01: Excerpted Manuscripts & Pertinent Genealogical Source Material., c1975. | Brookes-Smith, Joan (editor) | Book | 016.9769 KEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | Kentucky | |
11125 | Checklist of Dekalb County Resource Materials, c1982. | Book | 016.9773 CHECKLIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Illinois | |
12078 | Guide to the Draper Manuscripts, c1983. | Harper, Josephine L. | Book | 016.978 HARPER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | |
12628 | Helping Patrons Find Their Roots: A Genealogy Handbook for Librarians.,c2018. | Schultz, Janice Lindgreen. | Book | 025.52 SCHULTZ | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
6554 | Sources for Roman Catholic and Jewish Genealogy and Family History, c1974. | Steel, D.J. & Edgar R. Samuel | Book | 025.52 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Family Histories, Jewish Research, Religion | England |
12629 | Preserving Local Writers, Genealogy, Photographs, Newspapers, and Related Materials., 2012. | Smallwood, Carol and Elaine Williams. (Editors). | Book | 025.84 PRESERVING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
11533 | Guide to Collections Care, c2016. | Schrock, Nancy, et al. | Book | 025.84 SCHROCK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | |
1733 | Directory of American Libraries with Genealogy or Local History Collections, c1988. | Filby, P. William | Book | 026.929 FIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
8443 | Wisconsin Genealogical Research. 2nd Edition., c1998. | Herrick, Linda M. | Book | 026.929 HER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wisconsin | |
8636 | German Card Indexes of Family Pedigree Charts (Die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutchen Volkes): card Index of Prussian Pedigress 1800-1899; Part One. Film Numbers. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 026.9291 FAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
8637 | German Card Indexes of Family Pedigree Charts (Die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutchen Volkes): card Index of Prussian Pedigress 1800-1899; Part 2 Directions in German. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 026.9291 FAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
8638 | German Card Indexes of Family Pedigree Charts (Die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutchen Volkes): card Index of Prussian Pedigress 1800-1899; Part 3 Directions - English Translation., n.c.d. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 026.9291 FAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
8628 | England Parish & Vital Records List. 3v., n.c.d. v.01. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 026.9291 PARISH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
8629 | England Parish & Vital Records List. 3v., n.c.d. v.02. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 026.9291 PARISH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Vital Records | England |
8630 | England Parish & Vital Records List. 3v., n.c.d. v.03. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 026.9291 PARISH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Vital Records | England |
8849 | Using U.S. Military Records: Rich Source of Information for Genealogists & Family Historians., c1993 | Hales, Robert & Jimmy Parker | Book | 026.9292 HALES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War | United States |
8597 | Using U.S. Military Records: Rich Source of Information for Genealogists & Family Historians., c1993. | Hales, Robert & Jimmy Parker | Book | 026.9292 HALES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
6456 | Simplified Guide to Probate Jurisdictions. 3rd edition, c1985. | Gibson, Jeremy (compiler) | Book | 026.9293 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Estates, Probate Records, Wills | England |
5919 | Record Offices: How to Find Them. 4th edition, c1985. | Gibson, Jeremy & Pamela Peskett | Book | 026.942 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
2824 | Guide to German Historical Sources in North American Libraries & Archives., c1991. | Hope, Ann & Jorg Nagler | Book | 026.943 HOP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
2846 | Guide to the National Archives of the United States., c1988. | Book | 026.973 UNI | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Storage Collection | |
4739 | Naturalization & Related Records., c1998. | New York State Archives | Book | 027 NEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Naturalization | New York |
4517 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.1 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4518 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.10 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4519 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.11 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4520 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.12 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4521 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.2 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4522 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.3 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4523 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.4 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4524 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.5 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4525 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.6 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4526 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.7 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4527 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.8 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
4528 | Meyers Lexikon (Leipzig Bibliographisches Institut), c1923. v.9 **NOTE: Shelved at Genealogy librarians desk. | Meyer, Hermann Julius | Book | 030 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
6712 | Story of the Florida Railroads: 1834-1903., 1952. | Pettengill, George W. | Book | 0385.0975 PET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Florida |
682 | Babson Institute. The BABSONIAN. 1950. | Book | 050 BAB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Massachusetts | ||
927 | Bishop Verot High School Yearbook: Luceat. 1984. | Bishop Verot High School | Book | 050 BIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Florida | |
928 | Bishop Verot High School Yearbook. Beserksgangr. 1978. | Bishop Verot High School | Book | 050 BIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Florida | |
929 | Bishop Verot High School Yearbook. Beserksgangr. 1983. | Bishop Verot High School | Book | 050 BIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Florida | |
957 | Boonton High School Yearbook. Echoes. Library has: 1961, 1962, & 1963. | Book | 050 BOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
11812 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1926 | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Education - School | Florida |
11813 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1929, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Geography, Education - School | Florida |
11814 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1935, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11815 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1950, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Education - School | Florida |
11816 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1955, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Education - School | Florida |
11817 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1956, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Education - School | Florida |
11818 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1957 | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Education - School | Florida |
11819 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1978, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Education - School | Florida |
11820 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1981, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Florida |
11821 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1994. | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Education - School | Florida |
11732 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1924, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11733 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1925, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11734 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1927, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11735 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1930, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11736 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1931, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11737 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1936, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11738 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1937, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11739 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1938, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11740 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1939, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11741 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1940, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11742 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1941, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11743 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1943, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11744 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1944, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11745 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1945, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11746 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1946, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11747 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1947, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11748 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1951, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11749 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1952, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11750 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1959, | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11751 | Fort Myers High School Yearbook. Caloosahatchian. Library has 1964. | Fort Myers High School | Book | 050 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
1229 | Charminade High School Alumni Directory. Library has: 1985. | Charminade High School, New York City | Book | 050 CHA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
1308 | Clark School, The Annual, Hanover, New Hampshire. Library has: 1946. | Book | 050 CLA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | New Hampshire | ||
11753 | Cypress Lake Middle School Yearbook. Cypress Spirit. Library has: 1984, | Cypress Lake Middle School | Book | 050 CYP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11754 | Cypress Lake Middle School Yearbook. Cypress Spirit. Library has: 1985, | Cypress Lake Middle School | Book | 050 CYP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11755 | Cypress Lake Middle School Yearbook. Cypress Spirit. Library has: 1987 | Cypress Lake Middle School | Book | 050 CYP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11756 | Cypress Lake School Yearbook. Cypressonian. Library has: 1966 | Cypress Lake School | Book | 050 CYP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11757 | Cypress Lake School Yearbook. Cypressonian. Library has: 1967 | Cypress Lake School | Book | 050 CYP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11758 | Cypress Lake School Yearbook. Cypressonian. Library has: 1968 | Cypress Lake School | Book | 050 CYP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11759 | Cypress Lake School Yearbook. Cypressonian. Library has: 1969 | Cypress Lake School | Book | 050 CYP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
1778 | Dover High School Yearbook. Tiger. Library has: 1942. | Book | 050 DOV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
10115 | Dunbar High School 2006 Yearbook Welcome to Our World, n.c.d. | Book | 050 DUNBAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida | |
1909 | Eastonian: Yearbook Published by the Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri. 1943. | Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri | Book | 050 EAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Missouri | |
1910 | Eastonian: Yearbook Published by the Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri. 1945 | Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri | Book | 050 EAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Missouri | |
1911 | Eastonian: Yearbook Published by the Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri. 1948. | Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri | Book | 050 EAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Missouri | |
1912 | Eastonian: Yearbook Published by the Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri. 1949. | Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri | Book | 050 EAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Missouri | |
1913 | Eastonian: Yearbook Published by the Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri. 1950. | Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri | Book | 050 EAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Missouri | |
1914 | Eastonian: Yearbook Published by the Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri. 1951. | Students of East High School, Kansas City, Missouri | Book | 050 EAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Missouri | |
2202 | Florida State University. (College For Women). "Flastacowo Yearbook". 1933. | Florida State University | Book | 050 FLA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
2203 | Florida State University. (College For Women). "Flastacowo Yearbook". 1934. | Florida State University | Book | 050 FLA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
11760 | Myers Jr. High School Yearbook. Junior Hi-Tide. Library has: 1958, | Fort Myers Jr. High School | Book | 050 FORT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11761 | Fort Myers Jr. High School Yearbook. Junior Hi-Tide. Library has: 1960, | Fort Myers Jr. High School | Book | 050 FORT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11762 | Fort Myers Jr. High School Yearbook. Junior Hi-Tide. Library has: 1961, | Fort Myers Jr. High School | Book | 050 FORT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
11763 | Fort Myers Jr. High School Yearbook. Junior Hi-Tide. Library has: 1962. | Fort Myers Jr. High School | Book | 050 FORT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
8492 | Ye Primer, Germantown Academy. Library has: 1947. | Germantown Academy | Book | 050 GER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
2740 | Grammar School. The Echo: Golden Anniversary, 1909-1959 Yearbook., n.c.d. | Book | 050 GRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
7986 | University of Miami at Coral Gables, Florida. Ibis,c1960. | University of Miami at Coral Gables | Book | 050 IBIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
6589 | Southern College. Lakeland, Florida. "Interlaken." v.7 (1930). | Southern College | Book | 050 INT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
9865 | John Hill School Yearbook, Boonton, New Jersey Memories, 1967 | Book | 050 JOH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Education - School, General Reference | New Jersey | |
12153 | Lehigh Acres Middle School Yearbook “Kodiak”. 1989 | Book | 050 KODIAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | ||
12154 | Lehigh Acres Middle School Yearbook “Kodiak”. 1990 | Book | 050 KODIAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
12155 | Lehigh Acres Middle School Yearbook “Kodiak”. 1991 | Book | 050 KODIAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | ||
12156 | Lehigh Acres Middle School Yearbook “Kodiak”. 1993 | Book | 050 KODIAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
12157 | Lehigh Acres Middle School Yearbook “Kodiak”. 1992 | Book | 050 KODIAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | ||
12158 | Lehigh Acres Middle School Yearbook “Kodiak”. 1994 | Book | 050 KODIAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | ||
12159 | Lehigh Acres Middle School Yearbook “Kodiak”.1995 | Book | 050 KODIAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | ||
12355 | Mercedia: St. Mary’s High School yearbook, Dover New Hampshire. Library Has: 1949, 1951. | Book | 050 MERCEDIA-ST. MARY’s HIGH SCHOOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, School | New Hampshire | |
9982 | North Fort Myers High School Yearbook Lance, 1997. | Book | 050 NORTH HIGH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida | |
527 | Amherst College. The OLIO. 1937. | Book | 050 OLI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Massachusetts | ||
5485 | Palm Echo. Yearbook of Miami Palmetto Senior High. 1981. | Miami Palmetto Senior High | Book | 050 PAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Florida | |
684 | Bainbridge (Georgia) High School. Purango Yearbook. 1979. | ainbridge (Georgia) High School | Book | 050 PUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Georgia | |
685 | Bainbridge (Georgia) High School. Purango Yearbook. 1980. | ainbridge (Georgia) High School | Book | 050 PUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Georgia | |
5892 | Ramapo High School. Ad Astra. Library has: 1973, 1976, & 1982. | Book | 050 RAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
6728 | Sullivan Township High School, Sullivan, Illinois. Retrospect: School Yearbook. 1929. | Sullivan Township High School, Sullivan, Illinois | Book | 050 RET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Illinois | |
6729 | Sullivan Township High School, Sullivan, Illinois. Retrospect: School Yearbook. 1930. | Sullivan Township High School, Sullivan, Illinois | Book | 050 RET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Illinois | |
6143 | Rhetor: Yearbook of the Central Missouri State College. 1949. | Book | 050 RHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Missouri | ||
12522 | Riverdale High School Yearbook Eastwind, 3v, 1981, n.c.d. | Book | 050 RIVERDALE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | School | Florida | |
12523 | Riverdale High School Yearbook Eastwind, 3v, 1982, n.c.d. | Book | 050 RIVERDALE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | School | Florida | |
12524 | Riverdale High School Yearbook Eastwind, 3v, 1983, n.c.d. | Book | 050 RIVERDALE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | School | Florida | |
6206 | Rockford College. Cupola of Rockville College. 1928. | Rockford College | Book | 050 ROC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | Illinois | |
6207 | Rockford High School. Annual. 1917. | Rockford High School | Book | 050 ROC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | Illinois | |
12290 | The Seminole. Yearbook of the University of Florida - 1946. | Book | 050 SEMINOLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
12291 | The Seminole. Yearbook of the University of Florida - 1947. | Book | 050 SEMINOLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
12292 | The Seminole. Yearbook of the University of Florida - 1948. | Book | 050 SEMINOLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
12293 | The Seminole. Yearbook of the University of Florida - 1949. | Book | 050 SEMINOLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
12294 | The Seminole. Yearbook of the University of Florida - 1950. | Book | 050 SEMINOLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
6316 | Samuel F. Shull School Yearbook. The Broadcaster. Library has 1960. | Book | 050 SHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
11895 | Spinnaker. Yearbook of Mariner High School. Library has 2009-2010; 2010-2011, n.c.d. | Book | 050 SPINNAKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida | |
2204 | Florida State University. Tallahassee, Florida. 1963. | Florida State University | Book | 050 TAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
8504 | York Catholic High School - York, Pennsylvania. Rosa Mistica. Library has: 1939. | York Catholic High School - York, Pennsylvania | Book | 050 YOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
681 | Babson Institute. The BABSONIAN. 1951. | Book | 051 BAB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Massachusetts | ||
193 | A Checklist of Pennsylvania Newspapers. v.01 (Philadelphia County)., c1944. | Book | 051 CHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Newspapers | Pennsylvania | |
528 | Amherst College. The OLIO. 1938. | Book | 051 OLI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Massachusetts | ||
192 | A Checklist of Newspapers., c1972. | Newton, Craig (editor) | Book | 052 CHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Newspapers | Pennsylvania |
2850 | Guide: African American Early Newspaper Online Collection; and African American Biographical Dictionary, c2005. | Godfrey Memorial Library | Book | 070.484 AFRICAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, African American, Internet | |
6474 | Slovak Newspapers in the U.S., c1984. | Fodiak, William P. | Book | 070.5 FOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
6306 | Salem Witchcraft and Hawthorne's House of Seven Gables., c1992. | Robinson, Enders A. | Book | 133.4 ROB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Massachusetts | |
11727 | Connecticut Name Lists 1600s-2001, c2013. | Dollarhide, William. | Book | 16.9293 DOLLARHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Connecticut |
8059 | Virginia Genealogies: A Trial List of Printed Books & Pamphlets., 2v., c1967. | Brown, Stuart E. | Book | 17 BRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Virginia | |
9886 | World Religions | Barnes, Ian | Book | 200.223 BARNES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | World History, General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Religion | |
8710 | National Directory of Churches, Synagogues, & Other Houses of Worship. v.01 Northeastern States; c1994. | Melton, J. Gordon. (Editor). | Book | 200.25 MEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Church Records, General Reference, Religion | United States |
8711 | National Directory of Churches, Synagogues, & Other Houses of Worship. v.02 Midwestern States; c1994. | Melton, J. Gordon. (Editor). | Book | 200.25 MEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Church Records, Religion | United States |
8712 | National Directory of Churches, Synagogues, & Other Houses of Worship. v.03 Southern States; c1994. | Melton, J. Gordon. (Editor). | Book | 200.25 MEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Church Records, Religion | United States |
8713 | National Directory of Churches, Synagogues, & Other Houses of Worship. v.04 Western States Including Guam and Hawaii, c1994. | Melton, J. Gordon. (Editor). | Book | 200.25 MEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Church Records, Religion | United States |
11985 | Gutenberg Bible. 3v., 1968. | Book | 220.47 BIBLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | ||
11986 | Theology in America: Christian Thought from the Age of the Puritans to the Civil War, c2003. | Holifiel, E. Brooks. | Book | 230 HOLIFIEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Religion | |
11987 | The Making of American Liberal Theology: Imagining Progressive Religion 1805-1900, c2001. | Dorrien, Gary. | Book | 230.046 DORRIEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Religion | |
11988 | Mormon Christianity: What Other Christians Can Learn from the Latter-Day Saints, c2013. | Webb, Stephen | Book | 230.93 WEBB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Religion | |
8850 | Guia Para Los Miembros Sobre Las Obras Del Templo Y De Historia Familiar: Ordenanzas Y Convenios., c1993 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 264.0933 MEMBERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | |
8599 | Member's Guide to Temple and Family History Work: Ordinances and Covenants, c1993. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 264.0933 MEMBERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference | |
2997 | Here they once Stood., c1951. | Book | 266 BOY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | ||
11606 | Faithful Servants: The Story of Florida Woman’s Missionary Union 1894-1994, c1994. | Trotter, Martha Pope. | Book | 266 TROTTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Women, History, General Reference | Florida |
3837 | Kino's Historical Memoir of Pimeria Alta., c1948. | Bolton, Herbert Eugene | Book | 266.279 BOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
12346 | Faith and Fraternalism: History of the Knights of Columbus., c1992. | Kauffman, Christopher J. | Book | 267.242 KAU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Fraternal Society | |
10996 | God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution, c2010. | Kidd, Thomas S. | Book | 277.3 KIDD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | General Reference, Religion, Genealogy Reference, Military - War | |
2613 | German Churches of Metropolitan New York., c2000. | Haberstroh, Richard | Book | 280.0893 HAB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | New York, Germany |
6970 | The Colonial Churches & Colonial Clergy of the Middle & Southern Colonies: 1607-1776, c1938. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | Colonial America |
6973 | The Colonial Clergy and Colonial Churches of New England. c1936. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | Colonial America |
6974 | The Colonial Clergy of Maryland, Delaware & Georgia. c1950. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Delaware, Georgia, Maryland |
6975 | The Colonial Clergy of Maryland, Delaware & Georgia. c1950. Shelved in Maryland Section. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Delaware, Georgia, Georgia, Maryland |
6976 | The Colonial Clergy of the Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania 1628-1776. c1957. **NOTE: Shelved in New York Section. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Religion | New Jersey, New York |
6977 | The Colonial Clergy of the Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, & Pennsylvania 1628-1776, c1957. **NOTE: Shelved in New York Section. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
6978 | The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. c1955. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia |
6979 | The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. c1955. **NOTE: Shelved in Virginia Section. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Colonial America |
6980 | The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. c1955. Shelved in Virginia Section. | Weis, Frederick Lewis | Book | 280.4092 WEIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Religion | South Carolina |
5317 | Official Catholic Directory. | Book | 282 OFF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | General Reference, Religion | ||
5318 | Official Catholic Directory. | Book | 282 OFF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | General Reference, Religion | ||
6214 | Roman Catholic Church in Poland., c1998. | Book | 282 ROM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Poland | |
6302 | Saint Andrews Catholic Church, Cape Coral, Florida. Jubilee Mass., c1990. | Saint Andrews Catholic Church | Book | 282 SAI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Florida |
10350 | Annuaire de l’Englise Catholique au Canada (Canadian Catholic Church Directory), c1990. | Book | 282.025 ANNUAIRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Canada | |
8267 | Welcome to the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah., c1999. | Catholic Archdiocese of Salt Lake City, Utah | Book | 282.05 ARC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Utah |
9083 | Who's Who of Your Ancestral Saints., c2010 | Koman, Alan J. | Book | 282.09 KOM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
245 | A Parish for the federal city: St. Patrick's in Washington, 1794-1994., c1994. | Macgregor, Morris J. | Book | 282.753 MAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | District of Columbia |
1158 | Catholicism in South Florida, 1868-1968, c1982. | McNally, Michael J. | Book | 282.759 McN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Florida |
3058 | Historical Exhibit Christ Church New Brunswick, N.J. (Middlesex)., c1934. | Book | 283 HIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | New Jersey | |
1703 | Diary of Robert Rose: A View of Virginia by a Scottish Colonial Parson 1746-1751., c1985. | Fall, Ralph E. (Editor) | Book | 283.092 ROS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Virginia, Scotland, Colonial America |
9720 | The Episcopal Diocese of Florida 1892-1975., c1989. | Bentley, George R. | Book | 283.7 BEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Church Records, General Reference | Florida |
9887 | The Episcopal Church Annual, c1991. | Book | 283.73 EPISCOPAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Religion, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
9888 | Episcopal Clerical Directory, with CD-ROM, c2009. | Book | 283.73 EPISCOPAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, Religion, General Reference | ||
1264 | Christ Church, Philadelphia., c1995. | Gough, Deborah Mathias | Book | 283.7481 GOU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Pennsylvania |
5487 | Parish Lines Diocese of Virginia. Chancellor Diocese of Southwest Virginia, 1919-1961. First edition 1967., c1978. | Cocke, Charles Francis | Book | 283.755 COC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Virginia |
5488 | Parish Lines Diocese of Southern Virginia. First edition 1964., c1979. | Cocke, Charles Francis | Book | 283.755 COC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Virginia |
5489 | Parish Lines Diocese of Southwestern Virginia. First edition 1960., c1980. | Cocke, Charles Francis | Book | 283.755 COC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Virginia |
215 | A Goodly Heritage: A History of Episcopal Churchwomen in the Diocese of South Carolina., c1984. | Goodbody, Harriet Linen | Book | 283.759 GOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, Religion | South Carolina, United States |
6409 | Services: A Commemorative of the One-Hundredth Anniversary of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church., c1896. | Gilbert, D.M. (editor) | Book | 284.174 SER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Pennsylvania |
5937 | Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Hackensack, Dutchess County, New York, c1932. | Tower, Maria Bockee Carpenter (Ed.) | Book | 284.2747 RECORDS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | New York |
5949 | Register of Ancestors, c1956. | Huguenot Society of New Jersey | Book | 284.5 HUG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
3289 | Huguenot Influence in America, c1978. | Stover, Margaret Harris | Book | 284.5 STO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Huguenot | |
3303 | Huguenots Migration: Descendants' Contributions to America, c1984. | Bennett, Abram Elting | Book | 284.509 BEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration, Huguenot | |
7557 | The Trail of the Huguenots in Europe, United States, South Africa, and Canada, c1963. | Reaman, G. Elmore | Book | 284.509 REA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration, Huguenot | |
12079 | Update of Corrections and Additions to the Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of the National Huguenot Society, Fourth Edition, c1995. | Finnell, Arthur Louis (compiler). 1996 | Book | 284.509 REGISTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Huguenot, General Reference | |
7232 | The Huguenots: Their Settlements, Churches, and Industries in England and Ireland, c1868, 1972. | Smiles, Samuel | Book | 284.509 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, General Reference, Huguenot, Religion | England, Ireland |
1561 | Customs and Practices of the Moravian Church, c1962. | Fries, Adelaide L. | Book | 284.6 FRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Church Records, Religion | |
3302 | Huguenots and Walloons, n.c.d. | Schulz, Lorine McGinnis | Book | 284.849 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Huguenot | |
8172 | W. 23rd Street Presbyterian Church History., n.c.d. | Lindbo, Mary | Book | 285.1 LIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | New York |
3185 | History of the Associate Presbyterian Church of North America, c1983. | McBee, Basil G. | Book | 285.13 McB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Church Records, Religion | |
11284 | A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Warren, Penna. for One Hundred Years 1822-1922, c2015. | Book | 285.1748 FIRST PR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, History | Pennsylvania | |
6358 | Scottish dissenting Presbyterian churches, c1994. | Stewart, Reid W. (Rev.) | Book | 285.1748 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Pennsylvania |
9721 | Heart of the City: history of the First Presbyterian Church, Orlando, Florida, 1876-1987., c1988. | Abberger, Nancy Hardy | Book | 285.175 ABB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Church Records, General Reference | Florida |
6356 | Scottish Church Records., c1995. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 285.175 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Scotland |
5780 | Presbyterians in the South, v.1 1607-1861, c1963. | Thompson, Ernest Trice | Book | 285.175 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Religion | |
5781 | Presbyterians in the South, v.2 1861-1890, c1973. | Thompson, Ernest Trice | Book | 285.175 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Religion | |
5782 | Presbyterians in the South, v.3 1890-1972, c1973. | Thompson, Ernest Trice | Book | 285.175 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Religion | |
3197 | History of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette., c1986. | Collins, William R. | Book | 285.1773 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Religion | Illinois |
7485 | The Scottish Covenanter Genealogical Index 1630-1712., c2007. | McCall-MacLean, Isabelle | Book | 285.233 MCC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
11620 | The United Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey 1686-1822, c1976. | Leiby, Adrian C. | Book | 285.7749 LEIBY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | New Jersey |
10495 | The Circular Church: Three Centuries of Charleston History, c2008. | Calhoun, Joanne. | Book | 285.8 CALHOUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Church Records, General Reference | South Carolina |
3723 | Journal of the Reverend Jonathan Scott: Genealogical Notes on the Scott, Marbury, Thwing, Ring, and Bass Families., 1980. | Scott, Henry E. | Book | 285.8 SCO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
2127 | First Baptist Church of Fort Myers, Florida. Yearbook. 1993. | First Baptist Church of Fort Myers, Florida | Book | 286 FIR 1993 | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Florida |
3099 | History of Baptists in Kentucky., c1953. | Masters, Frank M. | Book | 286.09 MAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kentucky | |
6314 | Sammeln Und Weider Sammeln. Collections and Recollections, n.c.d. | Miller, J.W. | Book | 286.09 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
6425 | Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America, v.2: Historical Papers, c1910. | Book | 286.09 SEV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | General Reference, Religion | ||
9722 | History of the First South Florida Missionary Baptist Association (1888-1988)., c1988. | Bentley, Altermese Smith | Book | 286.1 BEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Church Records, General Reference | Florida |
5789 | Primitive Baptists: Pioneer Illinois Faith., c1986. | Webb, Elder Robert L. | Book | 286.133 WEB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Illinois |
1881 | Early Trails of the Baptists | Crouch, Kenneth E. | Book | 286.1755 CRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Virginia |
6559 | South Carolina Baptists: 1670-1805., c2000. | Townsend, Leah | Book | 286.1757 TOW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Religion | South Carolina |
10190 | Favored Florida: A History of Florida Baptists, v.01, 1784-1939. | Hepburn, Donald S. and E. Earl Joiner. | Book | 286.1759 HEPBURN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida |
9352 | History of the Flemingsburg Baptist Church and the Earlier Baptist Churches of Fleming County, c1965. | Atkinson, Charles L. | Book | 286.1769 ATKINSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/10/2012 | Church Records | Kentucky |
373 | Allegheny Passage., c1990. | Bittinger, Emmert F. | Book | 286.5 BIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | West Virginia | |
10170 | The History of the Brethren. 2v., c2005. | Noel, Napoleon. | Book | 286.5 NOEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
4576 | Ministers of First Christian Church, Springfield, Illinois., c1962. | McElroy, Charles | Book | 286.6 MCE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Religion | Illinois |
559 | Anabaptist Chronology, c2001. | Cryer, Richard (publisher) | Book | 286.73 CRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | |
4513 | Methodism in Maroa, Macon County, Illinois., c1978. | Clary, Eleanor Rainey | Book | 287 CLA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Illinois |
4655 | Mothers Day & the Mothers Day Church., c1962. | Wolfe, Howard H. | Book | 287 WOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | West Virginia |
5670 | Philosophy of Methodist Success, with Special Reference to the Northwest Territory, c1895. | Baker, P.A. | Book | 287.6 BAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | |
12535 | Florida Flame: A History of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church., c1987. | Temple, Robert M. Jr. | Book | 287.6 TEMPLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Church Records, General Reference | Florida |
3909 | Laypersons of Distinction in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, c1990. | Webb, Roscoe C. | Book | 287.83 WEB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | |
12536 | Laborers in the Vineyard of the Lord: Beginnings of the AME Church in Florida 1865-1895., 2001. | Rivers, Larry Eugene and Canter Brown, Jr. | Book | 287.8759 RIVERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
5239 | Nightfall at Nauvoo: The Incredible but True Story of the Illinois Town Founded by the Great Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith., c1971. | Taylor, Samuel W. | Book | 289.3 TAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Illinois |
3831 | Kingdom of the Saints: The Story of Brigham Young & the Mormons., c1957. | West, Ray B. | Book | 289.3 WES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Utah |
1269 | Christopher Layton., c1966. | McIntyre, Myron W. and Noel R. Barton | Book | 289.373 LAYTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
8858 | The Quakers, c1988 | Barbour, Hugh and J. William Frost | Book | 289.6 BARBOUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Quaker, Religion | |
5662 | Philadelphia Quakers: 1681-1981., c1981. | Wilson, Robert H. | Book | 289.6 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Quaker | Pennsylvania |
6855 | The Amish., c1962. | Hostetler, John A. | Book | 289.7 HOS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
4500 | Mennonites in Canada., c1996. | Book | 289.7 MEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Canada | |
1034 | Building on the Gospel Foundation: Mennonites of Franklin County, Pennsylvania and Washington County, Maryland, 1730-1970, c2004. | Burdge, Edsel, Jr., & Samuel L. Horst | Book | 289.7748 BURDGE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | Pennsylvania |
10048 | Who Was Who in America, Historical Volume (America) 1607-1896. | Book | 290.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/19/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
12082 | An Encyclopedia of Religions in the United States, c1992. | Williamson, William B. (editor). | Book | 291.09 ENC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Religion, General Reference, Dictionary/Encyclopedia | |
2922 | Handbook of Denominations in the United States. 8th Revised Edition, c1989. | Mead, Frank S. & Samuel S. Hill | Book | 291.09 MEA | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | Storage Collection |
416 | American Congregations, v.01: Portraits of 12 Religious Communities. | Wind, James P. & James W. Lewis | Book | 291.65 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Religion | |
417 | American Congregations, v.02: New Perspectives in the Study of Congregations, c1994. | Wind, James P. & James W. Lewis | Book | 291.65 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Religion | |
10943 | Colonial Families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, v. 12, c2001; | Peden, Henry C., Jr., Christos Christou, Jr., and F. Edward Wright. | Book | 2929.3752 COLONIAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Maryland |
10944 | Colonial Families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, v. 14, c2002; | Peden, Henry C., Jr., Christos Christou, Jr., and F. Edward Wright. | Book | 2929.3752 COLONIAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Maryland |
500 | American Jews: Their Story, n.c.d. | Handlin, Oscar | Book | 296 HAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Jewish Research, Religion | |
849 | Beyond New Sweden: Colonial Migrations of Swedish & Finnish Families from the Delaware Valley., c1990. | Craig, Peter Stebbins | Book | 301 CRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Migration | New Jersey, Sweden |
6716 | Strangers at the Door: Ellis Island, Castle Garden, and the Great Migration to America., 1971. | Novotny, Ann | Book | 301.3 NOV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration, Migration | New York |
9576 | Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-1925. 1st Edition., c1976. | Gutman, Hebert G. | Book | 301.42 GUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, African American | United States |
7025 | The Cousin-hood: A Vivid Account of the English-Jewish Aristocracy (Cohens * Rothschilds * Goldsmids* Montefiores * Samuels * Sassoons)., c1971. | Bermant, Chaim | Book | 301.45 BER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Jewish Research | England |
5440 | Our Crowd: The Great Jewish Families of New York., c1967. | Birmingham, Stephen | Book | 301.45 BIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Jewish Research | New York |
12501 | Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania, 1682-1750: With Their Early History in Ireland., c1985. | Myers, Albert Cook. | Book | 301.45 MYERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, History, Immigration - Emigration, Quaker | Ireland, Pennsylvania |
8830 | American Indian Holocaust & Survival: Population History Since 1492., c1987 | Thornton, Russell | Book | 304.6 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Native Americans | United States |
152 | 1930 Federal Population Census, c2000. | National Archives Trust Fund Board | Book | 304.62 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Census Records, General Reference | United States |
8831 | Penguin Atlas of Disporas., c1995 | Chailiand, Gerard & Jean-Pierre Rageau | Book | 304.8 CHA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
4172 | Map Guide to American Migration Routes: 1735-1815, c1997. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 304.8 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
7892 | U.S. Migration Patterns, c1987. | Elliot, Wendy L. | Book | 304.8 ELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Migration | |
9147 | Atlas of Human Migration, c2007. | King, Russell (Editor-in-Chief). | Book | 304.809 ATLAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Migration | |
8836 | Migration Records: A Guide For Family Historians-English National Archives., c2009 | Kershaw, Roger | Book | 304.841 KER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Migration | England |
11836 | Ellis Island Research, c2011. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo. | Book | 304.873 CARMACK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
6766 | Swedish Exodus., c1979. | Ljungmar, Lars | Book | 304.873 LJU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/10/2015 | General Reference | Sweden |
10237 | The Story of Annie Moore, n.c.d. | Book | 304.873 STORY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | ||
4754 | Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the U.S. (1880-1950). Internet resource, 2002. | Gibson, Robert A. | Book | 305.38 GIB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, African American, Internet | |
12384 | Southern Discomfort: Women’s Activism in Tampa, Florida 1880s – 1920s., c2004 | Hewitt, Nancy A. | Book | 305.4097 HEWITT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Women | Florida |
5704 | Pioneer Women., c1981. | Stratton, Joanna L. | Book | 305.42 STR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kansas | |
605 | Annals of the Poor., c1986. | McLaughlin, Eve | Book | 305.5 McLAUGHL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
6879 | The Anthracite Aristocracy., c1985. | Davies, Edward J. II. | Book | 305.520974 DAV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
963 | Boston's Immigrants: 1790-1880, c1979. | Handlin, Oscar. | Book | 305.8 HAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration | Massachusetts |
204 | A Folk Divided: Homeland Swedes and Swedish Americans, 1840-1940., c1994. | Barton, H. Arnold | Book | 305.8397 BARTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Sweden, United States | |
11574 | The Other Irish: The Scots-Irish Rascals Who Made America., c2011. | McCarthy, Karen F. | Book | 305.8916 McCARTHY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, History | Scotland, United States |
5765 | Portrait of our Past: Jews of the German Countryside, n.c.d. | Rose, Emily C. | Book | 305.8924 ROS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Jewish Research | Germany |
2186 | Florida State Archives, Tallahassee, Florida. The Black Experience: A Guide to Afro-American Resources in the Florida State Archives., c1988. | Florida State Archives | Book | 305.896 BLA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | African American | Florida |
10270 | Florida’s Black Public Officials 1867-1924, c1998. | Brown, Canter, Jr. | Book | 305.896 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida |
12567 | Wandering in Strange Lands: A Daughter of the Great Migration Reclaims Her Roots., c2020. | Jerkins, Morgan. | Book | 305.896 JERKINS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Migration | |
9577 | Remembering Jim Crow: African Americans Tell About Life in the Segregated South., c2001. | Chafe, William H. (Editor) | Book | 305.896 REMEMBER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, African American | United States |
9578 | Black Cowboys. 1st Edition., c1986. | Stewart, Paul | Book | 305.896 STEWART | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, African American | United States |
6765 | Swedish Emigration to America., c2001. | Book | 305.9 SWE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration | Sweden | |
9579 | The Atlantic Slave Trade., c2003. | Postma, Johannes | Book | 306.3 POSTMA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Military - War, General Reference, Genealogy Reference, African American | |
9580 | Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America., c1998. | Berlin, Ira | Book | 306.362 BER | Electronic Resource Center | 9/23/2012 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, African American | United States |
9593 | Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the Last Africans Brought to America, c2007 | Diouf, Sylviane A. | Book | 306.362 DIOUF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | African American, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Alabama, United States |
9587 | White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America., c2007. | Jordan, Don and Michael Walsh | Book | 306.362 JORDAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference, African American, Genealogy Reference | England, United States |
10794 | Kinship: It’s All Relative, Enlarged 2nd edition, c2012. | Arnold, Jackie Smith | Book | 306.83 ARNOLD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
11822 | Page Park Community Plan, n.c.d. Note: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Book | 307.12 PAGE PARK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Florida | |
6997 | The Connecticut Town: Growth & Development: 1635-1790., c1979. | Daniels, Bruce C. | Book | 307.76 DAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Connecticut | |
7336 | The New Yorkers., c1975. | Hacker, Andrew | Book | 309.1 HAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
2173 | Florida Plantation Records From the papers of George Noble Jones., c2006. | Jones, George Nobel | Book | 309.1759 JON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Land Records | Florida |
149 | 1901 Census of Canada, c1999. | National Archives of Canada | Book | 317 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Census Records | Canada |
6927 | The Canadian Directory of Parliament, 1867-1967., c1968. | Johnson, J.K. (editor) | Book | 317.1 CAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
8520 | Your Guide to the Federal Census, c2002. | Hinckley, Kathleen W. | Book | 317.3 HINCKLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Census Records | |
11989 | From Suffrage to the Senate: An Encyclopedia of American Women in Politics, 2v, c1999. v.01. | Schenken, Suzanne O’Dea. | Book | 320 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Dictionary/Encyclopedia, General Reference, Women | |
11990 | From Suffrage to the Senate: An Encyclopedia of American Women in Politics, 2v, c1999. v.02. | Schenken, Suzanne O’Dea. | Book | 320 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Dictionary/Encyclopedia, General Reference, Women | |
2736 | Government in the United States, c1928. | Smith, Henry L. | Book | 320.473 SMI | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Storage Collection |
5904 | Realty Sales Service of Lee County, Florida. Annual Yearbook. 1975. | Realty Sales Service of Lee County, Florida | Book | 322 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Land Records | Florida |
2221 | Florida's Power Structure., c1976. | Butcher, Lee | Book | 322.3 BUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
8832 | The Great Father: The United States Government & The American Indians. 2v., 1984 | Prucha, Francis Paul | Book | 323.1 PRU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Native Americans | |
9889 | Lessons in Citizenship for the Junior High School and the Upper Grades, c1928. | Turkington, Grace, et al. | Book | 323.6 TURKINGTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Naturalization, General Reference | |
506 | American Naturalization Processes and Procedures, 1790-1985, c1985. | Newman, John J. | Book | 323.623 NEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
2208 | Florida Voters in their First Statewide Election., c1987. | Michaels, Brian E. | Book | 324.26 MICHAELS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
9227 | Scots-Irish in Pennsylvania and Kentucky., c1998. | Kennedy, Billy | Book | 325 KEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Scotland | |
1200 | Central Illinois Historical Quarterly. Passenger List of the Ship Helene, July 3, 1849 - District of New York, Port of New York., c1978. | Book | 325 PAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration | New York | |
1542 | Creation and Destruction of Ellis Island Manifests, c1996. | Smith, Marian L. | Book | 325 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
11991 | Immigration and Asylum from 1900 to the Present, 3v, c2005. | Gibney, Matthew J. and Randall Hansen (editors). | Book | 325.0904 IMMIGRAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
11992 | Immigration and Asylum from 1900 to the Present, 3v, c2005. | Gibney, Matthew J. and Randall Hansen (editors). | Book | 325.0904 IMMIGRAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
11993 | Immigration and Asylum from 1900 to the Present, 3v, c2005. | Gibney, Matthew J. and Randall Hansen (editors). | Book | 325.0904 IMMIGRAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
1938 | Ellis Island., c1990. | Tifft, Wilton S. | Book | 325.1 TIF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration | New York |
3598 | Ireland and Irish Emigration to the New World From 1815 to the Famine., c2008. | Adams, William Forbes | Book | 325.2415 ADA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration | Ireland |
6713 | Story of the Palatines: An Episode in Colonial History., c1897. | Cobb, Sanford H. | Book | 325.243 COB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
197 | A Community Transplanted: The Trans-Atlantic experience of a Swedish Immigrant Settlement in the Upper Middle West, 1835-1915., c1988. | Ostergren, Robert C. | Book | 325.2485 OSTERGREN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration | Minnesota, Sweden, United States |
1944 | Emigrants & Exiles: Ireland & the Irish Exodus to North America., c1985. | Miller, Kerby A. | Book | 325.415 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
10351 | The King’s Daughters : Women Immigrants From France to Canada., c1988. | Reisinger, Joy. | Book | 325.71 REISINGER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | Canada, France |
11994 | Dictionary of American Immigration History, c1990. | Cordasco, Francesco (editor). | Book | 325.73 DIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
6698 | Statue of Liberty., c1971. | Handlin, Oscar | Book | 325.73 HAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
10171 | The Atlantic Migration 1607-1860: A History of the Continuing Settlement of the United States, c1940. | Hansen, Marcus Lee. | Book | 325.73 HANSEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Migration, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | United States |
10642 | The Movement to Americanize the Immigrant, c1948. | Hartmann, Edward George | Book | 325.73 HARTMANN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | United States |
7925 | United States Immigration and Migration. Set includes: Primary Sources; Cumulative Index; v.1 Biographies., c2006 | Book | 325.73 UN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | ||
7924 | United States Immigration and Migration. Set includes: Primary Sources; Cumulative Index; v.1 Almanac, c2004. | Book | 325.73 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | ||
7926 | United States Immigration and Migration. Set includes: Primary Sources; Cumulative Index; v.2 Almanac, c2004. | Book | 325.73 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | ||
7927 | United States Immigration and Migration. Set includes: Primary Sources; Cumulative Index; v.2 Biographies., c2007 | Book | 325.73 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | ||
7492 | The Seven Steps to Finding Slave Ancestors, c2001. | Smith, Franklin C. | Book | 326 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, African American | |
10561 | French-Canadian Emigration to the United States 1840-1930, extracted from Je Me Souviens, n.c.d. | Belanger, Claude and Damien-Claude Belanger (compilers). | Book | 326.73 BELANGER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/4/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | Canada |
11480 | Continental Congress Courageous: The Delegates at York Town, PA 1777-1778, c2001. | Rauhauser, John F., Jr., et al | Book | 328.73 CONTINEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Family Histories, General Reference | Pennsylvania |
11995 | Black Americans in Congress, 1870-1989, c1990. | Ragsdale, Bruce A. and Joel D. Treese. | Book | 328.73 RAG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | African American, General Reference | |
914 | Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774-1949, c1950. **NOTE: 1774-1961 Edition is in Storage Collection. | United States Congress. | Book | 328.73 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | |
12137 | Tracing History Through Title Deeds: A Guide for Family Historians.,2017. | Alcock, Nat. | Book | 330.1709 ALCOCK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
1541 | Creating the Commonwealth: The Economic Culture of Puritan New England, c1995. | Innes, Stephen | Book | 330.974 INN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Religion | New England |
8695 | White Servitude in Colonial South Carolina., c1961. | Smith, Warren B. | Book | 331.54 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Colonial America, South Carolina | |
7818 | Trolley Wars: Streetcar Workers on the Line., c1996. | Molloy, Scott | Book | 331.76 MOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Rhode Island | |
6988 | The Company Store: James Bryson McLachlan and the Cape Breton Coal Miners, 1900-1925., c1983. | Mellor, John | Book | 331.88 MEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
789 | Battle for Homestead: 1880-1892, Politics, Culture, and Steel., c1992. | Krause, Paul. | Book | 331.892 KRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
3878 | Land Atlas & Plat Book., c1983. | Collier County, Florida | Book | 332 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Land Records | Florida |
3919 | Lee County Real Estate Atlas., c1975. | Lee County Real Estate | Book | 332 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Land Records | Florida |
3920 | Lee County Real Estate., c1985. | Lee County, Florida | Book | 332 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Land Records | Florida |
11823 | History of Banking in Florida: 1828-1954., c1955. Note: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Dovell, J.E. | Book | 332.1 DOV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Florida |
2504 | Genealogist's First Look at Federal Land Records, c1977. | Lackey, Richard S. | Book | 333.16 LAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Land Records | |
171 | 60 Million Acres, American Veterans and the Public Lands, c1990. | Oberly, James W. | Book | 333.16 OBE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Land Records, Military - War | United States |
2093 | Federal Land Series: v.01 (1788-1810), c1972. | Smith, Clifford Neal | Book | 333.16 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference, Land Records | |
2094 | Federal Land Series: v.02 (1799-1835), c1973. | Smith, Clifford Neal | Book | 333.16 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference, Land Records | |
2095 | Federal Land Series: v.03 (1810-1814), c1980. | Smith, Clifford Neal | Book | 333.16 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference, Land Records | |
2096 | Federal Land Series: v.04 - Part 1, Grants in the Virginia Military District of Ohio, c1982. | Smith, Clifford Neal | Book | 333.16 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference, Land Records | |
2097 | Federal Land Series: v.04 - Part 2 , Grants in the Virginia Military District of Ohio, c1982. | Smith, Clifford Neal | Book | 333.16 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference, Land Records | |
7975 | United States Revolutionary War Bounty Land Warrants in the United States Military District of Ohio.,n.c.d. | Book | 333.16 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Ohio | |
3973 | Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Land, c1992. | Friedenberg, Daniel W. | Book | 333.3 FRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Land Records | |
5308 | Oakland County, Michigan 1857 Plat Map, Transcription., c1993. | Oakland County Genealogical Society | Book | 333.3097 OAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Land Records, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Michigan |
7033 | The Dawes Commission, c1999. | Carter, Kent | Book | 333.323 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Native Americans | |
7533 | The Suwannee Canal Company in the Okefenokee Swamp, c1984. | Trowell, C.T. | Book | 333.75 TRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
2321 | FSSDAR Millennium Forest: The Silent Sentinels., c2003. | Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 333.7515 FSSDAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | Florida |
10273 | An Icarian Communist in Nauvoo, c1971. | Vallet, Emile. | Book | 335.2 VALLET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Illinois |
1766 | Documentary History of the Indiana Decade of the Harmony Society, 1814-1824, c1978. | Arndt, Karl R. Jr. (compiler) | Book | 335.9 DOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Indiana | |
9581 | Dictionary of American Communal and Utopian History, c1980. | Fogarty, Robert S. | Book | 335.973 FOG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | United States |
3876 | Land & Property : The English Land Tax, 1692-1832., c1986. | Turner, Michael (editor) | Book | 336.220 LAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Land Records, Taxes - Tax Lists | England |
12537 | Sugar Country: The Cane Sugar Industry in the South: 1753-1950., c1953. | Sitterson, J.Carlyle. | Book | 338.1 SITTERSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
2105 | Fifty Years of Citrus: The Florida Citrus Exchange 1909-1959, c1960. Note: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Hopkins, James T. | Book | 338.1743 HOP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
7132 | The Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District., c1994. | Craig, Horace | Book | 338.176 CRAIG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
2315 | From Small Beginnings., c1987. | Gemmel, William A. | Book | 338.27 GEM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | |
5325 | Oh Thank Heaven! The Story of the Southland Corporation., c1977. Note: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Liles, Allen | Book | 338.7 LIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
10062 | Infants & Children’s 1947 Directory, Rosenblatt & Kahn of New York City, n.c.d. | Book | 338.76 INFANTS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/19/2014 | Directories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | New York | |
11315 | For God, Country and Coca-Cola: The Unauthorized History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It, c1993. | Pendergrast, Mark. | Book | 338.76 PEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | History, General Reference | |
10593 | T. R. Cooper’s Chair Factory, n.c.d. | Book | 338.76 T. R. COO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | New Jersey | |
7663 | Thomas Register of American Manufacturers and First Hands in all Lines: Buyers Guide - 1905-1906, c1906. | Book | 338.76 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | ||
262 | A Tradition in Rendering: A Historical Look at Griffin Industries - The business and the family behind it., n.c.d. | Griffin Industries | Book | 338.76 TRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | US History | Kentucky |
1524 | Courts and Lawyers in Northern and Western Illinois., c1937. | Rennick, P.G. | Book | 340 REN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
10998 | Black’s Law Dictionary. Abridged Seventh Edition, c2000. | Garner, Bryan A. (editor). | Book | 340.03 GARNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
11313 | Marquette University Law School Hooding Ceremony May 17, 2008, n.c.d. | Book | 340.03 MARQUETTE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | Education - School, General Reference | Wisconsin | |
6845 | The Alabama Arbitration., c1969. | Balch, Thomas Willing | Book | 341.66 BAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Alabama | |
8001 | Using the Freedom of Information Act: Step-by-Step Guide, c1998. | American Civil Liberties Union | Book | 342.73 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
4583 | Miracle at Philadelphia., c1966. | Bowen, Catherine D. | Book | 342.73 BOW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
2247 | Formation of the Union, n.c.d. | Book | 342.73 FOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | ||
8906 | Unfolding Westward in Treaty & Law: ;and Documents in United States History From the Appalachians to the Pacific 1783-1934 | Hosen, Frederick | Book | 342.73 Hosen | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Court Records, Genealogy Reference | |
9890 | The United States Constitution and Other American Documents, c2009. | Book | 342.73 UNITED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference | United States | |
11694 | A Constitutional History of Secession, c2002. | Graham, John Remington. | Book | 342.7304 GRAHAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | |
5899 | Ratification of the Federal Constitution in North Carolina, c1967. | Trenholme, Louise Irby | Book | 342.732 TRENHOLME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Carolina | |
11955 | Miscellaneous Road Cases: Loudoun County, Virginia 1758-1782, c2003. | Constantino, Roberto. | Book | 343.7552 CONSTANTI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | Virginia |
7812 | Trial & Imprisonment of Jonathan Walker., c1974. | Walker, Jonathan | Book | 345.02 WAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
2400 | Genealogical Evidence: Guide to the Standard of Proof Relating to Pedigrees, c1979. | Stevenson, Noel C. | Book | 346 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
7841 | Twice condemned: Slaves and the Criminal Laws of Virginia, 1705-1865., c1988. | Schwarz, Philip J. | Book | 346.013 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | African American | Virginia |
1118 | Carmack's Guide to Copyright & Contracts: A Primer for Genealogists, Writers and Researchers, c2007. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo | Book | 346.73 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
6805 | Territorial Court Records & Local History: New Mexico as a Case Study., c1983. | Wiltsey, Thomas E. | Book | 347 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Mexico | |
1753 | Discovering Frontier History through Territorial Court Records, c1989. | Book | 347.02 COR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | ||
1521 | Court Records: Finding Your Ancestors, c1999. | Neill, Michael John | Book | 347.02 NEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
2089 | Federal Court Records: A Select Catalog of NARA Microfilm Publications, Part 1, c1987. | National Archives & Records Administration | Book | 347.73 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference | |
2090 | Federal Court Records: A Select Catalog of NARA Microfilm Publications, Part 2, c1987. | National Archives & Records Administration | Book | 347.73 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference | |
1489 | Constables Guide: The Law of Constables in Pennsylvania, c1901. | Dill, William F. | Book | 349.748 DIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
3588 | Interstate Commerce Commission: Formal Case Files; A Source for Local History, c1983. | Rapport, Leonard | Book | 353 RAP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
504 | American Military Cemeteries, c1992. | Holt, Dean W. | Book | 353.008 HOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
8283 | West Virginia Blue Book: 1969. | Book | 353.9754 WES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | West Virginia | ||
4567 | Military Records Other than for the Civil War, c1995. | Davis, Robert S. | Book | 355 DAV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
3576 | Infantry Regiments of the U.S. Army, c1986. | Gallagher, Kenneth S. (editor) and Robert L. Pigeon | Book | 355 GAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
3073 | Historical Resources Branch, U.S. Army Center of Military History: The Continental Army, Bibliography of the Cavalry, Legionary, and Partisan Corps., c1946. | Book | 355 HIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | ||
512 | American Revolutionary War Patriots Buried in the Town of Brookhaven, New York., c1998. | Huson, Harry W. | Book | 355 HUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War, Cemetery Records | New York |
989 | Brief History of the 6th Marines, c1987. | Jones, William K. | Book | 355 JON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
4586 | Miscellaneous Materials, Battle of Olustee (Florida) and Colquitt's brigade under the Command of General Alfred Holt Colquitt., n.c.d. | Book | 355 MIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida | |
6095 | Researching African-Americans in the U.S. Army, 1866-1890: Buffalo Soldiers and Black Infantrymen, c2001. | Plante, Trevor K. | Book | 355 PLA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
6112 | Retired Army Officers Residing within the 3rd U.S. Army Area: Fort McPherson, Georgia., c1963. | United States Army | Book | 355 RET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Georgia |
160 | 2/138th Field Artillery Battalion, Lineage, & Honors., c1998. | Book | 355 SEC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War, US History | Kentucky, United States | |
7275 | The Location of British Army Records. 2nd edition., c1987. | Holding, Norman | Book | 355.007 HOLDING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | England |
3280 | Howitzer: Annual of the Corps of Cadets, United States Military Academy, 1940. | United States Military Academy | Book | 355.007 HOW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
5952 | Register of Graduates and Former Cadets of the United States Military Academy, 1969. | United States Military Academy | Book | 355.007 REG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | |
5953 | Register of Graduates and Former Cadets of the United States Military Academy, 1979. | United States Military Academy | Book | 355.007 REG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | |
5954 | Register of Graduates and Former Cadets of the United States Military Academy, 1991. | United States Military Academy | Book | 355.007 REG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | |
5955 | Register of Graduates and Former Cadets of the United States Military Academy, 2000. | United States Military Academy | Book | 355.007 REG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | |
8725 | American Military History., c1969 | United States Army, Center for Military History | Book | 355.009 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War, US History | United States |
505 | American Military History: A Guide To Reference & Information Sources., c1995. | Blewett, Daniel K. | Book | 355.009 BLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
10643 | African American Generals and Flag Officers: Biographies of Over 120 Blacks in the United States Military. | Hawkins, Walter L. | Book | 355.009 HAW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | African American, Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | |
11316 | Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America, c1995. | Keegan, John. | Book | 355.009 KEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | Military - War, General Reference | |
3070 | Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1789-1903, c1903,1994. | Heitman, Francis B. | Book | 355.0092 HEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | |
3071 | Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1789-1903, c1903,1994. | Heitman, Francis B. | Book | 355.0092 HEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | |
7888 | U.S. Army Military History Research Collection. Special Bibliographic Series, #6, Pt.1, c1972. | Book | 355.016 US | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | ||
9084 | Acts of Bravery, Deeds of Extraordinary American Heroism From the Personal Records and Reminiscences of the Courageous Americans Who Risked Everything for Comrads and Country., c1907, 1993. | Beyer, W.F. and O.F. Keydel. (Editors) | Book | 355.134 BEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | |
3445 | Index to Medal of Honor Recipients, 1863-1978., c2000. | White, Virgil D. | Book | 355.1342 WHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
10999 | Soldiers and Uniforms of the American Army 1775-1954, c2005. | Kredel, Fritz. | Book | 355.14 KREDEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Military - War | |
1797 | Duty, Honor, Country., c1966. | Ambrose, Stephen E. | Book | 355.22 AMB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
1495 | Continental Army: Army Lineage Series, c1983. | Wright, Robert K. | Book | 355.3 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
10644 | The Art of War: Great Commanders of the Modern World, c2009. | Roberts, Andrew (editor). | Book | 355.33 ART OF WAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Military - War | |
6623 | Special Archives Publication Number #127; Assorted Garrison & Militia Muster Rolls; Spanish & British Florida. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 ASS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
6616 | Special Archives Publication Number #120; Unit Summary Histories; Nine Blanding Divisions; World War II. Rev. Jan. 7, 1989. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
6624 | Special Archives Publication Number #129; Florida National Guard State, Heritage campaign & Battle Honors., n.c.d. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
6625 | Special Archives Publication Number #130; Florida National Guard Heritage Art Program., n.c.d. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
6634 | Special Archives Publication Number #141; Florida Naval Militia Summary Rolls. Limited Biographical & War Service Information. Rev. Jan. 7, 1989. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
2216 | Florida’s Army., c1986. Note: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Hawk, Robert | Book | 355.37 HAW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Military - War | Florida |
3220 | History of the Wisconsin National Guard., c1977. | Book | 355.37 HIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wisconsin | ||
4546 | Michigan's Early Military Forces: A Roster & History of Troops Activated Prior to the American Civil War, c2003. | Barnett, LeRoy (Compiler) | Book | 355.37 MICHIGAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Michigan |
6614 | Special Archives Publication Number #117; Miscellaneous Reports/Brochures/Documents; Florida National Guard Historical Programs. Rev. Jan. 7, 1989. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 MIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
6639 | Special Archives Publication Number #149; Miscellaneous Documents; Florida Military History. Part I. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 MIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
6629 | Special Archives Publication Number #134; Summary Histories; World War II National Guard Divisions. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 SUM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
6613 | Special Archives Publication #128; U.S. Army Regimental System., n.c.d. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 355.37 US | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
12225 | Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: the Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States., c1987 | Roberts, Robert B. | Book | 355.7 ROBERTS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Military - War, General Reference | |
8916 | The United States Infantry: An Illustrated History 1775-1918, c1988. | Urwin, Gregory J. W. | Book | 356 URW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | United States |
6628 | Special Archives Publication Number #133; Summary Histories: World War II; Regular Army Infantry & Cavalry Divisions. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 356.11 SUM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
6630 | Special Archives Publication Number #135; Summary Histories: World War II Reserve Army Infantry Divisions. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 356.11 SUM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
7893 | U.S.A. Airborne 50th Anniversary: 1940-1990, c1990. | Book | 356.166 USA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | ||
9085 | Air Warfare From World War I to the Present Day., c2008. | Newdick, Thomas. (Editor) | Book | 358.4 NEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Military - War | |
6632 | Special Archives Publication Number #137; Summary Histories: World War II Independent Regiments, Special Units Army Air Corp, Marine Corps Divisions. | Florida Department of Military Affairs | Book | 358.4 SUM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Florida |
9891 | Messerschmitt Bf109 at War, c1977. | Van Ishoven, Armand | Book | 358.43 ISHOVEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Military - War, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Germany |
798 | Battle of Trafalgar, British Ships, Trafalgar Roll, 21st of October, 1805., c1999. | Clowes, William Laird | Book | 359.009 CLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | England |
12011 | To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World, c2004. | Herman, Arthur | Book | 359.0094 HERMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Military - War | England |
11405 | The Naval Academy: Illustrated History of the United States Navy, c1971. | Potter, E. B. | Book | 359.0097 POTTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Military - War, General Reference | |
12083 | Navy Seals: A History of the Early Years, c2001. | Dockery, Kevin. | Book | 359.984 DOCKERY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Military - War, General Reference | |
4383 | Massachusetts Society of the American Revolution. Yearbook. 1912. | Massachusetts Society of the American Revolution | Book | 361.12 MAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Lineage Societies | Massachusetts |
4384 | Massachusetts Society of the American Revolution. Yearbook. 1913. | Massachusetts Society of the American Revolution | Book | 361.12 MAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Lineage Societies | Massachusetts |
3937 | Lending Dignity., c1992. | Joselit, Jenna W. | Book | 361.763 JOS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
10015 | Medical Mecca of the Midwest: The Mayo Clinic, c1951. | Tammeus, Bertha Helander | Book | 362.11 TAMMEUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Minnesota |
3591 | Invention of the Modern Hospital: Boston, 1870-1930, c1980. | Vogel, Morris J. | Book | 362.11 VOG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Massachusetts | |
4047 | Listing of Known Orphanages, c1999. | Book | 362.7 LIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Adoption | ||
5431 | Orphan Train., c1998. | Marks, Frances S. | Book | 362.7044 MAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
1259 | Children of Orphan Trains from New York to Illinois and Beyond. c1994. **NOTE: Shelved in New York Section. | Book | 362.73 CHILDREN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | ||
10795 | The Adoption and Donor Conception Factbook, c 2014. | Carangelo, Lori. | Book | 362.734 CARANGELO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Adoption, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
11575 | The Adoption and Donor Conception Factbook, c2014. | Carangelo, Lori | Book | 362.734 CARANGELO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Adoption, General Reference | |
11576 | The Ultimate Search Book: U. S. Adoption, Genealogy & Other Search Secrets, c2015. | Carangelo, Lori. | Book | 362.734 CARANGELO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Adoption, General Reference | |
11577 | The Ultimate Search Book: Worldwide Adoption, Genealogy & Other Search Secrets, c2011. | Carangelo, Lori. | Book | 362.734 CARANGELO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Adoption, General Reference | |
9148 | Ultimate Search Book: Worldwide Adoption, Genealogy & Other Search Secrets, c2011. | Carangelo, Lori. | Book | 362.734 ULTIMATE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Adoption, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
4044 | Listen to your Heart, c2001. | Wilson, Darlene | Book | 362.734 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
12456 | Mending Lives, Healing Hearts: The Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranches – The First 40 years., c1997. | Board, Prudy Taylor. | Book | 362.74 BOARD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | Florida |
5397 | Operation Pedro Pan: The Untold Exodus of 14,048 Cuban Children, c1999. | Conde, Yvonne M. | Book | 362.87 CON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Cuba | |
2124 | Fire and Brimstone: The North Butte Mining Disaster of 1917., c2006. | Punke, Michael | Book | 363.119 PUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Montana | |
12457 | Fort Myers Police Department: 125th Anniversary 1885-2010., c2010 | Book | 363.2 FORT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | Florida | |
9892 | National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial: 1996 Roll Call of Fallen Officers, c1996. | Book | 363.2 ROLL CALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | United States | |
11487 | Lone Star Justice: The First Century of the Texas Rangers, c2002. | Utley, Robert M. | Book | 363.2 UTLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, History | Texas |
10826 | Excelsior Fire Co. No. One, Montville, New Jersey, 25th Anniversary Official Souvenir Program, c1935. | Book | 363.37 EXCELSIO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Occupations | New Jersey | |
11239 | The Punta Gorda Historic Preservation Manual, c1961. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Book | 363.69 PUNTA GO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, History | Florida | |
11949 | Buried Beneath Cleveland: Lost Cemeteries of Cuyahoga County, c2015. | Krejci, William G. | Book | 363.75 KREJCI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Cemetery Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, History | Ohio |
7171 | The Great Hunger., c1962. | Woodham-Smith, Cecil | Book | 363.8 WOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
817 | Before the Needles: Detailed Listing of Executions That Occurred Under Civil Authority in Nevada 1862-1934., n.c.d. | Book | 364 BEF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Nevada | ||
11520 | Blood in West Virginia: Brumfield v. McCoy, c2014. | Kirk, Brandon. | Book | 364 KIRK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, History | West Virginia |
5390 | Only a Few Bones: Ture Account of the Rolling Fork Tragedy and its Aftermath., c2000. | Colleta, John Philip | Book | 364.1523 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mississippi | |
6852 | The American Siberia., c1976. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Powell, J.C. | Book | 365.65 POW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
2126 | Fire Insurance Maps: Their History and Applications, c1997. | Oswald, Diane L. | Book | 368.4 OSW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
10701 | A history of the Society of Indiana Pioneers 1916-2005, c2005. | Holliday, Murray. | Book | 369.1 HOLLIDAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | Indiana |
5409 | Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States, c1988. | Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States | Book | 369.1 ORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
12084 | Two Worlds: Lost Children of the Indian Adoption Projects, c2012. | Busbee, Patricia and Trace A. Demeyer (editors). | Book | 369.1 ORDER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Native Americans | |
1351 | Colonial Dames of America, Membership List: 1995. | Colonial Dames of America | Book | 369.12 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
8500 | Yearbook, 1995. | General Society of Colonial Wars | Book | 369.12 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
8501 | Yearbook, 1996. | General Society of Colonial Wars | Book | 369.12 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
3204 | History of the National Society of Colonial Dames of America, c1934. | Lamar, Mrs. Joseph Rucker | Book | 369.12 LAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
4708 | National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century, 1975. | National Society Colonial Dames | Book | 369.12 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
4709 | National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century, 1985. | National Society Colonial Dames | Book | 369.12 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
4736 | National Society, United Daughters of 1812 - Membership Roster, 1969. | National Society, United Daughters of 1812 | Book | 369.12 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
5561 | Patriotic Maryland and the Maryland Society Sons of the American Revolution., c1930. | Book | 369.12 PAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Maryland | |
11564 | Patriotic Association Book: August 18, 1778, n.c.d. | Book | 369.12 PATRIOTIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Military - War | Pennsylvania | |
5959 | Register of Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America., c1911. | Colonial Dames of America | Book | 369.12 PEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | Pennsylvania |
6838 | The 1955 Yearbook of Pennsylvania Society Sons of the American Revolution., c1956. | Hoenstine, Floyd G. (compiler) | Book | 369.12 PEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | Pennsylvania |
6488 | Society of Colonial Dames (New Jersey). Register of the New Jersey Society of Colonial Dames in America, 1892-1928. Library has: 1914 and 1928. | Society of Colonial Dames | Book | 369.12 REG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | New Jersey |
6489 | Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland. v.2., c1940. | Book | 369.12 SOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Military - War | Maryland | |
6490 | Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey, Yearbook: 1917. | Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey | Book | 369.12 SOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | New Jersey |
6491 | Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of New York. Fourth Record Book. October 1912. | Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of New Yor | Book | 369.12 SOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies, Mayflower | New York |
5997 | Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia., c1904. | Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia | Book | 369.12 SOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War, Lineage Societies | District of Columbia |
4717 | National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution - Membership Directory, 1993. | National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution | Book | 369.12 SON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
6545 | Sons of the Revolution Register, New Jersey. 1906. | Book | 369.12 SON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | New Jersey | |
5418 | Original Members & Other Officers Eligible To The Society Of The Cincinnati, 1783-1938 (Society Of The Cincinnati In The State Of Connecticut), c1995. | Metcalf, Bryce | Book | 369.13 MET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | Connecticut |
6543 | Sons of the American Revolution National Register: 1902 | Cornish, Louis H. (Editor) | Book | 369.13 SON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | |
6544 | Sons of the American Revolution National Register: 1902. | Cornish, Louis H. (Editor) | Book | 369.13 SON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
1490 | Constitution & Membership., c1898. | New Jersey Society of Sons of the Revolution | Book | 369.13 SON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | New Jersey |
1491 | Constitution, By-Laws, and Membership Roll., pub. 1891. | New York Society of the Sons of the Revolution | Book | 369.13 SON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lineage Societies | New York |
10238 | The Sons of the American Revolution 1962-1982: An Historical Anthology, c1985. | Walen, Harry L. (Editor). | Book | 369.13 SONS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
9893 | The Daughters: An Unconventional Look at America's Fan Club the DAR, c1974. | Anderson, Peggy | Book | 369.135 AND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference | |
8238 | Washington Landmarks, c1976. | Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 369.135 DAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
2408 | Genealogical Guide, Master Index of Genealogy in DAR Magazine, c1951, 1956. | Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 369.135 DAU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
7032 | The Daughters, c1974. | Anderson, Peggy | Book | 369.135 DAU | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | Storage Collection |
4045 | Listing of Historical Articles in the Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, 1892-1970, c1971. | Book | 369.135 LIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | ||
4715 | National Society of the DAR, Index of the Rolls of Honor in Lineage Books, v.1 (1-40), c1916. | Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 369.135 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
4716 | National Society of the DAR, Index of the Rolls of Honor in Lineage Books, v.2 (81-120), c1939. | Daughters of the American Revolution | Book | 369.135 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Lineage Societies | |
1197 | Centennial Plus One, c1977. | Niebell, Eleanor S. | Book | 369.135 NIE | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Storage Collection |
233 | A History of the German Society of Pennsylvania., c1964. | Pfund, Harry W. | Book | 369.243 PFU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany, Pennsylvania | |
2136 | First Seventy-Five Years of School Transportation in Florida., n.c.d. | Baird, J. Pope | Book | 370.19 BAI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Florida |
12538 | Many Happy Returns: A Bicentennial Salute to Schools by the Florida Retired Teachers Association., c1976 | Florida Retired Teachers Association | Book | 370.9 FLORIDA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
1967 | Encyclopedia of Irish Schools, 1500-1800., c1995. | Ward, Robert E. | Book | 370.9417 WAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
1198 | Central Florida Community College Alumni Directory. c2007. | Central Florida Community College | Book | 371 CEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
156 | 1995 Alumni Association Membership Directory. | Pennsylvania State University | Book | 371 PEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Directories, Education - School | Pennsylvania |
9992 | Directory of the Chicago Public Schools, September 1951, n.c.d. | Book | 371.01 CHICAGO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Education - School, General Reference | Illinois | |
7116 | The First 100 Years: Lee County Public Schools: 1887-1987., c1998. | Stone, Donald O. & Beth W. Carter | Book | 371.01 STO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
11240 | The History of Canterbury School 1964-2014, c2015. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Paulus, Marnie | Book | 371.02 PAULUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
3707 | Joliet Catholic Academy Alumni Directory. Library has: 1995 and 2000. | Book | 371.0712 JOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Church Records | Illinois | |
10699 | Directory, Public Schools of Dade County, Florida: Executive and Teacher Personnel 1969-70, n.c.d. | Book | 371.1 DADE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Directories, General Reference | Florida | |
9980 | Directory, Public Schools of Dade County, Florida: Executive and Teacher Personnel 1963-64, n.c.d. | Book | 371.1 DADE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida | |
9981 | Directory, Public Schools of Dade County, Florida: Executive and Teacher Personnel 1982-1983, c1983. | Book | 371.1 DADE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida | |
11837 | Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 7th edition, v. 4, c2002. | Book | 371.1 WHO’S WH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Education - School, General Reference | ||
12578 | The Williams Academy 1913-1995: The First Government-Funded Lee County School for African Americans., c1995. | Book | 371.1 WILLIAMS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
384 | Alumnae Directory, 1993. | Alpha Delta Pi | Book | 371.855 ALP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
11000 | Delta Tau Delta International Fraternity Alumni Directory, c2005. | Book | 371.855 DELTA TAU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | General Reference | ||
5633 | Perpetual Membership Directory, 1961. | Sigma Chi Fraternity | Book | 371.855 SIG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
11001 | Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Directory, c1993. | Book | 371.856 KAPPA AL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Education - School | ||
5659 | Phi Beta Kappa Directory, 1941. | Phi Beta Kappa Directory | Book | 371.857 PHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
12226 | Telling Your Own Stories: For Family and Classroom Storytelling, Public Speaking, and Personal Journaling, c1993 | Davis, Donald. | Book | 372.642 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | |
10116 | The Coconut Grove School in Pioneer Days, 1887-1894, c1972. | Kent, Gertrude M. | Book | 372.9759 KENT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida |
9657 | Fort Myers High School Alumni Today. Library Has: 2009. | Book | 373 FORT MYERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/12/2012 | Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida, United States | |
12539 | Dunbar High School Sixtieth Commorative Celebration, Fort Myers, Florida May 15-17, 1987., c1987. | Book | 373.224 DUNBAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, School | Florida | |
10788 | Moundsville High School, n.c.d. | Bonar, Hallie. | Book | 373.754 BONAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | West Virginia |
1922 | Education in Ireland, 1830-1850., c1995. | Earwicker, Maureen | Book | 378 EAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
385 | Alumni Association Alumni Directory., n.c.d. | Florida State University | Book | 378 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
9871 | Florida State University Faculty/Staff/Student Telephone Directory. 1990. | Florida State University | Book | 378 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Education - School, General Reference | Florida |
2199 | Florida State University Faculty/Staff/Student Telephone Directory. 1987. | Florida State University | Book | 378 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
2200 | Florida State University Faculty/Staff/Student Telephone Directory. 1988. | Florida State University | Book | 378 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
2201 | Florida State University Faculty/Staff/Student Telephone Directory. 1989. | Florida State University | Book | 378 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
12461 | History of Monmouth College: Through It’s Fifth Quarter-Century., c1979 | Urban, William. | Book | 378 HISTORY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Education - School, General Reference | Illinois |
12356 | Kronical: Keene Teachers College Yearbook. 1953. | Book | 378 KRONICLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, School | New Hampshire | |
12357 | Kronical: Keene Teachers College Yearbook. 1954. | Book | 378 KRONICLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, School | New Hampshire | |
12358 | Kronical: Keene Teachers College Yearbook. 1955. | Book | 378 KRONICLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, School | New Hampshire | |
9212 | A History of Chowan College, c1964. | McKnight, Edgar V. and Oscar Creech | Book | 378 McKNIGHT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | North Carolina |
11917 | Northwestern University Commerce & Journalism Staff Directory 1944-1945, n.c.d. | Mulcahy, Irene D. Mueller (transcriber). | Book | 378 NORTHWESTERN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Directories, General Reference | |
386 | Alumni Directory. Library has: 1991. | Pennsylvania State University | Book | 378 PEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
5579 | Penn State Alumni Association, 1990 membership directory. | Penn State Alumni Association | Book | 378 PEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
1567 | Dade County, Florida Public School System. Public Schools of Dade County (Miami, Florida) Directory. 1961-1962. | Dade County, Florida Public School System | Book | 378 PUB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
8243 | Wayland Female Institute - Alton, Illinois: 1853-1856., c1945. | Smith, Grace Partridge | Book | 378 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
6802 | Tennessee Technological University Directory, 1989-1990., c1990. | Book | 378 TEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Tennessee | ||
8896 | Tech Triumph: A Pictorial History of Virginia Tech, c1984 | Tillar, Thomas C., Jr. (editor) | Book | 378 TILLAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia |
7810 | Trenton State College Alumni Day Program, May 3, 1980. | Book | 378 TRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
7811 | Trenton State Teachers College Yearbook. Seal. Library has: 1947, 1948, 1949, & 1950. | Book | 378 TRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
8838 | University of Florida Alumni Directory: 1994. | University of Florida | Book | 378 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Florida |
8491 | Ye Domesday Book, 1800-1950: Commemorating the Sesquicentennial of the Founding of the National Capital at Washington, D. C., c1950. | Book | 378 YE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | District of Columbia | ||
686 | Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities. 20th Edition., c1991. | Baird, William Raimond | Book | 378.198 BAI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
9993 | University of Chicago Announcements, Sessions of 1942-1943, c1942. | Book | 378.2 UNIVERSITY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Education - School, General Reference | ||
5801 | Princeton University: Alumni Directory. 24th edition: 1967. | Book | 378.749 PRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
5802 | Princeton University: Directory of Living Alumni: 1936-1939. | Book | 378.749 PRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | ||
9661 | Princeton University. Coming Back: Class of 1966., c1967. | Book | 378.749 PRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/12/2012 | Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | New Jersey, United States | |
11770 | Miracle on Caney Creek, c1982. | Davis, Jerry C. | Book | 378.769 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Kentucky |
6008 | Remembering the University of Chicago, c1991. | Shils, Edward (editor) | Book | 378.773 REM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
1196 | Centennial History of the University of Nebraska. v.01, Frontier University - 1869-1919., c1969. | Manley, Robert | Book | 378.782 MAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Nebraska | |
1568 | Dade County, Florida Public School System. Public Schools of Dade County (Miami, Florida) Directory. 1962-1963. | Dade County, Florida Public School System | Book | 379 PUB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
7187 | The Growth of British Education and Its Records, c1991. | Chapman, Colin R. | Book | 379.0941 CHAPMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Education - School | England |
1569 | Dade County, Florida Public School System. Public Schools of Dade County (Miami, Florida) Directory. 1968-1969. | Dade County, Florida Public School System | Book | 380 PUB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
5886 | Radio Annual, 1940. | Book | 381 RAD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | ||
10832 | John Wanamaker: King of Merchants, c1993. | Zulker, William Allen. | Book | 381.092 ZULKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Family Histories, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Pennsylvania |
12540 | Indian Traders of the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands: Panton, Leslie & Company and John Forbes & Company, 1783-1847., c1986. | Coker, William S. and Thomas D. Watson. | Book | 381.1 COKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
3281 | Hudson's Bay Record Society., Hudson's Bay Miscellany: 1670-1870, c1975. | Williams, Glyndwr | Book | 381.439 HUD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
10063 | Fairchild’s British Export Directory, c1949. | Book | 382 FAIRCHILD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/19/2014 | Directories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England | |
1570 | Dade County, Florida Public School System. Public Schools of Dade County (Miami, Florida) Directory. 1971-1972. | Dade County, Florida Public School System | Book | 382 PUB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Florida | |
5769 | Postleitzahlen-verzeichnic., c1990. | Book | 383 POS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | ||
11824 | Chronology of Florida Post Offices., c1962. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Bradbury, Alford D. and E. Story Hallock. | Book | 383.4 BRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Florida |
11241 | WBKB: Chicago’s Pioneer Television Station, c1949. | Book | 384.5522 WBKB, CH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, History | Illinois | |
7561 | The Ufa Story: A History of Germany's Greatest Film Company, 1918-1945. | Kreimeier, Klaus | Book | 384.8094 KRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
9671 | The Gettysburg Railroad Company & Lincoln Station, c1999. | Bennett, Gerald | Book | 385 BENNETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Transportation | Pennsylvania, United States |
12452 | The Bridgeport Branch., c1976. | Jackson, B. L. and M. J. Tattershall. | Book | 385 JACKSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | England |
1492 | Construction Labor on the Illinois Central Railroad., c1973. | Lightner, David L. | Book | 385 LIG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Illinois |
9228 | Railroad Maps of the United States., c1975. | Modelski, Andrew M. | Book | 385 MOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Transportation | United States |
8473 | World Atlas of Railways., c1978 | Nock, O.S. | Book | 385 NOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Transportation | |
5888 | Railroad Strikers in Court, Unreported Contempt Cases, Illinois, 1877., n.c.d. | Sigmind, Elwin W. | Book | 385 SIG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Illinois |
8174 | Wabash Railroad Reunion (May 1923)., c1978. | Book | 385 WAB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Illinois | |
1108 | Captain Benjamin Godfrey and the Alton & Sangamon Railroad., c1974. | White, Elizabeth Pearson | Book | 385 WHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Illinois |
11112 | The Railroad That Died at Sea: The Florida’s East Coast Key West Extension, c1968. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Parks, Pat | Book | 385.065 PARKS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Railroad | Florida |
12492 | Erie Power: Steam and Diesel Locomotives of the Erie Railroad From 1840-1970, Alos Included are Lackawanna Diesels and Multiple Unit Cars That Existed After the 1960 merger., c1970. | Westing, Frederick. | Book | 385.0974 WESTING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Railroad, Transportation | New York |
11825 | The Greatest Railroad Story Ever Told: Henry Flagler and the Florida East Coast Railway’s Key West Extension, c2011. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Bramson, Seth H. | Book | 385.0975 BRAMSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Railroad, General Reference | Florida |
1668 | Depot Days., c1972. | Stimson, H.A. (AL) | Book | 385.31 STI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Florida |
12031 | The Old West: The Rivermen, c1975. | O’Neil, Paul. | Book | 386 TIM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History, Transportation | |
9765 | The Canals of New York State., c1995. | American Canal and Transportation Society | Book | 386.48 CANALS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | General Reference, Transportation | New York |
2000 | Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal, 1792-1854, c1966. | Shaw, Ronald E. | Book | 386.48 SHA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | New York |
2758 | Great Passenger Ships of the World, v.1 (1858-1912). | Kludas, Arnold | Book | 387 KLU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Transportation | |
2759 | Great Passenger Ships of the World, v.2 (1913-1923). | Kludas, Arnold | Book | 387 KLU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Transportation | |
2760 | Great Passenger Ships of the World, v.3 (1924-1935). | Kludas, Arnold | Book | 387 KLU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Transportation | |
2761 | Great Passenger Ships of the World, v.04 (1936-1950). | Kludas, Arnold | Book | 387 KLU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Transportation | |
2762 | Great Passenger Ships of the World, v.5 (1951-1976). | Kludas, Arnold | Book | 387 KLU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Transportation | |
2763 | Great Passenger Ships of the World,v.6 (1977-1986). | Kludas, Arnold | Book | 387 KLU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Transportation | |
5315 | Ocklawaha River Steamboats., c1983. | Mueller, Edward A. | Book | 387 MUE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Florida |
647 | Around Manhattan Island and other maritime tales of New York, c1997. | Cudahy, Brian J. | Book | 387.1097 CUD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
7273 | The Lighthouses of the United States in 1874, c1993. | Nordhoff, Charles | Book | 387.155 NOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
7374 | The Old Bay Line., c1940. | Brown, Alexander C. | Book | 387.2 BRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Maryland |
5547 | Passenger Ships of the World: Past and Present, c1963. | Smith, Eugene W. | Book | 387.243 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Transportation | |
5252 | Norfolk's Waters: Ilustrated Maritime History of Hampton Roads., c1982. | Tazewell, William L. | Book | 387.5097 TAZ | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Virginia |
9894 | North Atlantic Seaway: An Illustrated History of the Passenger Services Linking the Old World with the New, c1955. | Bonsor, N. R. P. | Book | 387.74 BONSOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Immigration - Emigration, General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Military - War | |
9895 | American Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 21st edition, c1947. | Dorland, W. A. Newman | Book | 387.74 BONSOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference | |
6186 | Roads to the Old Southwest: Georgia, Alabama, & Mississippi before Canals, Steamboats, and Roads., c1995. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 388.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi |
6187 | Roads to the Old Southwest: Georgia, Alabama, & Mississippi before Canals, Steamboats, or Railroads., c1995. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 388.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Migration, Transportation | Georgia, Mississippi |
6188 | Roads to the Old Southwest., c1995. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 388.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Migration | Georgia |
5370 | Old Post Road, c1962. | Holbrook, Stewart H. | Book | 388.1 HOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
10980 | Historic Roads of Virginia: Albemarle County Road Orders 1744-1748 and 1783-1816, 2 v., c1975. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
10981 | Historic Roads of Virginia: Albemarle County Road Orders 1744-1748 and 1783-1816, 2 v., c1975. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
10982 | Historic Roads of Virginia: An Index to Roads in the Albemarle County Surveyors Books 1744-1853, c1976. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
10983 | Historic Roads of Virginia: A Brief History of the Roads of Virginia 1607-1840, c1977. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
10984 | Historic Roads of Virginia: Goochland County Road Orders 1728-1744, c1975. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
10985 | Historic Roads of Virginia: A Guide to the Preparation of County Road Histories, c1979. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
10986 | Historic Roads of Virginia: Louisa County Road Orders 1742-1748, c1975. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
10987 | Historic Roads of Virginia: The Route of the Three Notch’d Road, c1976. | Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason and Howard H. Newlon, Jr. | Book | 388.1 PAWLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | General Reference, Geography, Transportation | Virginia |
10988 | A Brief History of the Staunton and James River Turnpike, c1976. | Young, Douglas. | Book | 388.1 YOUNG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Transportation | Virginia |
2229 | Folk Dress of Europe., c1979. | Snowden, James | Book | 391 SNO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
9095 | Folkdrakter Och Bygdedrakter Fran Hela Sverige., 1975,1985 | Arno-Berg, Inga | Book | 391.009 ARNO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Sweden |
6048 | Research Outline: French Republican Calendar., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 394 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | France | |
6833 | The 1752 Calendar Change, c2000. | Sperry, Kip | Book | 394 SPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
9328 | Gathering the Generations: A Guide to Family Reunions, n.c.d. | Book | 394.2 GATHERIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/7/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
8515 | Your Family Reunion: How to Plan It, Organize It, and Enjoy It., c2001. | Morgan, George G. | Book | 394.2 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
8089 | Virginia Ghosts., c1966. | Lee, Marguerite Dupont | Book | 398.23 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
2807 | Grundriff der Genealogie: Leseschlussel Zu Unserer Alten Schrift., c1984. | Grun, Paul Arnold | Book | 411 GRU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
8859 | Word Origins and How We Know Them: Etymology for Everyone, c2005 | Liberman, Anatoly | Book | 422 LIBERMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
1346 | Colonial American English., c1985. | Lederer, Richard M. | Book | 427.973 LED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Colonial America |
1724 | Dictionary of the American West: 5,000 Terms and Expressions from "A-Going and A-Coming to Zuni", c1993. | Blevins, Winfred | Book | 427.978 BLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
1134 | Cassell's New German & English Dictionary with a Phonetic Key to Pronunciation,. c1939. | Bruel, Karl | Book | 433.21 CAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
2620 | German Genealogical Word List., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 433.21 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
5290 | Norwegian Genealogical Word List., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 439 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Norway | |
1788 | Dutch Genealogical Word List., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 439.31 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Netherlands | |
6767 | Swedish Genealogical Word List., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 439.73 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Sweden | |
1576 | Danish Genealogical Word List., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 439.8 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Denmark | |
10562 | French Terms Commonly Used When Translating Primary Source French Documents, extracted from Je Me Souviens, n.c.d. | Burkhart, Janice and Armand Letourneau. | Book | 443 BURKHART | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Canada |
5111 | New French & English Dictionary Compiled from the Best Authorities in Both Languages., c1903. | Boielle, James | Book | 443 CAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | France | |
2301 | French Genealogical Word List., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 443 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | France | |
2302 | French Letter Writing Guide., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 443 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | France | |
10473 | Harrap’s French and English Dictionary, c1991. | Book | 443 HARRAP’S | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Dictionary/Encyclopedia, General Reference | France | |
10172 | Larousse Concise Dictionary: Francais-Anglais/English-French, c2006. | Book | 443.21 LAROUSSE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Directories | France | |
2455 | Genealogical Word List Italian., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 453 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Italy | |
11345 | Romania Genealogical Word List, c2016. | Book | 459 ROMANIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Romania | |
6607 | Spanish Genealogical Word List., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 463 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Spain | |
2456 | Genealogical Word List: Spanish., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 463.21 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mexico | |
2457 | Genealogical Word List: Spanish., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 463.21 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Puerto Rico | |
622 | Appleton's New Spanish-English, English-Spanish Dictionary., c1909. | Cuyas, Arturo | Book | 468 CUY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Spain | |
5767 | Portuguese Genealogical Word List., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 469 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Portugal | |
10647 | Lateinisch-Deutsches Schulwörterbuch (Latin-German Dictionary) revised, 9th Edition, c1917. | Heinichen, F. A. | Book | 473 HEINICHEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Dictionary/Encyclopedia, General Reference | |
9652 | The Record Interpreter: a collection of Abbreviations, Latin Words, and Names Used in English Historical Manuscripts and Records. 2nd Edition., c2007. | Martin, Charles Trice | Book | 473 MARTIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/12/2012 | Genealogy Reference | England |
6455 | Simple Latin for Family Historians, c1986. | McLaughlin, Eve | Book | 473.21 MCL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
11695 | In Their Words: A Genealogist’s Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents, v.03: Latin, c2013. | Hoffman, William F. and Jonathan D. Shea. | Book | 473.21 SHEA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Russia, Poland, Germany |
3899 | Latin Genealogical Wordlist, c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 478 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
5744 | Pocket Irish Phrase Book., c1983. | Dorris, Paul L. | Book | 491.62 DOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
4126 | MacEachen's Gaelic English Dictionary., c1971. | Book | 491.6383 MAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | ||
10697 | Russian for Beginners, c1962. | Duff, Charles and Dmitri Makaroff. | Book | 491.7 DUFF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Russia |
5749 | Polish Genealogical Word List., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 491.85 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Poland | |
5747 | Polish for Americans. 2v. c1959. | Rozmarek, Wanda | Book | 491.85 ROZ | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Poland | |
5748 | Polish for Americans. 2v. c1959. | Rozmarek, Wanda | Book | 491.85 ROZ | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Poland | |
9264 | Hungary Genealogical Word List, c2012. | Book | 494 HUNGARY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Hungary | |
2122 | Finnish Genealogical Word List., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 494.5 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Finland | |
3304 | Hungarian-English Dictionary: Magyar-Angol Szotar., c1957. | Kiadas, Negyedik | Book | 494.511 LAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Hungary | |
2123 | Finnish Reader & Glossary., c1966. | Austerlitz, Robert | Book | 494.54 AUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Finland | |
8885 | Looking Far North: The Harriman Expedition to Alaska 1899, c1982 | Goetzmann, William H. and Kay Sloan | Book | 508.798 GOE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Alaska |
5416 | Original Instructions Governing Public Land Survey 1815-1855, c1944. | Dodds, J.S. (Editor) | Book | 526.9 ORI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Land Records | |
5837 | Public Land Surveys: History, Instructions, Methods., c1935, 1975. | Stewart, Lowell O. | Book | 526.9 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Land Records | |
7235 | The Illinois Waterway from Conception to Completion: 1908-1933., c1972. | Waller, Robert A. | Book | 551 WAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Illinois |
12361 | Killing Waters: the Great West Virginia Flood of 1985., c1986. | Teets, Bob and Shelby Young. (Editors). | Book | 551.55 KILLING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, History | West Virginia |
5349 | Oil Boom: Story of Spindletop, Burkburnett, Mexia, Smackover, Desdemona, & Ranger., c1941. | House, Boyce | Book | 553 HOU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
11578 | Genetic Genealogy in Practice, c2016. | Bettinger, Blaine T. and Debbie Parker Wayne. | Book | 572.86 BETTINGE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | DNA, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
10103 | Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond, c2013, 2014. | Aulicino, Emily D. | Book | 572.86 DOOLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/21/2014 | DNA, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
2570 | Genetic Genealogy DNA Testing Dictionary., c2004. | Kerchner, Charles F. | Book | 572.86 KER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, DNA | |
2999 | Heredity and Health, c1996. | Saxbe, William B. Jr. | Book | 575.1 SAX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, DNA | |
9582 | Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project, The Landmark DNA Quest to Decipher Our Distant Past., c2006. | Wells, Spencer | Book | 599.935 WELLS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, DNA | World |
9446 | History of the Rodgers Family | Microfiche | 6018952 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
9447 | 17th Century Immigration to America from Great Britain and Ireland | SEE: Electronic Resource Center | Microfiche | 6020300 | Electronic Resource Center | 12/21/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales |
9448 | Mitchell Letter | Microfiche | 6047249 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
9449 | Rogers Newsletter | Microfiche | 6047457 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Family Histories, Family Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
9450 | Neely Family Narrative | Microfiche | 6048323 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Family Histories, Family Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
9451 | Balymina Old Churchyard Grave Register (2 copies) | Microfiche | 6048714 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Cemetery Records, General Reference | ||
9452 | Graves Newsletter - Microreproduction of original newsletters published: Indianapolis, Indiana ; D.E. Graves, 1969-1976. 7 p. | Microfiche | 6055291 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Family Histories, Family Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
496 | American Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 21st edition, c1947. | Dorland, W.A. Newman | Book | 610 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
8436 | Wilson Confederate Hospital, 1862-1865., c1989. | Johnston, Hugh B. | Book | 610 JON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Carolina | |
2571 | Genetics: Iceland's Heated Dispute., c2001. | Knight, Edwin M. | Book | 610 KNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Iceland | |
1854 | Early Medicine in the North Country., c1978. | Zeidenfelt, Alex | Book | 610 ZEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
243 | A Medical Miscellany for Genealogists, c1995. | Jerger, Jeanette L. | Book | 610.14 JER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
1765 | Doctors on Horseback., c1937. | Flexner, James T. | Book | 610.922 FLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
6400 | Send us a Lady Physician: Women Doctors in America, 1835-1920., c1985. | Abram, Ruth J. (editor) | Book | 610.922 SEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
9453 | The Westfalian: from Germany to Missouri (German-Americans 19th century history) | Microfiche | 6100417 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany, Missouri | |
9454 | Catalog of Ship Passenger Lists | Microfiche | 6125502 | Electronic Resource Center | 5/10/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Immigration - Emigration | ||
10866 | An American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793, c2003. | Murphy, Jim. | Book | 614.5 MURPHY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
992 | Bring Out Your Dead: The Great Plague of Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in 1793., c1949.: | Powell, J.H. | Book | 614.5 POW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
9086 | Telephone Pioneers of America 1911-1961., c1961. | Yanekian, Adrienne. (Editor) | Book | 621.385 YAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
6786 | Telephone Pioneers of America 1911-1961., c1961. | Yanekian, Adrienne. (Editor) | Book | 621.385 YAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
11996 | American Windmills: An Album of Historic Photographs, c2012. | Baker, T. Lindsay. | Book | 621.453 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | |
11997 | A Museum of Early American Tools, c1964. | Sloan, Eric. | Book | 621.909 SLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | |
11998 | A Knight and His Weapons, 2nd edition, c1996. | Oakeshott, Ewart. | Book | 623.441 OAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Military - War | |
9896 | Bartleson, John D., Jr. Civil War Explosive Ordnance 1861-1865, c1972. | Bartleson, John D., Jr. | Book | 623.45 BARTLESO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference, Military - War | |
12022 | 109 East Palace: Robert Oppenheimer and the Secret City of Los Alamos, c2005. | Conant, Jennet. | Book | 623.4511 CONANT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | New Mexico |
11999 | Stanton’s American Steam Vessels: The Classic Illustrations, c2002. | Stanton, Samuel Ward. | Book | 623.82 STANTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Transportation | |
11431 | The Story of the Mary Rose, c1982. | Bradford, Ernle. | Book | 623.8225 BRADFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | England |
5673 | Pictorial Encyclopedia of Ocean Liners, 1860-1994, c1995. | Miller, William H. | Book | 623.8243 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Transportation | |
6889 | The Atlantic Pilot., c1974. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | DeBrahm, John G.W. | Book | 623.89 DEB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Transportation | Florida |
11943 | Seaway Trail Lighthouses: An Illustrated Guide to the Historic Lighthouses Along New York State’s Great Lakes, Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers, c1989. | Tinney, James and Mary Burdette-Watkins. | Book | 623.8942 TINNEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | New York |
11936 | The Bridges of New Jersey, c2005. | Richman, Steven M. | Book | 624.2 RICHMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | New Jersey |
8917 | A Locomotive Engineer's Album: the Saga of Steam Engines in America, c1965. | Abdill, George B. | Book | 625 ABD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Transportation | United States |
12000 | We Took the Train, c1990. | Grant, H. Roger (editor). | Book | 625.1 WE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Railroad, Transportation | |
12018 | New Haven Power 1838-1968, c1988. | Swanberg, J. W. | Book | 625.26 SWA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | Connecticut |
10823 | A Historical Geography of Southwest Florida Waterways, v. 1, n.c.d. | Antonini, Gustavo A., David A. Fann and Paul Roat. | Book | 627.1 ANTONINI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Geography | Florida |
3358 | Illinois Water Mills, 1790-1818, c1972. | Zochert, Donald | Book | 628 ZOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
12001 | Pioneer Bush Pilot: The Story of Noel Wien, c1974. | Harkey, Ira. | Book | 629.13 HAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Transportation | |
11067 | Flying High: Pioneer Women in American Aviation, c2002. | Mitchell, Charles R. and Kirk W. House. | Book | 629.13 MITCHELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | |
11068 | Who’s Who in Aviation and Aerospace, 1983. | National Aeronautical Institute. | Book | 629.13 WHO’S WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | |
12062 | Suddenly, Tomorrow Came: A History of the Johnson Space Center, c1993. | Sethloff, Henry C. | Book | 629.409 DET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | Texas |
12012 | Our Village, c1986. | Mitford, Mary Russell. | Book | 630.2 MIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | England |
12057 | Mapping the Farm: The Chronicle of a Family, c1995. | Hildebrand, John. | Book | 630.977 HIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | Minnesota |
11291 | Soil Survey of Augusta County, Virginia, c1937. | Jurney, R. C., et al. | Book | 631.47 JURNEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Virginia |
12541 | The Live Oak Trail., c1999. | O’Bryan, Carolyde Phillips. | Book | 635.977 O’BRYAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
12002 | Pets in America: A History, c2006. | Grier, Katherine C. | Book | 636.0887 GRIER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | |
12368 | Cattle Breeds: An Encyclopedia., c1995. | Felius, Marleen. | Book | 636.2 FELIUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | |
2160 | Florida Cowman: History of Florida Cattle-Raising & Branding., c1976. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Akerman, Joe A. | Book | 636.21 AKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
12003 | The Pastures of Beyond: An Old Cowboy Looks Back at the Old West, c2005. | Hyde, Dayton O. (Hawk). | Book | 636.213 HYDE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | |
12032 | Enoch’s Voyage: Life on a Whaleship 1851-1854, c1994. | Cloud, Enoch Carter. | Book | 639.28 CLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Transportation | |
12033 | Ahab’s Trade: The Saga of South Seas Whaling, c1999. | Mawer, Granville Allen. | Book | 639.28 MAW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History, Occupations | |
12034 | The Lost Fleet: A Yankee Whaler’s Struggle Against the Confederate Navy and Arctic Disaster, c2007. | Songini, Marc. | Book | 639.28 SONGINI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History, Military - War, Occupations | |
12035 | A Medieval Home Companion: Housekeeping in the Fourteenth Century, c1991. | Bayard, Tania (translator/editor). | Book | 640.9 MED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | |
10064 | Women’s Wear Daily Accessories Directory, Fall 1949, n.c.d. | Book | 646.34 ACCESSOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/19/2014 | General Reference, Newspapers | New York | |
10750 | Inns, Tales and Taverns of Chester County, c1984. | Twaddell, Meg Daly. | Book | 647 TWADDELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Pennsylvania |
10580 | Directory of Exhibits and Manufacturers’ Display and Reception Rooms, c1952. | Book | 658.8 DIRECTORY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Illinois | |
4464 | McKittrick Directory of Advertisers: Agency List #52., c1945. | McKittrick, George | Book | 659.1 MCK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
12405 | All Cultivated People: History of the United Arts Club Dublin., c1988. | Boylan, Patricia. | Book | 700.6 BOYLAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | Ireland |
7669 | Tidewater Towns: City Planning in Colonial Virginia and Maryland., c1972. | Reps, John W. | Book | 711 REP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maryland, Virginia, Colonial America | |
338 | AIA Guide to New York City. Revised Edition., c1978. | White, Norval | Book | 717.47 WHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
1194 | Centenary Dedication of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 1852-1952 and Golden Jubilee Consecration of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 1902 - 1952., n.c.d. | Book | 720 CEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Religion | New York | |
3038 | Historical & Architectural Survey, Lee County, Florida., c1986. | Lee County Florida | Book | 720.9 HIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
12279 | Dublin: A Grand Tour, c1994 | O’Brien, Jacqueline and Desmond Guinness. | Book | 720.941 O’BR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | Ireland |
11951 | Early Domestic Architecture of Pennsylvania, c1977. | Raymond, Eleanor. | Book | 720.9748 RAYMOND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | Pennsylvania |
12542 | Florida Architecture and Allied Arts., c1938. | Book | 720.9759 FLORIDA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida | |
12543 | South Florida Architecture., c1983 | Book | 720.9759 FLORIDA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida | |
12544 | The Lee County Courthouse Through the Years., c1995. | Demarchi, Gordon “ Booch”. | Book | 725.15 DeMARCHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
11002 | Old Forts of the Northwest, c1963. | Hart, Herbert M. | Book | 725.18 Hart | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
12085 | America’s 5 & 10 Cent Stores: The Kress Legacy., c1997 | Thomas, Bernice L. | Book | 725.21 THOMAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | History, General Reference | |
12352 | Wooden Churches in the Vicinity of Bardejova.,c1997 | Bozova, Jana. Mgr. | Book | 726.5 BOZOVA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | Czechoslovakia, Slovakia |
11937 | Historic Churches of Somerset County, New Jersey, c2006. | Greenagel, Frank L. | Book | 726.5 GREENAGE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | New Jersey |
12086 | Church Signs Across America., c2006 | Paulson, Steve and Pam. | Book | 726.5 PAULSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Religion, General Reference | |
11488 | Gathering as One: The History of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, c2014. | Robison, Elwin C. and W. Randall Dixon. | Book | 726.5097 ROBINSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, History | Utah |
11728 | Early Domestic Architecture of Connecticut, c1952. | Kelly, J. Frederick. | Book | 728 KELLY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Connecticut |
11779 | Colonial Architecture of Cape Cod, Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard, c1932. | Poor, Alfred Easton. | Book | 728.3 POOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Massachusetts |
11787 | Dutch Houses in the Hudson Valley Before 1776, c1965. | Reynolds,Helen Wilkinson. | Book | 728.6 REYNOLDS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | New York |
7412 | The People of the Red Barns: 1851-1863 in Sweden., c1996. | Lagevik, Elsa | Book | 728.922 LAGEVIK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Sweden | |
9229 | A Graveyard Preservation Primer, c1988. | Strangstad, Lynette | Book | 736 STRANGST | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
10594 | The Tree of Life: Selections from Bergen County Folk Art, c1983. | Schmelz, Betty, et al. | Book | 745 TREE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | New Jersey |
6924 | The Cadet Chapel - United States Military Academy. (published by the U.S.M.A. Class of 1927 to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of its graduation), c1987. | Pappas, George S. | Book | 748.5914 PAPPAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War, Church Records | New York |
12140 | Photographische Anzeigen im Wandel der Zeiten: A Collection of German Photographic Advertising from the 1850s to the 1960s, c1978. | Cornwall, James E. | Book | 771.1 CORNWALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Photos | Germany |
12138 | Photographic Advertising in England 1890-1960: The Camera Collectors’ Guide, c1978. | Cornwall, James E. (compiler). | Book | 771.3 CORNWALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | |
12036 | Windows on the Past: Identifying, Dating, & Preserving Photographs, c2000. | Gagel, Diane Van Skiver. | Book | 771.46 GAGEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Photos | |
12545 | The Sun and the Shade: Florida Photography, 1885-1983., c1983. | Weber, Bruce. | Book | 779 WEBER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Photos | Florida |
12347 | To Be a Women in America 1850-1930., 1978. | Baxter, Annette K. and Constance Jacobs. | Book | 779.24 BAXTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | History, General Reference, US History, Women | United States |
11003 | ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) Biographical Dictionary, 4th edition, c1980. | Book | 780.922 AMERICAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
10124 | University of Chicago Song Book, c1921. | Book | 784.62 UNIVERSITY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | General Reference | Illinois | |
10940 | Chicago Talent Directory for Radio, Television, Movies, Modeling, etc., c1951. | Book | 791 CHICAGO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Directories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Illinois | |
2847 | Guide to the Original and Copied Records of Religious organizations Largely New Jersey Churches in the Special Collections and University Archives of Rutgers University., c1999. | Sinclair, Donald Arleigh. (Compiler) | Book | 793 RUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Religion | New Jersey |
12546 | Fifty Years on the Fifty: The Orange Bowl Story., c1983. | Smith, Loran. | Book | 796.332 SMITH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
2027 | Expanding Your Horizons., c1992. | Steinberg, Donald | Book | 796.332 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ohio | |
783 | Baseball Register, 1948. | Magnus, Edwin (compiler & editor) | Book | 796.357 BAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | General Reference | |
784 | Baseball Register, 1949. | Magnus, Edwin (compiler & editor) | Book | 796.357 BAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | General Reference | |
6661 | St. Louis Cardinals: 100th Anniversary, 1892-1992., c1992. | Rains, Bob. | Book | 796.357 RAI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Missouri | |
8992 | You Can Write Your Family History., c2008. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo | Book | 808.0669 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Writing Family History | |
11004 | Historical Research for Novel Writers, c2014. | MacMurray, Karen. | Book | 808.3 MAC MURRAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10105 | 1001 Questions and Answers on General History, Revised Edition, c1888. | Hathaway, Benjamin A. | Book | 900 HATHAWAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | General Reference, US History, World History | |
10106 | The Outline of History, Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind, c1920, 1921. | Wells, H. G. | Book | 900 WELLS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | General Reference, US History | |
9897 | Daily Living in the Twelfth Century, Based on the Observations of Alexander Neckham in London and Paris, c1952. | Holmes, Urban Tigner, Jr. | Book | 901.92 HOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference | England, France |
6915 | The Book of Ancient Lights: Dictionary for Genealogists and Historians., c1989. | Peterson, Anita | Book | 903 PET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
12087 | Synchronological Chart or Map of World History., c1871. Shelved on Atlas Stand | Adams, A.C. Adams | Maps | 909 ADAMS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
12440 | Pictorial History of the Jewish People. Updated Edition., c1984. | Ausubel, Nathan. | Book | 909 AUSUBEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, Jewish Research, General Reference | |
10239 | Picture History of the World, c1986. | Book | 909 PIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | ||
2851 | Guidebook for Sephardic and Oriental Genealogical Sources in Israel., c2006. | Tagger, Mathilde and Yitzchak Kerem | Book | 909.0492 TAG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Israel | |
9594 | Front Page: 100 Years of the Los Angeles Times 1881-1981., 1981 | Thomas, William F. (Editor) | Book | 909.82 FRONT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Newspapers | California, United States |
9766 | New York Times: Page 1, Major Events 1900-1998 as Presented in the New York Times. Revised and updated, c1998. | Book | 909.82 PAGE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | New York | |
5238 | Nicknames of Cities and States of the United States., c1965. | Kane, Joseph N. & Gerald L. Alexander | Book | 910.3 KAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
5725 | Placenames of the World., c1987. | Room, Adrian | Book | 910.3 ROO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
1699 | Deutsches Ortsverzeichnis: Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung der Zustandigen fur Behorden und Private., c1978. | Hopker, Dr. Jur H. | Book | 910.309 HOP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
1061 | By sea to San Francisco, 1849-1850: the journal of Dr. James Morison., c1977. | Morison, James | Book | 910.45 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Migration | California |
2755 | Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Survivals., c1960. | Ratigan, William | Book | 910.453 RAT | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Transportation | Storage Collection |
3728 | Journals and other Documents on the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus., c1963. | Morison, Samuel Eliot (translator & editor) | Book | 910.92 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
8833 | World Atlas of Military History: 1861-1945., c1978 | Banks, Arthur | Book | 911 BAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Military - War | |
2945 | Harper Atlas of World History, c1987. | Book | 911 HAR | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, World History | Storage Collection | |
6677 | Standard Atlas of the World, Vol. 1 Maps, c1906. | Book | 911 STA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
6678 | Standard Atlas of the World, Vol. 2 Appendix, c1906. | Book | 911 STA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
10796 | Historical Atlas of Central Europe, Revised and Expanded Edition, c2002. | Magocsi, Paul Robert | Book | 911.43 MAGOCSI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Europe |
10867 | Historical Atlas of Central Europe, Revised and Expanded Edition, c2002. | Magocsi, Paul Robert. | Book | 911.43 MAGOCSI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
11229 | Atlas of Russian History, c1993. | Gilbert, Martin | Book | 911.47 GILBERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, History | Russia |
3046 | Historical Atlas of Canada., c2002. | Hayes, Derek | Book | 911.71 HAYES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Canada |
3045 | Historical Atlas of Canada., c1964. | Kerr, D.G. | Book | 911.71 KER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Canada |
664 | Atlas of Historical Ohio County Boundaries, c1998. | Book | 911.711 ATL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ohio | |
10797 | Historical Atlas of Central America, c2003. | Hall, Carolyn and Héctor Pérez Brignoli | Book | 911.728 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
10868 | Historical Atlas of Central America, c2003. | Hall, Carolyn and Héctor Pérez Brignoli. | Book | 911.728 HALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
9306 | West Point Atlas of American Wars. Volume One: 1689-1900., c1959 | Esposito, Vincent J. | Book | 911.73 ESP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War | United States |
9307 | West Point Atlas of American Wars. Volume Two: 1900-1953., c1959 | Esposito, Vincent J. | Book | 911.73 ESP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Military - War | United States |
2376 | Genealogical and Historical Atlas of the U.S., c1976. | Kirkham, E. Kay | Book | 911.73 KIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
3049 | Historical Atlas of the U.S., c1988. | National Geographic Society | Book | 911.73 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
4199 | Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920., c1987. | Thorndale, William & William Dollarhide | Book | 911.73 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
5320 | Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, c1978. | Book | 911.73 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
3048 | Historical Atlas of New York City, c2005. | Homberger, Eric | Book | 911.7471 HOMBERGER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New York |
7760 | Township Atlas of the U.S., c1979. | Androit, John L. (editor) | Book | 911.75 AND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
11460 | The Western Boundary of Maryland, c1976. | Morrison, Charles. | Book | 911.752 MORRISON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Land Records | Maryland |
1050 | Burren: A Map of the Uplands of North-West Clare, Eire., c1977. | Book | 912 BUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ireland | |
1344 | Collier's World Atlas and Gazetteer., c1949. | Book | 912 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
4203 | Maps, Names, and Places., c1997. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 912 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
8524 | Encyclopaedia Britannica World Atlas, c 1942. | Hudson, G. Donald (editor) | Book | 912 ENC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | World |
10127 | Hagstrom’s Map of New York’s Theatres, Hotels, Shopping District, n.c.d. | Book | 912 HAGSTROM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New York | |
2915 | Hammond's New Supreme World Atlas, CMCMLII. | Book | 912 HAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
9898 | Hammond World Atlas, Classics Edition, c1973. | Book | 912 HAMMOND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | ||
8834 | World Atlas of Military History 1945-1984., c1988 | Hartman, Tom | Book | 912 HAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Military - War | |
5756 | Pommern (Deutschland Map)., c1975. | Jensen & Storrer | Book | 912 JEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
10837 | Routes of Pan American World Airways System, c1952 | Jeppeson and Company. | Maps | 912 JEPPESEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
9276 | Kentucky County Maps., c1992. | Book | 912 KEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Kentucky, United States | |
8860 | Oxford Economic Atlas of the World, 4th ed., c1954 | Book | 912 OXF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
5675 | Pictorial Map of St. Mary's County, Maryland., c1971? | Book | 912 PIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maryland | ||
5894 | Rand McNally World Atlas, c1943. | Book | 912 RAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
5895 | Rand McNally World Atlas, c1951. | Book | 912 RAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
8750 | Strassen-Atlas: Deutschland/Europa 1998-1999 | Book | 912 STR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany | |
3062 | Historical Map Collection of the Texas State Library., c1998. | Texas State Library and Archives Commission | Book | 912 TEX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Texas |
12369 | Times Atlas of the World. 7th Comprehensive Edition., c1985. | Book | 912 TIMES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
7985 | United States. Department of the Interior. Using Maps in Genealogy, c1982. | Book | 912 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
7902 | Union County Historical Foundation. Land Grant Maps: Chester, Fairfield, Greenville, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg and Union Counties., c1976. | Book | 912 UNION | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | South Carolina | |
2914 | Hammond World Atlas, c1973. | Book | 912 WOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
5668 | Phillimore Atlas & Index of Parish Registers., c1984. | Smith, Cecil Humphery (editor) | Book | 912.12 PHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | England |
5887 | Railroad Maps: The West., 1980. | Book | 912.13 RAI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
10173 | Europe Road Atlas, n.c.d. | Kummerly & Frey. | Book | 912.4 KUMMERLY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | Europe |
9714 | Genealogical Atlas of Scotland: Compiled From Original Maps., c1962. | Gardner, David E. | Book | 912.411 GARDNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Scotland |
10696 | Collins Road Atlas Ireland, touring edition, c2011. | Book | 912.415 COLLINS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ireland | |
5112 | New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland. 2nd edition., c2002. | Mitchell, Brian | Book | 912.415 MIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ireland |
10475 | Pneumatiques Michelin map of Ireland, c1996. | Book | 912.415 PNEU MIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ireland | |
12223 | Hasso-Darmstadiensis – Hessen Darmstadt (Germany) | Maps | 912.43 PRONNERI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany | |
12274 | Map of France: Huningue Jaut-Rhin, c1988-2001. | Maps | 912.434 HUNINGUE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | France | |
12275 | Map of France: Lagny-Sur-Marne: Seine-et-Marne, c1988-2001. | Maps | 912.4437 LAGNY-SU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | ||
12276 | Map of France: Bayonne: Pyrénées-Atlantiques, c1988-2001. | Maps | 912.447 BAYONNE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | ||
12277 | Map of France: Jard-sur-Mer: Vendée, c1988-2001. | Maps | 912.4664 JARD-SUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
10838 | Map III. English Grants 1606-1732, n.c.d. | Maps | 912.7 ENGLISH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | England | |
10839 | English Settlements, 1607-1760: English, French and Spanish Outposts, n.c.d. | Maps | 912.7 ENGLISH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | England | |
10840 | Map IV. French, English, Dutch, Swedish & Spanish Provinces 1655, n.c.d. | Maps | 912.7 FRENCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | England, France, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden | |
10499 | Itinéraires principaux des Canadiens francais dans l’Amérique du Nord – Early Explorers of North America, n.c.d. | Book | 912.7 ININERAI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
10841 | The First Permanent Settlements on the Delaware, n.c.d. | Maps | 912.7 SUOMI AR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Delaware, United States | |
10842 | Map V. The United States from the Close of the Revolution to the Purchase of Louisiana 1783-1803, n.c.d. | Maps | 912.7 UNITED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Land Records, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Military - War | Louisiana, United States | |
10843 | British Columbia, c1992. | National Geographic Society. | Maps | 912.711 NATIONAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Canada |
12326 | Isle D’ Orleans – Quebec - (Map) n.c.d. | Book | 912.714 ISLE D’ORLEANS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Canada, Quebec | |
10844 | Quebec, c1991. | National Geographic Society. | Maps | 912.714 NATIONAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Canada |
10500 | L’Ile D’Orleans en 1689, c1976. | Book | 912.714 VILLENEU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
10496 | Acadian Settlement on the Annapolis River, 1707, n.c.d. | Au Coeur de l’Acadie. | Book | 912.716 AU COEUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
2380 | Genealogical Atlas of the United States of America., c1966. | Everton, George B. | Book | 912.73 EVE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | |
10845 | Migration Trails Map: Featuring Twenty-Four of the Major Trails East of the Mississippi River, n.c.d. | Maps | 912.73 MIGRATION | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Migration | United States | |
10846 | United States: The Physical Landscape (including Federal lands in each state), c1996. | National Geographic Society. | Maps | 912.73 NATIONAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Geography, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | United States |
325 | Aerial Photographs in the National Archives., c1971 and 1981. | Taylor, Charles E. & Richard E. Spurr (compilers) | Book | 912.73 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
12327 | United States Landmarks – Mapquest, c2004. | Maps | 912.73 UNITED STATES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | United States | |
10870 | An American Atlas: 17 Maps of the U. S. Colonial Period (1783-1796), c1796. | Book | 912.73 WINTERBO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
10497 | Map of Brooklyn and Vicinity, c1891. | Book | 912.747 MAP OF B | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New York | |
10498 | Eastern Half of Pennsylvania – 1885-1887, n.c.d. | Book | 912.748 JONATHAN EASTERN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Pennsylvania | |
10853 | Map of a Trip from Philadelphia to Tinicum Island, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where the Swedes founded, and for 12 years (1643-1655) maintained the first permanent colony in Pennsylvania, c1926. | Maps | 912.748 PAXSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, Geography, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Delaware, Pennsylvania | |
9371 | Maps Showing the Development of Pennsylvania, c1962. | Book | 912.748 PENNSYLV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/10/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Pennsylvania | |
10595 | Bergen County, New Jersey Road Map, c1984. | Book | 912.749 BERGEN C | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New Jersey | |
11938 | 1876 Atlas of Bergen County, New Jersey, n.c.d. | Book | 912.7492 ATLAS OF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New Jersey | |
10848 | Commonwealth of Virginia, Division of Mineral Resources. U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey (Altavista Quadrangle), c1966. | Maps | 912.755 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | United States, Virginia | |
10849 | Commonwealth of Virginia, Division of Mineral Resources. U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey, (Lynch Station Quadrangle), c1966 | Maps | 912.755 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | United States, Virginia | |
10850 | Commonwealth of Virginia, Division of Mineral Resources. U. S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey (Moneta Quadrangle), c1967. | Maps | 912.755 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | United States, Virginia | |
10852 | Map of Bedford County, Virginia, c1864. | Confederate Engineer Bureau. | Maps | 912.755 IZARD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | United States, Virginia |
3697 | John Smith's Map of Virginia: With a Brief Account of its History., c2003. | McCary, Ben. C. | Book | 912.755 McCary | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Virginia |
4571 | Mills Atlas: Atlas of the State of South Carolina., c1825. | Book | 912.757 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | South Carolina | |
11369 | Atlas of Florida Containing Sectional Maps of Each county Compiled From the Latest Reliable Data of 1926, n.c.d. | Maps | 912.759 ATLAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | Florida | |
1104 | Cape Coral Plat Book, c1958. | Cape Coral, Florida | Book | 912.759 CAPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Land Records | Florida |
10865 | General Highway Map: Lee County, Florida, c1958. | Florida State Road Department. | Maps | 912.759 FLORIDA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Florida, United States |
10863 | United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (Fort Myers Quadrangle), Fort Myers, Florida, c1958. | Maps | 912.759 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | United States, Florida | |
12160 | Plat Book of Greater Miami, Florida and Suburbs, c1925. Shelved in Atlas Stand | Maps | 912.759 MIAMI-DADE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Florida | |
10994 | General Highway Map: Collier County, Florida. Sheet 1 (western Collier County); Sheet 2 (eastern Collier County), c1978. | State of Florida Department of Transportation. | Maps | 912.759. FLORIDA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | Florida |
10859 | United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (Barlow Quadrangle), Mississippi, c1963. | Maps | 912.762 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | United States, Mississippi | |
10860 | United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (Dentville NW Quadrangle), Mississippi, c1963. | Maps | 912.762 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | United States, Mississippi | |
10861 | United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (Hermanville Quadrangle), Claiborne Co., Mississippi, c1963. | Maps | 912.762 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference | United States, Mississippi | |
10862 | United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (McBride Quadrangle), McBride, Mississippi, c1963. | Maps | 912.762 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | United States, Mississippi | |
12224 | United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (McBride NW Quadrangle), Mississippi, c1963. Shelved in Large Black File Drawer | Maps | 912.762 GEOLOGIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Mississippi | |
12193 | Family Maps of Noble County, Ohio, c2010. | Boyd, Gregory A. | Maps | 912.771 BOYD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ohio |
11255 | Adams-Wells Counties, Indiana Plat Book, Index of Owners and City Street Maps, n.c.d. | Book | 912.772 ADAMS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, Land Records | Indiana | |
9658 | Atlas Decatur County, Indiana 1882., c1976. | Beers, J.H. Co. | Book | 912.772 BOOKMARK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/12/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Indiana, United States |
4202 | Maps of Illinois Counties in 1876. Includes Chicago and other cities, c1876. | Book | 912.773 ATLAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Illinois | |
11126 | DuPage County, Illinois (atlas) maps: Lisle Township; Milton Township; Naperville Township; Winfield Township, n.c.d. | Book | 912.773 DU PAGE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Illinois | |
3360 | Illustrated historical atlas of the State of Iowa: 1875. | Andreas, A.T. | Book | 912.777 AND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Iowa |
9599 | Standard Atlas of Poweshiek County, Iowa Including Plat Book of the Townships, Villages, and Cities of the County., c1896. | Geo, A. Ogle | Book | 912.777 GEO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Iowa, United States |
8536 | The King's England: Suffolk Our Farthest East, c1941. | Mee, Arthur (editor) | Book | 914 MEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference | England |
3063 | Historical Map of England & Wales., c1969. | Bullock, L.G. | Book | 914.1 BUL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | England |
3378 | In Search of Scotland., c1929 and 1930. | Morton, H.V. | Book | 914.1 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
782 | Bartholomew's Map of Scotland of Old., n.c.d. | Book | 914.11 BAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Scotland | |
3065 | Historical Map of Scotland., c1960. | Bullock, L.G. | Book | 914.11 BUL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Scotland |
3064 | Historical Map of Ireland., c1969. | Bullock, L.G. | Book | 914.15 BUL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ireland |
3484 | Index to the Townland & Towns, Parishes, & Baronies of Ireland., c1851. | Book | 914.15 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | ||
9961 | Ireland: The Complete Guide and Road Atlas, c1988. | Book | 914.15 IRELAND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | ||
3618 | Irish Placenames., n.c.d. | Morris, Andrew J. | Book | 914.15 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
7309 | The Meaning of Irish Place Names., c1986. | O'Connell, James | Book | 914.15 O'CO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
6482 | Sneem: The Knot in the Room (County Kerry), c1986. | Stoakley, T.E. (editor) | Book | 914.15 SNE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
343 | Akenfield: Portrait of and English Village., c1969. | Blythe, Ronald | Book | 914.2 BLY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
11722 | A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 2v, c1837. | Lewis, Samuel. | Book | 914.2 LEWIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Ireland |
1712 | Dictionary of English Place Names., c1991. | Mills, A.D. | Book | 914.2 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
10571 | The Blue Guides: England, c1920. | Muirhead, Findlay (editor). | Book | 914.2 MUIRHEAD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | England |
2401 | Genealogical Gazetteer of England., c1968. | Smith, Frank (compiler) | Book | 914.2 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | England |
2240 | Forever England., c1941. | Stevens, William Oliver | Book | 914.2 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
8837 | Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names. 4th Edition., c1991 | Ekwall, Eilert | Book | 914.2003 EKW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Genealogy Reference | England |
3377 | In Search of London, c1951. | Morton, H.V. | Book | 914.21 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
6914 | The Blue Guides: Wales., c1922. | Muirhead, Findlay (editor) | Book | 914.29 MUI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wales | |
11107 | Franken, c1976. | Lang, Adolf (author) and Otto Ziegler (photographer). | Book | 914.3 FRANKEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | |
8875 | Meyers Orts-und Verkehrs-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs with Researcher's Guide and Translations of the Introduction, Instruction for the Use of the Gazetteer, and Abbreviations, v.1 (A-K), c1912; c2000 | Wright, Raymond S., III | Book | 914.3 MEYERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
8876 | Meyers Orts-und Verkehrs-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs with Researcher's Guide and Translations of the Introduction, Instruction for the Use of the Gazetteer, and Abbreviations, v. 2 (L-Z), c1913; c2000 | Wright, Raymond S., III | Book | 914.3 MEYERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
8877 | Meyers Orts-und Verkehrs-Lexikon des Deutschen Reichs with Researcher's Guide and Translations of the Introduction, Instruction for the Use of the Gazetteer, and Abbreviations, v.3 (Appendix to Vol. II and Supplement of September 1913), c2000 | Wright, Raymond S., III | Book | 914.3 MEYERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
6144 | Rhineland Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2003. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
799 | Bavaria Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2006. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
5474 | Palatinate Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2000. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
1898 | East Prussia Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2006. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
2931 | Hanover Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2002. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
4475 | Mecklenburg Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2000. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
5755 | Pomerania Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2003. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
382 | Alsace-Lorraine Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexws, c2005. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
5768 | Posen Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2004. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
683 | Baden Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2000. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
3007 | Hesse Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2000. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
3008 | Hesse-Nassau Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2000. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
6337 | Schleswig-Holsrein Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2002. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
5833 | Province of Saxony Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2003. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
973 | Brandenburg Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2004. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
975 | Braunschweig, Oldenburg, and Thuringia Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2002. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
3830 | Kingdom of Saxony Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Alphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes, c2003. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.3 MINERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
11108 | Bundesrepublik Deutschland, n.c.d. | Siegner, Otto (photographer) | Book | 914.3 SIEGNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Germany |
3271 | How to Read & Understand Meyers Orts- und Verkehrs-Lexicon des Deutschen Reichs: Meyers Geographical & Commerical Gazetteer of the German Empire, c2003. | Uncapher, Wendy | Book | 914.3 UNC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
8486 | Wurttemberg Place Name Indexes: Identifying Place Names Using Aphabetical and Reverse Alphabetical Indexes., c2002. | Minert, Roger P. | Book | 914.347 MIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Germany |
8322 | Where We Once Walked: a Guide to the Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust., c1991. | Mokotoff, Gary & Sack, Sallyann Amdur | Book | 914.7 MOK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Jewish Research | |
8627 | Genealogical Guidebook & Atlas of Denmark, c1986. | Smith, Frank & Finn A. Thomsen. | Book | 914.89 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Denmark |
937 | Black Lamb & Grey Falcon., c1943. | West, Rebecca | Book | 914.97 WES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Yugoslavia | |
7285 | The Mark of Honour., c1965. | Mathews, Hazel C. | Book | 917 MAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
6404 | Sentimental Journey: An Oral History of Train Travel in Canada., c1985. | Ferguson, Ted | Book | 917.104 FER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | Canada |
5310 | Oakville & the Sixteen., c1953. | Mathews, Hazel C. | Book | 917.13 MAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
10352 | Les Cantons de la Province de Quebec, c1913. | Fafard, M. F. X. (compiler). | Book | 917.14 FAFARD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Canada |
11771 | Visiting l’Ile d’Orleans, c1983. | Letourneau, Raymond. | Book | 917.1448 LETOURNE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Louisiana |
7077 | The El Dorado Trail., c1970. | Egan, Ferol | Book | 917.2 EGA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mexico | |
9967 | Guide to Mexico for the Motorist, c1936. | Book | 917.2 GUI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Mexico | |
2808 | Guatemala: The Land of the Quetzel., c1995. | Brigham, William T. | Book | 917.281 BRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Guatemala | |
509 | American Place Names of Long Ago, c1998. | Bahn, Gilbert S. (Editor) | Book | 917.3 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
7755 | Tour Guide to the Civil War: The Complete State-by-State Guide to Battlegrounds, Landmarks, Museums, Relics, and Sites. 4th edition revised., c1992. | Cromie, Alice | Book | 917.3 CRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, Military - War | |
9045 | Liv's Log 1900-1970., c1971 | Hartley, Livingston | Book | 917.3 HARTLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
12037 | 20 West: The Great Road Across America, c2008. | Nelson, Mac. | Book | 917.3 NELSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Transportation | |
12397 | Place Guide: Lists State and County for over 70,000 places in the United States, Boroughs, Cities, Counties, Districts, Divisions, Parishes, Precincts, Towns, Townships, and Villages.., c1990. | Andriot, Donna. (Editor). | Book | 917.3 PLACE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | |
261 | A Tour Through the Southern & Western Territories of the United States of North America: Florida., c1979. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Pope, John | Book | 917.3 POP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
3265 | How the States Got Their Shapes, c2008. | Stein, Mark | Book | 917.3 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
7921 | United States Dictionary of Places, c1988. | Book | 917.3 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | ||
12227 | Home Ground: Language for an American Landscape, 2006 | Lopez, Barry. Editor. | Book | 917.3003 HOME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | |
1519 | County Name Origins of the United States., c2001. | Beatty, Michael A. | Book | 917.3014 BEA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
7896 | Underground Railroad., 1994. | Blockson, Charles L. | Book | 917.3049 BLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography, African American | |
7517 | The St. Lawrence., c1942. | Beston, Henry | Book | 917.41 BES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
488 | American Guide Series - New Hampshire., c1938. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.42 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Hampshire | |
8016 | Vermont: A Guide to the Green Mountain State., c1937. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.43 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Vermont | |
2572 | Geographic Dictionary of Massachusetts., c1999. | Gannett, Henry | Book | 917.44 GAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Massachusetts |
7227 | The Housatonic: The Puritan River., c1946. | Smith, Chard Powers | Book | 917.44 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Massachusetts | |
4385 | Massachusetts: A Guide to its Places & People., c1937. | Federal Writers' Program | Book | 917.44 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Massachusetts | |
5366 | Old Nantasket., c1968. | Bergen, William M. | Book | 917.448 BER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Massachusetts | |
6145 | Rhode Island (American Guide Series)., c1937. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.45 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Rhode Island | |
11451 | Connecticut: A New Guide, c1974. | Bixby, William. | Book | 917.46 BIXBY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | Connecticut |
1482 | Connecticut Place Names., c1976. | Hughes, Arthur H. & Allen Morse | Book | 917.46 HUG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Connecticut |
4631 | Montgomery County, Outlines of History., c1973. | Donlon, Hugh P. | Book | 917.47 DON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
5200 | New York Panorama., c1938. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.47 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
2355 | Gazetteer of the State of New York., c1860. | French, J.H. | Book | 917.47 FRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New York |
12515 | Index of Names in J.H. French’s Gazetteer of the State of New York (1860): compiled by Frank Place and Others., c1983. Gazetteer of the State of New York., c1860. | French, J.H. | Book | 917.47 FRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New York |
12411 | Guide to New York City Landmarks.,2004. | New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. | Book | 917.47 GUIDE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, History | New York |
5214 | New York: A Guide of the Empire State., c1940. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.47 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
4516 | Meyer Berger's New York., c1953. | Berger, Meyer | Book | 917.471 BER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
7529 | The Street Book, c1978. | Moscow, Henry | Book | 917.471 MOS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
10065 | New York Street Guide and Transportation Directory, c1943. | Book | 917.471 NEW YORK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/19/2014 | Directories, General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New York | |
6920 | The Bronx in the Innocent Years, 1890-1925., c1964. | Ultan Lloyd & Gary Hermalyn | Book | 917.47275 ULT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
6900 | The Beautiful Bronx, 1920-1950., c1979. | Ultan Lloyd | Book | 917.47275 ULT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
11781 | The Ramapo Mountain People, c1974. | Cohen, David Steven. | Book | 917.4728 COHEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Genealogy Reference | New Jersey |
2104 | Fields of Peace., c1970. | Brand, Millen | Book | 917.48 BRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
6919 | The Brandywine: Story of a River., c1941. | Canby, Henry Seidel | Book | 917.48 CAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Delaware | |
12053 | The Brandywine, c1941/1969. | Canby, Henry Seidel. | Book | 917.48 CANBY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | Delaware |
7532 | The Susquehanna., c1955. | Carmer, Carl | Book | 917.48 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
2356 | Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania (1832)., c1999. | Gordon, Thomas F. | Book | 917.48 GOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Pennsylvania |
12059 | Journey Through Pennsylvania – 1835: By Canal, Rail and Stage Coach, c1978. | Nicklin, Philip. | Book | 917.48 NICKLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History, Transportation | Pennsylvania |
2852 | Guidebook to Historic Western Pennsylvania, c1991. | Swetnam, George & Helene Smith | Book | 917.48 SWE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
6846 | The Allegheny., c1942. | Way, Frederick. | Book | 917.48 WAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
220 | A Guide to the Keystone State., c1940. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.48 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
10751 | Chester County Post Card Album II, c1984. | Baldwin, William C. and Paul A. Rodebaugh (compilers and editors). | Book | 917.481 BALDWIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Pennsylvania |
5663 | Philadelphia: A Guide to the Nation's Birthplace., c1937. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.481 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
10752 | Place Names of Monroe County, Pennsylvania, c1993. | Jones, Robert J. | Book | 917.482 JONES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Pennsylvania |
10753 | Place Names in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 2nd edition, c1955. | Mac Reynolds, George. | Book | 917.482 MAC REYNO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Pennsylvania |
8688 | Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, c1974. | Stocker, Rhamanthus M. | Book | 917.4834 STOCKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Pennsylvania |
12027 | York County: Compiled from Historical Writings, n.c.d. | Book | 917.4841 PENNSYLVANIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | Pennsylvania | |
12028 | Adams County: Compiled from Historical Writings, n.c.d. | Book | 917.4842 PENNSYLVANIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | Pennsylvania | |
12029 | Cumberland County: Compiled from Historical Writings, n.c.d. | Book | 917.4843 PENNSYLVANIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | Pennsylvania | |
12030 | Mifflin, Perry & Juniata Counties: Compiled from Historical Writings, n.c.d. | Book | 917.4846 PENNSYLVANIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | Pennsylvania | |
1805 | Eagles Mere and the Sullivan Highlands., c1944. | McFarland, J. Horace & Robert B. McFarland | Book | 917.4859 MCF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
5131 | New Jersey: A Guide to its Present and Past., c1939. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.49 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | |
2354 | Gazetteer of the State of New Jersey., c1834. | Gordon, Thomas F. | Book | 917.49 GOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | |
8819 | On History's Trail, c1973 | Hess, William M. E. | Book | 917.49 HESS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference | New Jersey |
7845 | Twin Rivers: The Raritan & The Passaic., c1943. | Wildes, Harry Emerson | Book | 917.49 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | |
4103 | Lower Piedmont Country., c1946. | Nixon, H.C. | Book | 917.5 NIX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Alabama | |
12066 | Footsteps of the Cherokees: Guide to the Eastern Homelands of the Cherokee Nation, c2000. | Rozema, Vicki. | Book | 917.5 ROZEMA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History, Native Americans | |
7504 | The Smithsonian Guide to Historic America: Virginia & the Capital Region., c1985. | Wiencek, Henry | Book | 917.5 WIE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
1662 | Delaware: A Guide to the First State., c1938 and 1955. | Works Progress Administration | Book | 917.51 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Delaware | |
6184 | Rivers of the Eastern Shore: Seventeen Maryland Rivers., c1944. | Footner, Hulbert | Book | 917.52 FOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maryland | |
2352 | Gazetteer of Maryland and Delaware., c1976. NOTE: THIS TITLE IS SHELVED IN THE MARYLAND COLLECTION. | Gannett, Henry | Book | 917.52 GAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Delaware, Maryland |
4327 | Maryland: A Guide to the Old Line State, c1940. | Federal Writers' Program | Book | 917.52 MARYLAND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maryland | |
7314 | The Memorial to Washington - An Historic Souvenir., c1932. | Callahan, Charles H. | Book | 917.53 CAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
2100 | Federal Writers Project of the Works Progress Administration for the District of Columbia. The WPA Guide to Washington, DC., c1942. | Federal Writers' Project | Book | 917.53 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | District of Columbia | |
6014 | Report on the Commission of the Renovation of the Executive Mansion, Washington, DC., c1956. | Book | 917.5304 REP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | District of Columbia | ||
10145 | Visit Historic Wheeling, c1993. | Victorian Wheeling Society, Ltd. | Book | 917.54 VICTORIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | General Reference, US History | West Virginia |
7086 | The Face of Virginia: A Pictorial Study., c1967. | Bodine, Aubrey | Book | 917.55 BOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
1383 | Colonial Williamsburg - Official Guidebook & Map., c1972. | Book | 917.55 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Virginia | |
5377 | Old Virginia Houses - The Mountain Empire., c1978. | Farrar, Emmie Ferguson | Book | 917.55 FAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
3162 | History of Rockbridge County, Virginia., c1920. | Morton, Oren F. | Book | 917.55 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
5321 | Official Program of the Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebration: Yorktown, Virginia., c1931. | Morton, Oren F. | Book | 917.55 OFF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
7334 | The Natural Bridge & its Historical Surroundings., c1939. | Tompkins, E.P. & J. Lee Davis | Book | 917.55 TOM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
1384 | Colonial Yorktown., c1938 and c1971. | Trudell, Clyde F. | Book | 917.55 TRU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia, Colonial America | |
8512 | Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebration., c1931. | Eckenrode, H.J. & Bryan Conard | Book | 917.55 YOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
8036 | Virginia Beautiful., c1978. | Nutting, Wallace | Book | 917.5504 NUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
11490 | The Fairfax Line: A Historic Landmark, c1990. | McClinton, Arthur T. et al. | Book | 917.552 McCLINTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, History | Virginia |
11491 | The Fairfax Line: A Profile in History and Geography, c1970. | Morrison, Charles. | Book | 917.552 MORRISON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, History | Virginia |
4659 | Mount Vernon is Ours - The Story of Preservation & Restoration of the Washington Home., c1966. | Thane, Elswyth | Book | 917.5529 THA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
7365 | The North Carolina Guide, c1955. | Robinson, Blackwell P. | Book | 917.56 NORTH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Carolina | |
5259 | North Carolina Gazetteer., c1968. | Powell, William S. | Book | 917.56 POW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | North Carolina |
10958 | A History Lover’s Guide to Wilmington and the Lower Cape Fear, c2003. | Fryar, Jack E., Jr. | Book | 917.562 FRYAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | North Carolina |
4680 | My Heart Turns Back., c1964. | Moorman, Fay | Book | 917.566 MOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
490 | American Guide Series: South Carolina., c1941. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.57 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | South Carolina | |
1260 | Children of Pride: a True Story of Georgia and the Civil War., c1973. | Myers, Robert Manson | Book | 917.58 MYE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Georgia |
6331 | Savannah: Now & Then., c1974. | Sewell, Cliff | Book | 917.58 SEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Georgia | |
659 | Atlanta: A City of the Modern South., c1942. | Federal Writers' Program | Book | 917.582 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Georgia | |
12548 | Album of Florida and the West Indies – David-Merrill Publication., c1940. Shelved on Atlas Stand. | Book | 917.59 ALBUM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Florida | |
2163 | Florida for Tourists, Invalids, & Settlers., c1964. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference Collection. | Barbour, George M. | Book | 917.59 BAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
6777 | Tales of South Florida & the Thousand Islands., c1965. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Beater, Jack | Book | 917.59 BEA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
222 | A Guidebook of Florida and the South., c1869. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Brinton, Daniel G. | Book | 917.59 BRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
12547 | Wish You Were Here: A Grand Tour of Early Florida Via Old Postcards., c1981. | Dunn, Hampton. | Book | 917.59 DUNN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, History | Florida |
2210 | Florida: A Guide to the Southernmost State., c1939. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Federal Writers' Project | Book | 917.59 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
2161 | Florida Cuban Heritage Trail., n.c.d. | Book | 917.59 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | ||
11826 | Florida Cuban Heritage Trail., c1994. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Book | 917.59 FLORIDA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Cuba, Florida | |
12385 | Florida Native American Trail., c2007. | Book | 917.59 FLORIDA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | Florida | |
11828 | Sketches, Historical, & Topographical of the Floridas., c1964. Note: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Forbes, James G. | Book | 917.59 FOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Florida |
7131 | The Fort Myers Plan., c1926. | Book | 917.59 FOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | ||
9983 | A. Lowell Hunt's Official Florida Guide with Photographs, c1952. | Hunt, A. Lowell | Book | 917.59 HUNT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Florida |
12458 | Letters From the Frontiere., c1868, 1974. | McCall, George Archibald. | Book | 917.59 McCALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | Florida |
12549 | Florida’s Vanishing Era: From the Journals of a Young Girl and her Father 1887-1910., c1954. | Pearse, Eleanor H. D. | Book | 917.59 PEARSE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | Florida |
12386 | Florida in the Making.,c1926. | Stockbridge, Frank Parker | Book | 917.59 STOCKBRIDGE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, History | Florida |
7548 | The Territory of Florida., c1962. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Williams, John Lee | Book | 917.59 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
12387 | Florida’s History Through it’s Places: Properties in the National Register of Historic Places., 1988. | Winsberg, Morton. | Book | 917.59 WINSBERG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, History | Florida |
2211 | Florida: A Guide to the Southernmost State., c1939. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Works Project Administration | Book | 917.59 WPA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
5484 | Palm Beach., c1966. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Ney, John | Book | 917.5932 NEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
10117 | Consider Coral Gables, c1948 | Clarke, Mary Helm | Book | 917.5938 CLARKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | General Reference, US History | Florida |
10119 | Pocket Street Guide of Miami, Miami Beach, Coral Gables (et al), n.c.d. | Book | 917.5939 POCKET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Florida | |
218 | A Guide to Key West., c1941 and 1949. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Collection. | Writers' Program | Book | 917.59411 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Florida |
3968 | Lies that Came True., c1983. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Bernard, Eileen | Book | 917.5948 BER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
6671 | St. Petersburg & Its People., c1972. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Fuller, Walter | Book | 917.5963 FUL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
9650 | Buccaneer: The Berkeley Preparatory School Yearbook, v.08, c1969 | Carron, Andrew (editor) | Book | 917.5965 BUCCANEER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida |
12388 | The Ybor City Story 1885-1954., c1976. | Rivery-Muniz, Jose. | Book | 917.5965 RIVERO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, History | Florida |
5472 | Ozona Country., c1964. | Bosworth, Allan R. | Book | 917.6 BOS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
7030 | The Curving shore: The Gulf Coast from Brownsville to Key West., c1957. | Ormerod, Leonard | Book | 917.6 ORM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
6686 | Stars Fell on Alabama., c1934. | Carmer, Carl | Book | 917.61 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Alabama | |
354 | Alabama., c1941. | Federal Writers' Project | Book | 917.61 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Alabama | |
4596 | Mississippi., c1938. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.62 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mississippi | |
4698 | Natchez: Symbol of the Old South., c1940. | Oliver, Nola Nance | Book | 917.6226 OLI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mississippi | |
536 | An Historical Narrative & Topographical Description of Louisiana & West Florida., c1968. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Collection | Hutchins, Thomas | Book | 917.63 HUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Florida | |
1649 | Deep Delta Country., c1944. | Kane, Harnett T. | Book | 917.63 KAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Louisiana | |
6819 | Texas: A Guide to the Lone Star., c1940. | Writers Program of Texas | Book | 917.64 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
5356 | Oklahoma: A Guide to the Sooner State., c1941. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.66 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Oklahoma | |
634 | Arkansas: A Guide to the State., c1977. | Federal Works Project Administration | Book | 917.67 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Arkansas | |
7256 | The Kentucky., c1943. | Clark, Thomas J. | Book | 917.69 CLA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kentucky | |
3819 | Kentucky: A Guide to the Bluegrass State, c1939. | Federal Writers' Project | Book | 917.69 KENTUCKY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kentucky | |
9277 | Kentucky Place Names, c1984. | Rennick, Robert M. | Book | 917.69 RENNICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Kentucky, United States |
4677 | My Appalachia., c1937 and 1965. | Caudill, Rebecca | Book | 917.691 CAU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kentucky | |
6707 | Stinking Creek., c1967. | Fetterman, John | Book | 917.691 FET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kentucky | |
11905 | A Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards Call’d Florida, and by the French, La Louisiane, c1976. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Coxe, Daniel | Book | 917.7 COXE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | History | Louisiana, Florida |
7428 | The Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi., c1973 (contents include materials related to Florida history). NOTE: Shelved in Florida Reference. | Pittman, Philip | Book | 917.7 PIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | History | Florida, Mississippi |
7373 | The Ohio Guide, c1940. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.71 OHIO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ohio | |
5348 | Ohio: A Personal Portrait of the 17th State., c1969. | Perry, Dick | Book | 917.71 PER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ohio | |
8889 | Farm Journal Farmers Directory of Richland County, Ohio, c1915 | Book | 917.7128 FARM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Occupations | Ohio | |
10741 | Historic Piqua: An Architectural Survey, c1976. | American Association of University Women, Piqua Branch. | Book | 917.716 AMERICAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference, Land Records | Ohio |
11273 | Index of Roads, Streets and Subdivisions Licated in Warren County, Ohio, c1965. | Book | 917.7176 WARREN C | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | Ohio | |
3568 | Indiana: A Guide to the Hoosier State, c1941. | Federal Writers' Project | Book | 917.72 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Indiana | |
3570 | Indianapolis and the Civil War, a publication of the Society of Indiana Pioneers, c1972. | Holliday, John Hampden | Book | 917.72 HOLLIDAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Indiana |
7614 | The Wabash, c1940. | Wilson, William E. | Book | 917.72 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Indiana | |
3359 | Illinois., c1939. | Federal Writers' Project | Book | 917.73 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
7236 | The Illinois., c1940. | Gray, James | Book | 917.73 GRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
6940 | The Chicago., c1942. | Hansen, Harry | Book | 917.73 HAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
7473 | The Sangamon., c1942. | Ward, Lynd | Book | 917.73 MAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
4214 | Market revisited: a tour guide of labor history sites and ethnic neighborhoods connected with the haymarket affair., c1976. | Adelman, William J. | Book | 917.7311 ADE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
8667 | History of Stephenson County., c1970. | Keister, Phillip. (Editor). | Book | 917.7333 HIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Illinois |
9363 | Mackinac Island: Three Hundred fifty Years of History, c1999. | Benjamin, Robert E. | Book | 917.74 BENJAMIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/10/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Michigan |
4545 | Michigan: A Guide to the Wolverine State., c1973. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.74 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Michigan | |
7637 | The Wisconsin., c1942. | Derleth, August | Book | 917.75 DER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wisconsin | |
8446 | Wisconsin: A Guide to the Badger State., c1941. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.75 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wisconsin | |
4577 | Minnesota., c1938. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.76 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Minnesota | |
9274 | From Ackley to Zwingle: A Collection of the Origins of Iowa Place Names, c1975. | Dilts, Harold E. | Book | 917.77 DILTS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Iowa, United States |
4607 | Missouri., c1941. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.78 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Missouri | |
5770 | Powder River: Let | Burt, Maxwell | Book | 917.8 BUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wyoming | |
6882 | The Arkansas., c1940. | Davis, Clyde Brion | Book | 917.8 DAV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Arkansas | |
1399 | Commerce of the Prairies, c1954. | Moorhead, Max L. & Josiah Gregg | Book | 917.8 GREGG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Geography | |
9230 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Migration, US History | United States |
9231 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Migration, US History | United States |
9232 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Migration, US History | United States |
9233 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, Migration, US History | United States |
9234 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Migration, US History | United States |
9235 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Migration, US History | United States |
9236 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, Migration, US History | United States |
9237 | Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806. c1905. | Thwaites, Reuben Gold. (Editor) | Book | 917.8 LEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Migration, US History | United States |
7087 | The Family Band., c1961. | Van Nuys, Laura B. | Book | 917.8 VAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | South Carolina | |
11579 | The Trailblazers: Old West Series, Time Life Books., c1973. | Gilbert, Bil. | Book | 917.804 GILBERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | |
9653 | Lewis and Clark: Across the Divide., c2011. | Gilman, Carolyn | Book | 917.8042 GILMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/12/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Migration | United States |
7250 | The Kaw: The Heart of the Nation., c1941. | Streeter, Floyd Benjamin | Book | 917.81 STR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kansas | |
487 | American Guide Series - Nebraska., c1939. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.82 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Nebraska | |
5279 | North Dakota., c1938. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.84 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Dakota | |
7331 | The National Gazetteer of the United States of America: North Dakota., c1990. | Book | 917.84 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Dakota | ||
1389 | Colorado: A Guide to the Highest State., c1941. | American Guide Series | Book | 917.88 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Colorado | |
5135 | New Mexico: A Guide to the Colorful State., c1953. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.89 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Mexico | |
9969 | Chadwick San Francisco Street and Transportation Guide, n.c.d. | Book | 917.94 CHADWICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | California | |
7472 | The Sacramento: River of Gold, c1939. | Dana, Julian | Book | 917.94 DAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
489 | American Guide Series: San Francisco, The Bay & its Cities., c1972. | Federal Works Project Administration | Book | 917.94 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
491 | American Guide Series. California., c1972. | Federal Works Project Administration | Book | 917.94 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
492 | American Guide Series. Los Angeles: A Guide to the City & its Environs., c1972. | Federal Works Project Administration | Book | 917.94 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
5677 | Pictures of Old Chinatown., c1908. | Genthe, Arnold | Book | 917.94 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
6324 | Santa Barbara: A Guide to the Channel City & its Environs., c1973. | American Guide Series | Book | 917.9491 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
5413 | Oregon: End of the Trail., c1940. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 917.95 WRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Oregon | |
2811 | Guide to Alaska, The Last American Frontier., c1987. | Colby, Merle | Book | 917.98 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Alaska | |
7783 | Trail of Ninety Eight., c1962. | Thomas, Lowell Jr. | Book | 917.98 TRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Migration | Alaska |
6938 | The Chagres: River of Westward Passage, c1948. | Minter, John Easter | Book | 918.6 MIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Panama | |
10120 | A Description of the English Province of Carolana, by the Spaniards Call’d Florida, and by the French, La Louisiane, c1976. NOTE: Shelved in Florida Collection. | Coxe, Daniel | Book | 919.7 COXE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, US History | Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina |
6585 | South Dakota: A Guide to the State., c1952. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 919.83 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | South Dakota | |
2757 | Great Negroes - Past and Present., c1963 and 1964. | Adams, Russell L. | Book | 920 ADA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, African American | |
8844 | I Wouldn't Take Nothin For My Journey: Two Centuries of an Afro-American Ministers Family., c1981. (NOTE: Material Covers 6 Generations in Virginia and North Carolina. Shelved in the Virginia Collection). | Berry, Leonidas H. | Book | 920 BER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | African American | North Carolina, Virginia |
917 | Biographical Souvenir of Florida & Georgia., c1889 and 1975. | Book | 920 BIO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida, Georgia | ||
6913 | The Blue Book: Leaders of the English-Speaking Word (primarily the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia)., c1970 | Book | 920 BLU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada | ||
8347 | Who's who in Des Moines: 1929. | Baldwin, Sara Mullin. (editor) | Book | 920 DES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Iowa | |
8344 | Who's who and why of successful Florida women. v.1 1985. | Book | 920 FLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Florida | ||
5382 | On Florida's Coconut Coasts., c1944. | Gatewood, George W. | Book | 920 GAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
8726 | The Hairstons: An American Family in Black & White., c1999. | Wiencek, Henry | Book | 920 HAIRSTONS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | United States |
8727 | The Sweet Hell Inside: A Family History of the Harleston Family of Charleston, South Carolina., c2001. | Ball, Edward | Book | 920 HARLESTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, US History | South Carolina, United States |
11069 | Amelia Earhart’s Daughters: The Wild and Glorious Story of American Women Aviators from World War II to the Dawn of the Space Age, c1998. | Haynsworth, Leslie and David Toomey. | Book | 920 HAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, Women | |
10478 | The Ranch, c2005. | Hilliard, Joe Marlin and Barbara Oehlbeck. | Book | 920 HILLIARD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | General Reference | Florida |
12228 | Hidden Figures: During World War II, America’s Fledgling Aeronautics Industry Hired Black Female Mathematicians – This is Their Untold Story., c2016 | Lee-Shetterly, Margot. | Book | 920 LEE-SHETTERLY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | African American, Women, Military - War, General Reference | |
12278 | Leaders of Haiti: 1804-2001 Historical Overview, c2001. | Manigat, Max. | Book | 920 MANIGAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, History | Haiti |
11944 | The Obits Annual 2012: Obituaries published in the New York Times of notable individuals who died between August 2010 and July 2011, c2011. | McDonald, William (editor). | Book | 920 McDONALD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Obituaries | New York |
412 | American Biographical Institute. Personalities of the South. 10th Edition., c1979. | Book | 920 PER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
6546 | Sons of the South., c1961. | Rand, Clayton | Book | 920 RAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War | |
1956 | Eminent Victorians., c1918. | Strachey, Lytton | Book | 920 STR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
11406 | Henry Ford and Benjamin B. Lovett: The Dancing Billionaire and the Dancing Master, c1982. | Twork, Eva O’Neal. | Book | 920 TWORK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | |
8346 | Who's Who in Commerce and Industry., c1936,1938. | Book | 920 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
7695 | To Our Children's Children. C1993 | Greene, Bob | Book | 920.0028 GRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
11580 | Italian Heroes of American History, c1976. | Lepis, Louis A. | Book | 920.0092 LEPIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | Italy |
918 | Biography and Genealogy Master Index, v.01, 1991. | Book | 920.016 BIO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
919 | Biography and Genealogy Master Index, v.02, 1992. | Book | 920.016 BIO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
920 | Biography and Genealogy Master Index, v.03, 1993. | Book | 920.016 BIO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
921 | Biography and Genealogy Master Index, v.04, 1994. | Book | 920.016 BIO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
12398 | Community Leaders of America. 11th Edition., c1981 | American Biographical Institute. | Book | 920.03 COM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | |
6486 | Social Register Summer: All Cities, 1967. | Book | 920.03 SOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
6487 | Social Register Summer: All Cities, 1968. | Book | 920.03 SOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
12511 | Social Register New York. 1969. | Book | 920.03 SOCIAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | History, General Reference | ||
12512 | Social Register New York. 1971. | Book | 920.03 SOCIAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | History, General Reference | ||
9899 | Southern Social Register 1950, 1951, c1951. | Book | 920.03 SOU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference | ||
8539 | A Dictionary of Irish Biography, 3rd ed., c1998. | Boylan, Henry | Book | 920.041 BOYLAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Ireland |
11432 | Who’s Buried Where in England, c1982. | Greenwood, Douglas. | Book | 920.042 GREENWOOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Cemetery Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
10056 | Who Was Who in America, v.09 1985-1989. | Book | 920.073 | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
11838 | American Heritage Pictorial History of the Presidents of the United States, 2v, c1968. vol. 01. | Book | 920.073 AMERICAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, History | ||
11839 | The American Heritage History of the Presidency, c1968. | Cunliffe, Marcus, et al. | Book | 920.073 AMERICAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, History | |
12510 | American Heritage Pictorial History of the Presidents of the United States, 2v, c1968. vol. 02. | Book | 920.073 AMERICAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | History, General Reference | ||
10648 | Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans, 2v, 1975-1976, c1975. v.01. | American Biographical Institute | Book | 920.073 COMMUNIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | |
10649 | Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans, 2v, 1976-1977, c1977. v.02. | American Biographical Institute. | Book | 920.073 COMMUNIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | |
1737 | Directory of Distinguished Americans. 1st edition., c1982. | Book | 920.073 DIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
12038 | The Women of the American Revolution, v. One & Two and v. Three, c1849, 1850. | Ellet, Elizabeth F. | Book | 920.073 ELLET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War, Women | |
12039 | The Women of the American Revolution, v. One & Two and v. Three, c1849, 1850. | Ellet, Elizabeth F. | Book | 920.073 ELLET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference, Military - War, Women | |
11317 | Uncommon Friends: Life with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrell & Charles Lindbergh, c1987. | Newton, James D. | Book | 920.073 NEWTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | General Reference, History, Family Histories | |
4497 | Men of Mark., c1887. | Simmons, William J. | Book | 920.073 SIM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
10049 | Who Was Who in America, v. 01, 1897-1942; | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10050 | Who Was Who in America, v.03, 1951-1960 | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10051 | Who Was Who in America, v.04, 1961-1968. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10052 | Who Was Who in America, v.05, 1969-1973. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10053 | Who Was Who in America, v.06, 1974-1976. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10054 | Who Was Who in America, v.07, 1977-1981. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10055 | Who Was Who in America, v.08, 1982-1985. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10057 | Who Was Who in America, v.10, 1989-1993. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10058 | Who Was Who in America, v.13, 1998-2000. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10059 | Who Was Who in America, v.14, 2000-2002. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10060 | Who Was Who in America, v.15, 2002-2004. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
10061 | Who Was Who in America, v.16, 2004-2005. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, US History | United States | |
12370 | Who Was Who in America Historical Edition 1607-1896., c1967. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | ||
12371 | Who Was Who in America Historical Edition 1897-1942., c1981. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | ||
12372 | Who Was Who in America Historical Edition 1943-1950., c1983. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | ||
12373 | Who Was Who in America Historical Edition 1951-1960., c1994. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | ||
12374 | Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 2v., c1950. vol. 01. | Randall, H. Pettus (editor). | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | |
12375 | Who Was Who in America, Index - With World Notables 1607-1993., c1993 | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | ||
8332 | Who Was Who in America, Index 1607-2009 With World Notables. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference | ||
8333 | Who Was Who in America, v.02, 1943-1950. | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference | ||
9900 | Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 2v, c1950. vol. 02. | Randall, H. Pettus (editor). | Book | 920.073 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | |
11005 | Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, v. XXVI, 1959-60, c1960. | Randall, H. Pettus (editor). | Book | 920.073 WHO’S WH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Directories, Education - School, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
8334 | Who Was Who in Florida., c1973. | Marks, Henry S. | Book | 920.075 MAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
5822 | Proud Heritage of West Virginia., c1967. | Sykes, Robert H. | Book | 920.0754 SYK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | West Virginia | |
1722 | Dictionary of South Carolina Biography. v.1., c1985. | Cote, Richard N. & Patricia H. Williams | Book | 920.0757 COT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | South Carolina | |
2168 | Florida Lives., c1966. | Trinker, Charles L. (editor) | Book | 920.0759 TRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
5376 | Old Time Tazewell., c1979. | Hansard, Mary A. | Book | 920.0768 HAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Tennessee | |
8345 | Who's Who in Chicago. 1926. | Marquis, Albert Nelson (compiler) | Book | 920.0773 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Illinois | |
12626 | Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography. 3v., 1988. v.02. | Thrapp, Dan L. | Book | 920.078 THR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference, Dictionary/Encyclopedia | |
12627 | Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography. 3v., 1988. v.01. | Thrapp, Dan L. | Book | 920.078 THR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | General Reference, Dictionary/Encyclopedia | |
1965 | Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography. 3v., 1988. v.03. | Thrapp, Dan L. | Book | 920.078 THR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Genealogy Reference | |
11534 | Pioneer Women of the West, c1856. | Ellet, Elizabeth Fries. | Book | 920.7 ELLET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Women, History, General Reference | |
3913 | Leading Men in the United States of America., c1965. | Book | 920.71 LEA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
11318 | Ladies for Liberty: Women Who Made a Difference in American History, 2nd edition, c2013. | Blundell, John. | Book | 920.72 BLUNDELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | Women, History, General Reference | |
2073 | Famous American Women - A Biographical Dictionary from Colonial Times to the Present. c1980. | McHenry, Robert (editor) | Book | 920.72 FAMOUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
7664 | Those Intriguing Indomitable Vermont Women., c1980. | Book | 920.72 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Vermont | ||
8453 | Women of Monroe County Committee. Women Who Made History in Monroe County., c1995. | Book | 920.72 WOM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | ||
8339 | Who's Who Among American High School Students, 1982-3 (17th edition). | Book | 921 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
8340 | Who's Who Among American High School Students, 1983-4 (18th edition). | Book | 922 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
1442 | Confederate Portraits., c1912 and 1913. | Bradford, Gamaliel | Book | 923 BRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War | |
5461 | Outstanding Floridians., c1971. | Book | 923 OUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | ||
8341 | Who's Who Among American High School Students, 1984-5 (19th edition). | Book | 923 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
6436 | Shelter For His Excellency | Greene, Le Roy. | Book | 923.273 GRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
2222 | Florida's Promoters: The Men Who Made It Big., c1973. | Harner, Charles E. | Book | 923.8 HAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
8342 | Who's Who Among American High School Students, 1987-8 (22nd edition). | Book | 924 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
8343 | Who's Who Among American High School Students, 1988-89 (23rd edition). | Book | 925 WHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
11794 | Cemeteries of Fayette County, PA, v.01, c1996. | Yaniga, Rose and John J. Yanik, Jr. (compilers). | Book | 925.5 YANIGA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Cemetery Records, General Reference | Pennsylvania |
7056 | The Doctors Mayo, c1941. | Clapesattle, Helen | Book | 926.1 CLAPESATTLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Minnesota | |
7335 | The Negro in the Early Life of Oklahoma - compiled from the "Negro in Oklahoma," Federal Writers' Project, May 1939. | Federal Writer's Project | Book | 926.3766 NEG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | African American | Oklahoma |
8350 | Who's Who in the Chemical and Drug Industries, 1928. | Haynes, Williams (editor) | Book | 926.6 CHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
10695 | The German Research Companion, c2010. | Riemer, Shirley J., Roger P. Minert, and Jennifer A. Anderson. | Book | 928.1089 RIEMER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference | Germany |
11161 | New Jersey 1800 Cumberland County Census Index, c1977. | Jackson, Ronald V., Gary Ronald Teeples and David Schaefermeyer (editors) | Book | 928.3749 JAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | New Jersey |
1533 | Crawford County, Ohio: Early Baptisms: Peace Lutheran Church; and Early Tax Lists:Liberty and Bucyrus Townships, n.c.d. | Book | 929 3771 CRAWFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Ohio | |
5578 | Pendleton District & Anderson County, South Carolina - Wills, Estates, Inventories, Tax Returns, & Census Records., c1980. | Alexander, Virginia et. al. | Book | 929 ALE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Census Records | South Carolina |
6222 | Roots for Kids: A Genealogy Guide for Young People | Beller, Susan Provost | Book | 929 BELLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
8418 | William Brewster of the Mayflower and the Fifth Generation Descendants of His Son Love, c2003. | Merrick, Barbara Lambert (compiler) | Book | 929 LEAVITT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mayflower | |
3824 | Kid's Family Tree Book | Caroline Leavitt | Book | 929 LEAVITT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
8349 | Who's Who In My Family? | Loreen Leedy | Book | 929 LEEDY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
2884 | Guion Miller Roll "Plus" of Eastern Cherokee East & West of the Mississippi 1909, c1994. | Blankenship, Bob | Book | 929 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
5884 | Quick Sheet: Citing Databases and Images, c2009. | Mills, Elizabeth Shown | Book | 929 MILLS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
11889 | Irish Genealogy Research, c2010. | Mitchell, Brian. | Book | 929 MITCHELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Ireland |
6015 | Republic of Texas: Poll Lists for 1846., c1974. | Mullins, Marion D. | Book | 929 MUL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Texas | |
8517 | Your Family Tree: What Do You Known About? | Nuria Roca | Book | 929 ROCA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
560 | Ancestor Hunt: Finding Your Family Online | Nancy Shepherdson | Book | 929 SHEPERDSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
6485 | Social Networking for Genealogists, c2009. | Smith, Drew | Book | 929 SMITH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
4470 | Me and My Family Tree | Joan Sweeney | Book | 929 SWEENEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
7668 | Through the Eyes of Your Ancestors: Step-by-Step Guide to Uncovering Your Family's History | Maureen Taylor | Book | 929 TAYLOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
3024 | Hillsborough County, Florida Selected Records, extracted from South Florida Pioneers, n.c.d. | Book | 929,3759 HILLS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | ||
9783 | Abstracts of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills. 1682-1726. | Wright, F. Edward (Editor) | Book | 929-3748 ABS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Probate Records, Wills | Pennsylvania |
9784 | Abstracts of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills. 1726-1747. | Wright, F. Edward (Editor) | Book | 929-3748 ABS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Probate Records, Wills | Pennsylvania |
9785 | Abstracts of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills. 1748-1763. | Wright, F. Edward (Editor) | Book | 929-3748 ABS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | General Reference, Probate Records, Wills | Pennsylvania |
9786 | Abstracts of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills. 1763-1784. | Wright, F. Edward (Editor) | Book | 929-3748 ABS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Probate Records, Wills | Pennsylvania |
9787 | Abstracts of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills. 1777-1790. | Wright, F. Edward (Editor) | Book | 929-3748 ABS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Probate Records, Wills | Pennsylvania |
9788 | Abstracts of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills. 1790-1802. | Wright, F. Edward (Editor) | Book | 929-3748 ABS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Probate Records, Wills | Pennsylvania |
9789 | Abstracts of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Wills. 1802-1809. | Wright, F. Edward (Editor) | Book | 929-3748 ABS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Probate Records, Wills | Pennsylvania |
12568 | Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies., c2019. | Wayne, Debbie Parker. (Editor). | Book | 929.1 ADVANCED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | DNA, General Reference | |
326 | African American Genealogical Sourcebook., c1995 | Byers, Paula K. (editor) | Book | 929.1 AFR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, African American | |
3269 | How to Find your Gold Rush Relative, Sources on the Klondike & Alaska Gold Rushes (1896-1914)., c1997. | Alaska Gold Rush Centennial Task Force | Book | 929.1 ALA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Migration | Alaska |
411 | American and English Genealogies in the Library of Congress. 2nd ed., c1919. | Library of Congress | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
425 | American Genealogist, Index. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
426 | American Genealogist, v.01. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
427 | American Genealogist, v.10. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
428 | American Genealogist, v.11. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
429 | American Genealogist, v.12. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
430 | American Genealogist, v.13. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
431 | American Genealogist, v.14. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
432 | American Genealogist, v.15. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
433 | 929.1 AME | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
434 | American Genealogist, v.17. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
435 | American Genealogist, v.18. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
436 | American Genealogist, v.19. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
437 | American Genealogist, v.02. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
438 | American Genealogist, v.20. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
439 | American Genealogist, v.21. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
440 | American Genealogist, v.22. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
441 | American Genealogist, v.23. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
442 | American Genealogist, v.24. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
443 | American Genealogist, v.25. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
444 | American Genealogist, v.26. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
445 | American Genealogist, v.27. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
446 | American Genealogist, v.28. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
447 | American Genealogist, v.29. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
448 | American Genealogist, v.03. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
449 | American Genealogist, v.30. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
450 | American Genealogist, v.31. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
451 | American Genealogist, v.32. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
452 | American Genealogist, v.33. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
453 | American Genealogist, v.34. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
454 | American Genealogist, v.35. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
455 | American Genealogist, v.36. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
456 | American Genealogist, v.37. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
457 | American Genealogist, v.38. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
458 | American Genealogist, v.39. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
459 | American Genealogist, v.04. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
460 | American Genealogist, v.40. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
461 | American Genealogist, v.41. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
462 | American Genealogist, v.42. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
463 | American Genealogist, v.43. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
464 | American Genealogist, v.44. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
465 | American Genealogist, v.45. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
466 | American Genealogist, v.46. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
467 | American Genealogist, v.47. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
468 | American Genealogist, v.48. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
469 | American Genealogist, v.49. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
470 | American Genealogist, v.05. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
471 | American Genealogist, v.50. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
472 | American Genealogist, v.51. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
473 | American Genealogist, v.52. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
474 | American Genealogist, v.53. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
475 | American Genealogist, v.54. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
476 | American Genealogist, v.55. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
477 | American Genealogist, v.56. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
478 | American Genealogist, v.57. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
479 | American Genealogist, v.58. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
480 | American Genealogist, v.59. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
481 | American Genealogist, v.06. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
482 | American Genealogist, v.60. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
483 | American Genealogist, v.07. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
484 | American Genealogist, v.08. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
485 | American Genealogist, v.09. | Book | 929.1 AME | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference | ||
6006 | Religious Records: A Closer Look., c2001. | Book | 929.1 ANC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
8357 | Wilkommen to Your German Roots., c2000. | Anderson, Chris & Ernest Thode | Book | 929.1 AND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
1756 | Discovering Your Germanic Ancestors., c2000 | Anderson, Chris & Ernest Thode | Book | 929.1 AND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
9839 | Understanding Evidence, extracted from the Ohio Genealogy News, c2012. | Andrews, Jean | Book | 929.1 ANDREWS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
654 | Asian-American Genealogical Sourcebook., 1995. | Byers, Paula K. | Book | 929.1 ASI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
9901 | Searching on Location: Planning a Research Trip., c1992. | Balhuizen, Anne Ross | Book | 929.1 BAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
5772 | Practical Genealogy: Searching for Your Family. Revised edition, c1998. | Baugrud, Kim J. | Book | 929.1 BAU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
3380 | In Search of Your British & Irish Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your English, Welsh, Scottish, & Irish Ancestors., c1991. | Baxter, Angus | Book | 929.1 BAX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
3381 | In Search of Your Canadian Roots. 3rd edition, c1999. | Baxter, Angus | Book | 929.1 BAX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
12013 | In Search of Your British & Irish Roots: A Complete Guide to Tracing Your English, Welsh, Scottish, & Irish Ancestors., c1991. | Baxter, Angus | Book | 929.1 BAXTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | British Isles, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales |
10240 | Family Pride: The Complete Guide to Tracing African-American Genealogy, c1997 | Beasley, Donna. | Book | 929.1 BEASLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | African American, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
6389 | Searching in Illinois: Reference Guide to Public & Private Records, c1984. | Beckstead, Gayle | Book | 929.1 BEC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
3310 | I Can Decipher Germanic Records., c1982. | Bentz, Edna M. | Book | 929.1 BEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
2539 | Genealogy On-Site in the Burgenland., c1995. | Berghold, Gerald B. | Book | 929.1 BER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
2286 | Fraternal & Benevolent Societies: Research Techniques., c2001. | Betit, Kyle | Book | 929.1 BET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Fraternal Society | |
8134 | Visiting the Scottish Records office., c1996. | Bigwood, A. Rosemary | Book | 929.1 BIG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
8653 | Key to the Parochial Registers of Scotland. 3rd Reprint Edition., c1979. | Bloxham, V. Ben | Book | 929.1 BLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Lithuania, Scotland |
7459 | The Role of State Revolutionary War Bounty Land Files in Genealogical Research., c1999. | Bockstruck, Lloyd Dewitt | Book | 929.1 BOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War, Land Records | |
1493 | Contents and Addresses of Hungarian Archives,. 2nd Edition, c1993. | Brandt, Edward Reimer | Book | 929.1 BRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Hungary | |
1413 | Compendium of Historical Sources, c1983. | Bremer, Ronald A. | Book | 929.1 BREMER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
9238 | Research Guide to Loyalist Ancestors: Directory to Archives, Manuscripts, Published and Electronic Sources. Updated and Revised Edition, c2006. | Bunnell, Paul J. | Book | 929.1 BUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Archives - Libraries, Loyalists | Canada |
6019 | Research Guide to Loyalist Ancestors., c1990. | Bunnell, Paul J. | Book | 929.1 BUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Loyalists | Canada |
9840 | Handbook for Genealogical Correspondence: Prepared by the Cache Genealogical Library., c1974. | Book | 929.1 CAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
4672 | My Ancestor Was a Migrant., c1987. | Camp, Anthony. | Book | 929.1 CAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Migration | England |
2816 | Guide to Finding Your Ellis Island Ancestors., c2005. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo | Book | 929.1 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration, Migration | New York |
3632 | Italian-American Family History: A Guide to Researching & Writing about your Heritage., c1997. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo | Book | 929.1 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Italy | |
3274 | How To Research American Indian Blood Lines, c2000. | Carpenter, Cecelia Svinth | Book | 929.1 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Native Americans | |
6386 | Searching for your immigrant ancestor., c1997. | Carter-Walker, Fran | Book | 929.1 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
2815 | Guide To Cuban Genealogical Research: Records and Sources, c1991. | Carr, Peter E. | Book | 929.1 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Cuba | |
3912 | Leading Americans of Italian Descent in Massachusetts, c1946. | Carlevale, Joseph William. | Book | 929.1 CARLEVAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Massachusetts, Italy | |
8993 | Organizing Your Family History Search: Efficient & Effective Ways to Gather & Protect Your Genealogical Research, c1999. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo | Book | 929.1 CARMACK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10959 | Carteret County, NC Resources: Marriage Bonds, Court Records, Index of Deeds, n.c.d | Book | 929.1 CARTERET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | North Carolina | |
3853 | Korzenie Polskie (Polish Roots)., c1993. | Chorzcmpa, Rosemary A. | Book | 929.1 CHO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Poland | |
1280 | Church Records Research (Genealogical) in Sweden., c2001. | Book | 929.1 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Sweden | |
2053 | Family History Center Research Facilities: Europe and Scandinavia., c2000. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
1845 | Early LDS Church Information File., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
8526 | Europe: Finding Your Ancestor's Birthplace, n.c.d. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Europe |
8534 | Genealogical Library Catalog: Austria, n.c.d. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Austria |
12134 | Genealogical Library Catalog: Austria., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. | Book | 929.1 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Austria |
1539 | Creating a Worthwhile Genealogy, c1968. | Colket, Meredith B., Jr. | Book | 929.1 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2069 | Family Roots., c1991. | Colwell, Stella | Book | 929.1 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
3630 | Italian Genealogical Records: How to Use Italian Civil, Ecclesiastical, & Other Records in Family History Research., c1995. | Cole, Trafford R. | Book | 929.1 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Italy | |
3631 | Italian Roots., c1993 and 2003 (2nd ed.). | Colleta, John P. | Book | 929.1 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Italy | |
7653 | They Came in Ships, c2002. | Colletta, John P. | Book | 929.1 COL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
11601 | Finding Italian Roots: The Complete Guide for Americans.,c1993. | Colleta, John P. | Book | 929.1 Colleta | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Italy |
7146 | The Genealogist's Guide to Charleston County, South Carolina., c1978. | . | Book | 929.1 COT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | South Carolina | |
10476 | Cobh: The Queenstown Story Genealogical Guide, n.c.d. | Cobh Heritage Centre. | Book | 929.1 COUNTY C | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference | Ireland |
7767 | Tracing Your Ancestors in the Public Record Office. 4th Edition., c1993. | Cox, Jane | Book | 929.1 COX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
4760 | Never Been Before? Genealogists' Guide to the Family Records Centre., c1998. | Cox, Jane | Book | 929.1 COX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
8994 | Shaking Your Family Tree: Basic Guide to tracing Your Family's Genealogy. Revised Edition., c2001. | Crandall, Ralph J. | Book | 929.1 CRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
4081 | Long Distance Genealogy: Researching Your Family History from Home, c2000. | Crawford-Oppenheimer, Christine | Book | 929.1 CRA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
7993 | Unpuzzling Your Past Workbook: Essential Forms & Letters for Genealogists. 4th edition., c2002. | Croom, Emily | Book | 929.1 CRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
7994 | Unpuzzling Your Past: Basic Guide to Genealogy. 4th Edition., c2002. | Croom, Emily | Book | 929.1 CRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
11840 | The Essential Guide to Unpuzzling Your Past: The Classic Source for Tracing Your Family History, c2003. | Croom, Emily Anne. | Book | 929.1 CRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | |
9902 | The Sleuth Book for Genealogists: Strategies for More Successful Family History Research, c2000. | Croom, Emily Anne | Book | 929.1 CRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
2520 | Genealogy in the Isle of Man., c1993. | Crowe, Nigel G. | Book | 929.1 CRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
5305 | Numbering Your Genealogy: Basic Systems, Complex Families, and International Kin., c1999. | Curran, John Ferris | Book | 929.1 CUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
9841 | Union Draft Registration Records, 1863 (how to locate), extracted from the Ohio Genealogy News, c2011 | Cyprych, Deb | Book | 929.1 CYPRYCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | Ohio |
1565 | Czechoslovakia Genealogical Society International: 2001 Conference. Program & Syllabus Information. | Czechoslovakia Genealogical Society International | Book | 929.1 CZE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Czechoslovakia | |
7763 | Tracing Polish Ancestors., c1995. | Dickson, Charles | Book | 929.1 DIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Poland | |
6347 | Scotland During the Plantation of Ulster: The People of Dumfries and Galloway 1600-1699., c2008 | Dobson, David. A. | Book | 929.1 DOB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
6420 | Seven Steps to a Family Tree., c1997. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 929.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
6691 | State Motor Vehicle Records., c1997. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 929.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2092 | Federal Land Records: Send Me the Case Files., c1999. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 929.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
392 | America's Best Genealogy Resource Centers, c2003. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 929.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
6113 | Retracing the Trails of your Ancestors using Deed Records., c1995. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 929.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
2544 | Genealogy Starter Kit, 2nd ed., c1998. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 929.1 DOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2448 | Genealogical Resources of the Civil War Era: Online and Published Military or Civilian Name Lists, 1861-1869, and Post-War Veteran Lists, c2009. | Dollarhide, William | Book | 929.1 DOLLARHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War, Internet | |
8315 | What Did They Mean by That? A Dictionary of Historical and Genealogical Terms Old and New, v.1, c2000. | Drake, Paul, J.D. | Book | 929.1 DRAKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | |
8316 | What Did They Mean by That? A Dictionary of Historical and Genealogical Terms Old and New, v.2, c2000. | Drake, Paul, J.D. | Book | 929.1 DRAKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | |
7667 | Through Parish and Probate to your English Ancestry., c1965. | Druse, Joseph L. | Book | 929.1 DRU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, Estates, Probate Records, Wills | England |
2118 | Finding Your Chicago Ancestors: A Beginner's Guide to Family History in the City and Cook County, c2005. | DuMelle, Grace | Book | 929.1 DuMELLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
2827 | Guide to Irish Roots, Including Celts, Vikings, Normans, Kings, Queens, & Commoners., c1986. | Durning, William & Mary | Book | 929.1 DUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
2546 | Genealogy: an introduction to continental concepts., c1977. | Durye, Pierre | Book | 929.1 DUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | France | |
1564 | Czech Research Outline., c2002. | Edwards, Shon R. | Book | 929.1 EDW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Czechoslovakia | |
6687 | Start Climbing Your Family Tree, c2007. | Ruth Emmel | Book | 929.1 EMMEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Youth Genealogy | |
7078 | The Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy, v.1 Sources in the U.S. & Canada., c1991. | Kurzweil, Arthur & Miriam Webster (editors) | Book | 929.1 ENC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, Jewish Research | |
2071 | Family Tree Resource Book for Genealogists: Essential Guide to American County and Town Sources., c2004 | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo and Erin Nevius. (Editors) | Book | 929.1 FAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
12587 | More Brickwall Solutions to Genealogy Problems., c2004. | Publishers of Family Chronicle Magazine. | Book | 929.1 FAMILY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
9672 | The Family Tree Guide Book, c2002. | Editors of Family Tree Magazine | Book | 929.1 FAMILY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Genealogy Reference | |
11841 | Slave Ancestral Research: It’s Something Else, c1995. | Fears, Mary L. Jackson. | Book | 929.1 FEARS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | |
2101 | Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies., c2001. | Book | 929.1 FED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Sweden | ||
12513 | Finding True Connections; How to Learn and Write About a Family Members History., c2019. | St. John Thomas, Gareth. | Book | 929.1 FINDING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Writing Family History, General Reference | |
1714 | Dictionary of Genealogy., c1985. | FitzHugh, Terrick V.H. | Book | 929.1 FIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
11407 | The Dictionary of Genealogy, Fourth edition, c1991. | Fitzhugh, Terrick V. H. | Book | 929.1 FITZHUGH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | |
2711 | Getting Started: Norwegian-American Research., c1998. | Follesdal, John | Book | 929.1 FOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Norway | |
2417 | Genealogical Master Forms Available for Photocopy (Librarians Cart). | Fort Myers-Lee County Library | Book | 929.1 FOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Florida | |
9723 | Guide to Genealogical Lineage and Historical Resources in Lee County, Florida., c2013 | Ford, Carolyn (compiler) | Book | 929.1 FORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | General Reference | Florida |
8601 | Keys to the Courthouse: v.01 Jurisdictions; | Franklin, Charles M. | Book | 929.1 FRANKLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Court Records, General Reference | |
8857 | Keys to the Courthouse: v.4 Analyzing Records., c1985 | Franklin, Charles M. | Book | 929.1 FRANKLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Court Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | United States |
8602 | Keys to the Courthouse: v.02 Records | Franklin, Charles M. | Book | 929.1 FRANKLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Court Records, General Reference | |
8603 | Keys to the Courthouse: v.03 Unusual Records | Franklin, Charles M. | Book | 929.1 FRANKLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Court Records, General Reference | |
2306 | French-Canadian Sources: A Guide for Genealogists., c2002. | Book | 929.1 FRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada, France | ||
1540 | Creating Jr. Genealogists: Tips and Activities for Family History Fun | Dennen, Karen Frisch and Karen Frisch | Book | 929.1 FRISCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
5902 | Reader's Digest: The Genealogy Handbook - The Complete Guide to Tracing Your Family Tree, c2001. | Galford, Ellen | Book | 929.1 GAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
8904 | Reader's Digest: Genealogy Handbook Complete Guide to Tracing Your Family Tree | Galford, Ellen | Book | 929.1 Galford | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference | |
6362 | Scottish Genealogy., c2000. | Gay, Beth | Book | 929.1 GAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
2442 | Genealogical Resources and Techniques, n.c.d. | Book | 929.1 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wisconsin | ||
2016 | Everton's Genealogical Helper. v.62 (2008 - Present). | Everton, George B. | Book | 929.1 GEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/13/2021 | Genealogy Reference | |
9329 | How to Write and Publish Your Family Book, c1988. | Genealogy Publishing Service. | Book | 929.1 GENEALOG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/7/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Writing Family History | |
2642 | German-American Connection, n.c.d. | Book | 929.1 GER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | ||
2645 | Germanic Genealogy: A Guide to Worldwide Sources & Migration Patterns. 2nd edition., c1997. | Book | 929.1 GER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Germany | |
11006 | Get Started in Family History: the essential guide to tracing your ancestors, c2010. | James, Russell (editor). | Book | 929.1 GET STAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
7774 | Tracing Your Irish Ancestors. 2nd Edition, c1999. | Grenham, John | Book | 929.1 GRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
6555 | South African Research., c1989. | Hadden, Gordon William | Book | 929.1 HAD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Rep of South Africa | |
3379 | In Search of Scottish Ancestry., c1983. | Hamilton-Edwards, Gerald | Book | 929.1 HAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
7769 | Tracing Your British Ancestors: a Guide to Genealogical Sources., c1993. | Hamilton-Edwards, Gerald | Book | 929.1 HAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
2928 | Handybook for Genealogists. 10thh edition., c2002 | Everton, George B. (editor) | Book | 929.1 HAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2927 | Handy Tips to Your Genealogical Research in England and Wales, n.c.d. | Book | 929.1 HANDY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | ||
1577 | Danish Roots., c2000. | Hansen, Jennifer P. | Book | 929.1 HANSEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Denmark | |
8471 | Working in the Vineyards of Genealogy., c1993. | Heiss, Willard | Book | 929.1 HEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | |
1543 | Creative Ways to Preserve Family History with your Family., c2001. | Heritage Quest Magazine | Book | 929.1 HER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
10808 | The Swedes in America, c1966. | Hillbrand, Percie V. | Book | 929.1 Hillbrand | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/18/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Sweden |
3029 | Hispanic-American Genealogical Sourcebook., c1995. | Byers, Paula K. (editor) | Book | 929.1 HIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
3757 | Kentucky Ancestry: Guide to Genealogical & Historical Research., c1992. | Hogan, Roseann | Book | 929.1 HOG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Kentucky | |
3877 | Land and Property Research in the United States., c1997. | Hone, E. Wade | Book | 929.1 HON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
2098 | Federal Military Bounty Lands., c1999. | Hone, E. Wade | Book | 929.1 HON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
6098 | Researching German Ancestors: Part 1 - Language and Names., c2001. | Humphrey, John T. | Book | 929.1 HUM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Germany | |
7897 | Understanding & Using Baptismal Records, c1996 | Humphrey, John T. | Book | 929.1 HUM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records, General Reference | |
8514 | Your English Ancestry., c1993 | Irvine, Sherry | Book | 929.1 IRV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
6355 | Scottish Ancestry, 2nd Edition., c2003. | Irvine, Sherry | Book | 929.1 IRV | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
8605 | Finding Your People: An African-American Guide to Discovering Your Roots., c1999. | Jamison, Sandra Lee | Book | 929.1 JAMISON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | African American, General Reference | |
3272 | How to read German Church Records., c1980. | Johnson, Arta F. | Book | 929.1 JOH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Germany |
5250 | Norden: Guide to Scandinavian Genealogical Research in a Digital World., c2003. | Jura, Art | Book | 929.1 JUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scandinavia (Regional) | |
4564 | Migrations To & From Canada., c1982. | Keffer, Marion C. | Book | 929.1 KEF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Immigration - Emigration, Migration | Canada |
6847 | The American Census Handbook., c2001. | Kemp, Thomas Jay | Book | 929.1 KEM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Census Records | |
12588 | International Vital Records Handbook: Births, Marriages, Deaths: Application Forms & Ordering Information for the Vital Records You Need for Driver’s Licenses, Passports, Jobs, Social Security, Proof of Identity, etc. 7th Edition., c2017. | Kemp, Thomas Jay. | Book | 929.1 KEMP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Vital Records | |
8908 | International Vital Records Handbook. 5th Edition | Kemp, Thomas Jay | Book | 929.1 Kemp | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Vital Records | World |
1077 | Calling all Landsmen! Town-based Research in Jewish Genealogy., c2001. | Khait-Krasner, Barbara | Book | 929.1 KHA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Jewish Research | |
551 | An Index to some of the Family Records of the Southern States., c1979. | Kirkham, E. Kay | Book | 929.1 KIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2925 | Handwriting of American Records for a Period of 300 Years., c1973. | Kirkham, E. Kay | Book | 929.1 KIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
3273 | How to Read the Handwriting and Records of Early America, c1965. | Kirkham, E. Kay | Book | 929.1 KIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
4515 | Mexican and Spanish Family Research., c1987. | Konrad, J. | Book | 929.1 KON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Mexico, Spain |
10175 | Guidelines for Authors of Compiled Genealogies, c1998. | Kozachek, Thomas. | Book | 929.1 KOZACHEK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Family Histories, General Reference, Writing Family History | |
11697 | Migration: Canada and the United States, c2011. | LaPointe, Elizabeth. | Book | 929.1 LA POINTE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Migration, General Reference | United States, Canada |
11698 | The War of 1812: Canada and the United States, c2011. | LaPointe, Elizabeth. | Book | 929.1 LA POINTE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Military - War, General Reference | United States, Canada |
11070 | Crash Course in Family History, c2010. | Larsen, Paul | Book | 929.1 LARSEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | |
2568 | Generations Past., c1988. | Lawson, Sandra M. (compiler) | Book | 929.1 LAW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
333 | African-American Genealogy Workbook for Beginners, n.c.d. | Law, Nova | Book | 929.1 LAW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, African American | |
10650 | How to Trace Your Ancestors to Europe, c1987. | Law, Hugh T. (editor and author). | Book | 929.1 LAW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | Europe |
219 | A Guide to Research, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 3rd edition., 1994. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1 LDS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
5266 | North Carolina Research - Genealogy & Local History., c1980. | Leary, Helen F.M. and Maurice R. Stirewalt | Book | 929.1 LEA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Carolina | |
5221 | News-Press Obituary Index. V.1. (Librarians Cart). | Lee County Genealogical Society | Book | 929.1 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Florida | |
5222 | News-Press Obituary Index. V.2. (Librarians Cart). | Lee County Genealogical Society | Book | 929.1 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Florida | |
5223 | News-Press Obituary Index. V.3. (Librarians Cart). | Lee County Genealogical Society | Book | 929.1 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Florida | |
5224 | News-Press Obituary Index. V.4. (Librarians Cart). | Lee County Genealogical Society | Book | 929.1 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Florida | |
5225 | News-Press Obituary Index. V.5. (Librarians Cart). | Lee County Genealogical Society | Book | 929.1 LEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Florida | |
6096 | Researching at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah., c2001. | Leinweaver, Chad E. | Book | 929.1 LEI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
600 | Annadale Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Lest We Forget: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the Nation's Capital. 7th edition., c1989. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1 LES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | District of Columbia | |
8655 | Slakten Sunde i Kronoby 1732-1980., n.c.d. | Lillsunde, Frans | Book | 929.1 LIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Lithuania, Sweden | |
7776 | Tracing Your Mississippi Ancestors., c1994. | Lipscomb, Anne S. and Hutchinson, Kathleen S. | Book | 929.1 LIP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mississippi | |
4072 | Locating Your Ancestors in Czechoslovakia., n.c.d. | Book | 929.1 LOC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Czechoslovakia | ||
1064 | Cadastrals & Castles., c1989. | Marvin, John H. | Book | 929.1 MAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Czechoslovakia | |
6841 | The A-Z Guide to Tracing Ancestors in Britain., c1988. | Markwell, F.C. | Book | 929.1 MAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
4538 | Michigan Genealogy Sources & Resources., c1987. | McGinnis, Carol | Book | 929.1 MCG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Michigan | |
9530 | Genograms in Family Assessment, c1985. | McGoldrick, Monica and Randy Gerson | Book | 929.1 McGOLDRIC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
7147 | The Genealogist's Question and Answer Book., c2002. | Melnyk, Marcia Yannizze | Book | 929.1 MEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
5392 | Ontario Canada Genealogical Sources., c1987. | Merriman, Brenda Dougall | Book | 929.1 MER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
787 | Basics of Research in Ontario., c1990. | Merriman, Brenda Dougall | Book | 929.1 MER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
1768 | Documents Of Our Ancestors: A Selection of Reproducible Genealogy Forms and tips for using them, c1996. | Meshenberg, Michael J. | Book | 929.1 MES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
8348 | Who's Who in Genealogy and Heraldry, c1990. | Meyer, Mary K. (Ed.) | Book | 929.1 MEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
4568 | Military Service Records in the National Archives of the United States. c1988. | National Archives & Records Administration | Book | 929.1 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War | |
10208 | A Guide to Historical Research in Orange County, Virginia, c1988. | Miller, Ann L. | Book | 929.1 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia |
2024 | Evidence: Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian., c1997. | Mills, Elizabeth Shown | Book | 929.1 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
9087 | Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace. 2nd Edition, c2009. | Mills, Elizabeth Shown | Book | 929.1 MILLS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
12531 | English Genealogy Research., c2009. | Milner, Paul. | Book | 929.1 MILNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference | England |
10694 | Researching in Germany: Handbook for Your Visit to the Homeland of Your Ancestors, 2nd edition, c2013. | Minert, Roger P., Shirley J.Reimer and Susan E. Sirrine. | Book | 929.1 MIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference | Germany |
6099 | Researching in Germany: Handbook for Your Visit to the Homeland of Your Ancestors., c2001. | Minert, Roger P. and Riemer, Shirley J. | Book | 929.1 MIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
5743 | Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy., c1991. | Mitchell, Brian | Book | 929.1 MIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
3644 | Jamaican Ancestry: How to find out more., c1998. | Mitchell, Madeleine E. | Book | 929.1 MITCHELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Jamaica | |
7270 | The Librarian's Genealogy Notebook: A Guide to Resources. c1998. | Moore, Dahrl Elizabeth | Book | 929.1 MOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
6361 | Scottish Family History., c1988. | Moody, David | Book | 929.1 MOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
12571 | The Librarians Genealogy Notebook: A Guide to Resources., c1998. | Moore, Dahrl Elizabeth. | Book | 929.1 MOORE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
3267 | How to do Everything With Your Genealogy., c2009. | Morgan, George G. | Book | 929.1 MOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
5319 | Official Guide to, c2007. | Morgan, George G. | Book | 929.1 MORGAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference | |
1764 | Do You have a New Zealand Connection? c1988. | Mossong, Verna E. | Book | 929.1 MOS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Zealand | |
10815 | Irish Class: Fundamentals of Irish Family History Research, c1998-2005. | Book | 929.1 MY FAMILY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland | |
10922 | Irish Class: Fundamentals of Irish Family History Research, c1998-2005. | Book | 929.1 MY FAMILY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Ireland | |
5293 | Norwegian-American Genealogy: After You've Crossed the Ocean., c1989. | Naeseth, Gerhard B. | Book | 929.1 NAE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Norway | |
10241 | A Celebration of Family History: Special Edition Which Includes Bonus DVD Featuring 2010 NGS Conference Keynote Address, c2011. | National Genealogical Society. | Book | 929.1 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10242 | National Genealogical Society Conference in the States Syllabus, c 2000. | National Genealogical Society. | Book | 929.1 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
1328 | Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840 and 1850-1920, c1998. | National Archives & Records Administration | Book | 929.1 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
12362 | National Genealogical Society Quarterly. Library has current year only on shelf. | National Genealogical Society | Book | 929.1 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference | |
4737 | Native American Genealogical Source Book., c1995. | Byers, Paula K. (editor) | Book | 929.1 NAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Native Americans | |
194 | A Chesapeake Homecoming: 1993 Conference Syllabus, c1993. | National Genealogical Society | Book | 929.1 NAT | Library Storage Collection | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Storage Collection |
5292 | Norwegian-American Bygelag Centennial - 1899-1999., c1998. | Norwegian Genealogy Ring | Book | 929.1 NOR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Norway | |
11696 | Polish Parish Records of the Roman Catholic Church: Their Use and Understanding in Genealogical Research, c1979. | Ortell, Gerald A. | Book | 929.1 ORTELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Church Records | Poland |
996 | Britain's Black African Ancestor's., c1995. | Pearl, Susan | Book | 929.1 PEA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | African American | England |
2070 | Family Tree Maker 2009 Little Book of Answers, c2009. | Pedersen, Tana L. | Book | 929.1 PED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
10107 | The Official Guide to Family Tree Maker 2010, c2009. | Pederson, Tana L. | Book | 929.1 PEDERSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/22/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
823 | Beginning Your Family History. 4th edition., c1987. | Pelling, George | Book | 929.1 PEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
3266 | How to Begin Queries - Like Bottles Tossing on the Ocean., c2001. | Phillips, Donna Potter | Book | 929.1 PHI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2436 | Genealogical Research in Missouri., c1998. | Porter, Pamela | Book | 929.1 POR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Missouri | |
5816 | Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers, & Librarians., c2001. | Mills, Elizabeth Shown. (editor) | Book | 929.1 PRO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
6688 | Starting Research in Atlantic Canada., c1993. | Punch, Terrence M. | Book | 929.1 PUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
2505 | Genealogist's Guide to Discovering your Irish Ancestors., c2000. | Radford, Dwight A. & Kyle J. Betit | Book | 929.1 RAD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
12575 | Tracing Your Poor Ancestors: A guide for Family Historians., 2020. | Raymond, Stuart A. | Book | 929.1 RAYMOND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
2433 | Genealogical Research in England's Public Record Office. 2nd Edition., c2000. | Reid, Judith P. | Book | 929.1 REI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
3314 | Identifying your Quebec Ancestors from this Side of the Border., c1990. | Reisinger, Joy. | Book | 929.1 REI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
2646 | Germanic questions and answers., c2001. | Reschke, Horst A. | Book | 929.1 RES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
6505 | Solving problems Using Collateral Relatives., c2000. | Rising, Marsha Hoffman | Book | 929.1 RIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
12376 | Family Tree Problem Solver: Proven Methods for Scaling the Inevitable Brick Wall., c 2005. | Rising, Martha Hoffman. | Book | 929.1 RISING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference | |
2585 | Georgia Genealogical Research: A Practical Guide., c1989. | Robertson, David H. | Book | 929.1 ROB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Georgia | |
4751 | Naval Records for Genealogists., c1998. | Rodger, Nam | Book | 929.1 ROD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War | |
8631 | Family Tree Detective: Manual for Analysing & Solving Genealogical Problems in England and Wales, 1538-the Present Day., 1984 | Rogers, Colin | Book | 929.1 ROGERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England, Wales |
2425 | Genealogical Proof Standard, c2005. | Rose, Christine | Book | 929.1 ROS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
932 | Black Genesis., c2003. | Rose, James M & Alice Eichholz | Book | 929.1 ROS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, African American | |
1523 | Courthouse Research for Family Historians: Your Guide to Genealogical Treasures., c2004. 2 copies | Rose, Christine | Book | 929.1 ROS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
6103 | Researching Welsh Ancestry., c1993. | Rowlands, Sheila | Book | 929.1 ROW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wales | |
4086 | Look at Wales., c1988. | Rowlands, John | Book | 929.1 ROW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wales | |
8185 | Wales & America: Hidden Connections., c1991. | Rowlands, John | Book | 929.1 ROW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wales | |
12454 | A Guide to Jewish Genealogical Research in Israel., c1987. | Sack, Sallyann Amdur. | Book | 929.1 SACK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, Jewish Research, General Reference | Israel |
9047 | Advanced Migration Studies., c2004. (Librarians Cart). **NOTE: See Librarian For Access. | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | Book | 929.1 SAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
9048 | American Records & Research: Course 1 Part A - Focusing on Families; Part B - Focusing on Localities., c2007,2008. (Librarians Cart). **NOTE: See Librarian For Access. | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | Book | 929.1 SAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Family Records, Genealogy Reference | |
6308 | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Course 2: Tracing Immigrant Origins., c2001. (Librarians Cart). | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | Book | 929.1 SAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
6309 | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Course 3: Ancestors in the Isles., c2001. (Librarians Cart). | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | Book | 929.1 SAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales |
6310 | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Course 3: Research in German Speaking Areas., c2003. | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | Book | 929.1 SAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Germany |
6311 | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Course 6: Scottish Records, c2006. | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | Book | 929.1 SAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Scotland |
6312 | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Course 8: Land and Courthouse Records Research, c2006. | Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy | Book | 929.1 SAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
6317 | San Francisco County Genealogy: Research Tips for Using San Francisco Records & Repositories., c1998. | California GENWEB | Book | 929.1 SAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | California | |
6936 | The Center, c1996. | Schaefer, Christina K. | Book | 929.1 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
3325 | Illinois Genealogical Research., c1997. | Schweitzer, George K. | Book | 929.1 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
8656 | Researching in Switzerland., c1999. | Seelentag, Wolf W. Dr. (Webmaster) | Book | 929.1 SEE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Lithuania, Switzerland |
6026 | Research in Pennsylvania., c1989. | Seagraves, Antoinette J. | Book | 929.1 SEG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
8623 | Handy Guide to Austrian Genealogical Records., c1979. | Senekovic, Dagmar | Book | 929.1 SEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Austria |
3384 | In Their Words: a Genealogist's Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents. v.1: Polish, c2002. | Shea, Jonathan D. & William F. Hoffman | Book | 929.1 SHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | Poland, Russia, Germany |
3385 | In Their Words: a Genealogist's Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents. v.2: Russian., c2002. | Shea, Jonathan D. & William F. Hoffman | Book | 929.1 SHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference | Poland, Russia, Germany |
2230 | Following the Paper Trail., c1994. | Shea, Jonathan D. & William F. Hoffman | Book | 929.1 SHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
7488 | The Search for a Lost Church Record., c1997. | Simerly, Frank | Book | 929.1 SIM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Church Records, Religion | |
3198 | History of the Genealogical Movement in Sweden., c2001. | Skogsjo, Hakan | Book | 929.1 SKO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Sweden | |
7999 | Using Census Records., c1999. | Smith, Juliana | Book | 929.1 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Census Records | |
212 | A Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your African-American Ancestors - How to find and record your unique heritage., c2003. | Smith, Franklin Carter & Emily Anne Croom | Book | 929.1 SMI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | African American, Genealogy Reference | Africa, United States |
11699 | Genealogy at a Glance: Evernote, c2015. | Smith, Drew. | Book | 929.1 SMITH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
12229 | Organize Your Genealogy: Strategies and Solutions for Every Researcher, c2016. | Smith, Drew. | Book | 929.1 SMITH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
7508 | The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy. 3rd Edition, c2006. | Szucs, Loretto Dennis & Sandra Hargreaves Luebking | Book | 929.1 SOU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
8654 | Spanish Records Extraction: An Instructional Guide., c1981. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1 SPA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Lithuania, Spain |
6689 | State and Local Censuses Supplement Federal Census Schedules., c2000. | Sperry, Kip | Book | 929.1 SPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Census Records | |
2437 | Genealogical Research in Ohio., c1997. | Sperry, Kip | Book | 929.1 SPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ohio | |
2305 | French-Canadian Roots., c2001. | Stanford, Xenia | Book | 929.1 STA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada, France | |
9842 | Deed Anatomy 101, Extracted from the Ohio Genealogy News, c2012. | Staats, Chris | Book | 929.1 STAATS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Land Records | |
1755 | Discovering Your Family History., c1980. | Steel, Don | Book | 929.1 STE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
6549 | Sourcebook for Genealogical Research: Resources Alphabetically by Type and Location, c2004. | Stockwell, Foster | Book | 929.1 STO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
9330 | How to Climb Your Family Tree: Genealogy for Beginners, c1983. | Stryker-Rodda, Harriet. | Book | 929.1 STRYKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/7/2012 | Genealogy Reference | |
2926 | Handy Guide to Swiss Genealogical Records., c1985. | Suess, Jared H. | Book | 929.1 SUE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Switzerland | |
12441 | Central European Genealogical Terminology.,c 1978. | Suess, Jared H. | Book | 929.1 SUESS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
3963 | Librarian's Guide to Genealogical Research., c1998. | Swan, James | Book | 929.1 SWA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2115 | Finding Answers in U.S. Census Records, c2002. | Szucs, Loretto Dennis & Matthew Wright | Book | 929.1 SZU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
7650 | They Became Americans: Finding Naturalization Records and Ethnic Origins, c1998. | Szucs, Loretto Dennis | Book | 929.1 SZU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
1256 | Chicago and Cook County: A Guide to Research., c2002. | Szucs, Loretto Dennis | Book | 929.1 SZU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
822 | Beginning Research in South Africa., c1990. | Tapping, Mark | Book | 929.1 TAP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Rep of South Africa | |
2058 | Family History Records in Ontario, Canada., c1993. | Taylor, Ryan | Book | 929.1 TAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Canada | |
318 | Address book for Germanic Genealogy., 6th edition., c1997. | Thode, Ernest | Book | 929.1 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
1150 | Catalogue of Revolutionary War pension and bounty land warrant application files and American Revolutionary War service records and general index., n.c.d. | National Archives & Records Administration | Book | 929.1 UNI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
8037 | Virginia Cemeteries: A Guide to Resources., c1986. | Hogg, Anne M. & Dennis A. Tosh (editors) | Book | 929.1 VIR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Cemetery Records | Virginia |
6384 | Searching for my Norwegian Great-Grandpa., c1995. | Walmer, Virginia Nichols | Book | 929.1 WAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Norway | |
4671 | My Ancestor was a Merchant Seaman., c1986. | Watts, Christopher T. | Book | 929.1 WATTS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Transportation | England |
2405 | Genealogical Guide to German Ancestors from East Germany & Eastern Europe., c1984. | Wegweiser, A. Goff | Book | 929.1 WEG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
2116 | Finding Norwegian Roots., c2001. | Wellauer, Maralyn | Book | 929.1 WEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Norway | |
8271 | Welsh Family History: A Guide to Research., c1993. | Book | 929.1 WEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wales | ||
7772 | Tracing Your German Roots., c1978. | Wellauer, Maralyn A. | Book | 929.1 WEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
3843 | Know Your Ancestors: A Guide to Genealogical Research. c1976. | Williams, Ethel W. | Book | 929.1 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
3886 | Land Records., c2000. | Willard, Jim & Terry Willard | Book | 929.1 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
2518 | Genealogy for Beginners., c1984. | Willis, Arthur J. & Molly Tatchell | Book | 929.1 WIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
334 | African-American Genealogy: a Bibliography and Guide to Sources., c2003. | Witcher, Curt Bryan | Book | 929.1 WIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | US History, African American | |
1319 | Climbing Your Family Tree: Online and Off-line Genealogy for Kids | Ira Wolfman | Book | 929.1 WOLFMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
1763 | Do People Grow on Trees: Genealogy for Kids and Other Beginners | Ira Wolfman | Book | 929.1 WOLFMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Youth Genealogy | |
2114 | Finding a Place Called Home: A Guide to African American Genealogy & Historical Identity., c1999. | Woodtor, Dee Palmer | Book | 929.1 WOO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, African American | |
10243 | A World of Records: FGS/UGA Conference Syllabus, c2000. | Book | 929.1 WORLD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
820 | Beginners Guide to British Reference Works, c2002. | Wuehler, Anne | Book | 929.1 WUE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
9674 | Your Story: A Guided Interview Through Your Personal & Family History. Seattle Arno., c2002. | Book | 929.1 YOUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
3608 | Irish Family History., c1990. | Yurdan, Marilyn | Book | 929.1 YUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
11724 | Lithuanian American Genealogy and Family History, c2002 | Ziaukas, Frank. | Book | 929.1 ZIAUKAS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | |
10814 | Historic German Newspapers Online, c2014. | Thode, Ernest (compiler). | Book | 929.1016 THODE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Internet, Newspapers | Germany |
2503 | Genealogist's Address Book. 5th Edition., c2005. | Bentley, Elizabeth Petty | Book | 929.102 BEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
508 | American Passenger Arrival Records., c1993. | Tepper, Michael | Book | 929.1027 TEP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
11071 | Personal Historian 2: The Companion Guide, c2004. | Booth, Michael T. | Book | 929.1028 BOOTH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | |
2509 | Genealogist's Internet: the Bestselling Guide. 4th edition, c2009. | Christian, Peter | Book | 929.1028 CHR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Internet | |
8903 | Genealogist's Internet: Bestselling Guide | Christian, Peter | Book | 929.1028 Christian | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/3/2014 | Genealogy Reference, Internet | England |
11408 | Beginners Guide to Online Genealogy: Learn How to Trace Your Family History and Discover Your Roots., c2015 | Dunn, Michael. | Book | 929.1028 DUNN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
11007 | Unofficial Guide to How to find your family history on the #1 genealogy website, c2014. | Hendrickson, Nancy. | Book | 929.1028 HENDRICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Internet | |
1 | @ Home With Your How to Research Family History Using the Internet., c2007. | Marelli, Diane | Book | 929.1028 MAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/23/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Internet | |
11319 | Unofficial Guide to How to Find Your Family History on the World’s Largest Free Genealogy Website, c2015 | McCullough, Dana. | Book | 929.1028 MCCULLOU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/6/2017 | General Reference, Internet | |
10176 | Online Roots: How to Discover Your Family’s History and Heritage with the Power of the Internet, c2003. | Porter, Pamela Boyer and Amy Johnson Crow. | Book | 929.1028 PORTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Internet, Family Histories | |
9908 | Mastering Online Genealogy, c2011. | Quillen, Daniel | Book | 929.1028 QUILLEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
3584 | Instant Information on the Internet: A Genealogist's No-Frills Guide to the British Isles., c1999. | Schaefer, Christina K. | Book | 929.1028 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Internet | British Isles, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales |
7380 | The Online Genealogy Handbook: Finding the Right Sites for You; Save with Dozens of Free Resources; Build Your Own Genealogy Website or Blog; Plan a Research Road Trip; Preserve Your Family History for Future Generations, c2008. | Schepp, Brad and Debra Schepp | Book | 929.1028 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Internet | |
260 | A to ZAX: A Comprehensive Dictionary for Genealogists & Historians. 3rd edition, c1995. | Evans, Barbara Jean | Book | 929.103 EVA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
590 | Ancestry's Concise Genealogical Dictionary, c1989. | Harris, Maurine & Glen Harris | Book | 929.103 HAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
266 | Abbreviations & Acronyms: A Guide for Family Historians, c2000. | Sperry, Kip | Book | 929.103 SPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
2644 | German-English Genealogical Dictionary, c2008. | Thode, Ernest | Book | 929.103 THO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Germany |
3406 | Index to Genealogical Periodicals. Revised edition, c1988. 2 copies | Jacobs, Donald Lines & Carl Boyer | Book | 929.105 JAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
8914 | Army Records: Guide for Family Historians | Spencer, William | Book | 929.1072 | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Military - War | England |
12135 | Quicksheet: French-Canadian Genealogy Research, c2010. | Larson, Denise R. | Book | 929.1072 LARSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Quebec |
9707 | Tracing Your Sligo Ancestors., c2012. | Ryan, James G. | Book | 929.1072 RYA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
7775 | Tracing Your Irish Family History, c2009. | Adolph. Anthony | Book | 929.1072 ADO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
7779 | Tracing Your Scottish Family History, c2009. | Adolph, Anthony | Book | 929.1072 ADO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
11409 | First Steps in Genealogy: A Beginner’s Guide to Researching Your Family History, c1998. | Allen, Desmond Walls. | Book | 929.1072 ALLEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
11842 | The Family Tree Polish, Czech & Slovak Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Family Tree in Eastern Europe, c2016. | Alzo, Lisa A. | Book | 929.1072 ALZO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Slovakia, Czechoslovakia, Poland |
11535 | Ancestral Quest, Version 14.0 Genealogy Software for Windows User’s Guide, c1994-2013. | Book | 929.1072 ANCESTRAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | ||
11890 | A Guide to Local History Sources in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, c2000. | Bardon, Jonathan. | Book | 929.1072 BARDON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Ireland |
12040 | The Family Tree Historical Newspapers Guide: How to Find Your Ancestors in Archived Newspapers, c2018. | Beidler, James M. | Book | 929.1072 BEIDLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Newspapers | |
10477 | Ireland: A genealogical Guide for North Americans, c1995. | Betit, Kyle J. and Dwight A Radford | Book | 929.1072 BETIT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference | Ireland |
12139 | Quicksheet : French Genealogy Research, c2012. | Bettag, Claire. | Book | 929.1072 BETTAG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | France |
12514 | The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy. 2nd Edition., c2019. | Bettinger, Blaine T. | Book | 929.1072 BETTINGER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, DNA | |
10252 | Beginning Franco-American Genealogy, c1986. | Boudreau, Dennis M. | Book | 929.1072 BOUDREAU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Canada, France |
11008 | Genealogy Offline: A beginner’s guide to finding family history records that are not online, c2013. | Breland, Claudia C. | Book | 929.1072 BRELAND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Internet | |
10872 | Searching for Your Ancestors in Historic Newspapers, c2014. | Breland, Claudia C. | Book | 929.1072 BRELAND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Newspapers | |
12609 | Finding Your Irish Ancestors in New York City., c2014. | Buggy, Joseph. | Book | 929.1072 BUGGY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland, New York |
12088 | Quicksheet: Genetic Genealogy Basics c2016. | Bush, Angie. | Book | 929.1072 BUSH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, DNA | |
9909 | OMG, It's Ira M.! A Busy Executive's Guide to Genealogy, c2013. | Callanan, Kathleen J. | Book | 929.1072 CALLANAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
9910 | Results are in! Now What? Analyzing Autosomal DNA, c2013. | Callanan, Kathleen J. | Book | 929.1072 CALLANAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
11433 | My Ancestors Moved in England or Wales: How Can I Find Them?, c1987. | Camp, Anthony J. | Book | 929.1072 CAMP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Migration | England, Wales |
1757 | Discovering Your Immigrant & Ethnic Ancestors: How to Find Your Unique Heritage, c2000. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo | Book | 929.1072 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
7151 | The Genealogy Sourcebook, c1998. | carmack, Sharon DeBartolo | Book | 929.1072 CAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
12089 | Quicksheet: American Cemetery Research, c2012. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo. | Book | 929.1072 CARMACK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Cemetery Records | |
12090 | Quicksheet: Finding Female Ancestors, c2013. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo. | Book | 929.1072 CARMACK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Women | |
12091 | Quicksheet: Immigration Research, c2011. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo. | Book | 929.1072 CARMACK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Immigration - Emigration | |
10187 | Italian Genealogy Research at a Glance, c2012. | Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo. | Book | 929.1072 CARMACK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Italy |
11581 | The Beginners Guide to Using Tax Records, c1996. | Carroll, Cornelius. | Book | 929.1072 CARROLL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Taxes - Tax Lists, General Reference | |
10245 | On Teaching Genealogy, c1989. | Carter, Fran | Book | 929.1072 CARTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
12041 | Substitutes for Vital Records, 2nd Edition, c1993. | Carter-Walker, Fran. | Book | 929.1072 CARTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Vital Records | |
12071 | Research Outline: Finland., c1997 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference | Finland |
11342 | Research Outline: Austria., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Austria |
11343 | Research Outline: Czechoslovakia., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Czechoslovakia |
6020 | Research Guide: Missouri., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Missouri | |
6033 | Research Outline: Alabama., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Alabama | |
6034 | Research Outline: Alaska., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Alaska | |
6035 | Research Outline: Alberta., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6036 | Research Outline: Arizona., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Arizona | |
6037 | Research Outline: Arkansas., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Arkansas | |
6038 | Research Outline: California., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | California | |
6039 | Research Outline: Canada., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6040 | Research Outline: Colorado., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Colorado | |
6041 | Research Outline: Connecticut., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Connecticut | |
6042 | Research Outline: Delaware., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Delaware | |
6043 | Research Outline: Denmark., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Denmark | |
6044 | Research Outline: District of Columbia (Washington, DC)., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | District of Columbia | |
6045 | Research Outline: Family History Library and Family History Centers., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference | |
6046 | Research Outline: Florida., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Florida | |
6047 | Research Outline: France., c1995. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | France | |
6049 | Research Outline: Georgia., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Georgia | |
6050 | Research Outline: Germany., c1997 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Germany | |
6051 | Research Outline: Hawaii., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Hawaii | |
6052 | Research Outline: Idaho., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Idaho | |
6053 | Research Outline: Illinois., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Illinois | |
6054 | Research Outline: Indiana, c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Indiana | |
6055 | Research Outline: Iowa., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Iowa | |
6056 | Research Outline: Ireland Householders Index., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Ireland | |
6057 | Research Outline: Ireland., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Ireland | |
6058 | Research Outline: Kansas., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Kansas | |
6059 | Research Outline: Kentucky., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Kentucky | |
6060 | Research Outline: Latin America., c1992. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference | |
6061 | Research Outline: Louisiana., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Louisiana | |
6062 | Research Outline: Manitoba., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6063 | Research Outline: Membership of the LDS Church, 1830-1848., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference | |
6064 | Research Outline: New Brunswick., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6065 | Research Outline: Newfoundland., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6066 | Research Outline: North Carolina., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | North Carolina | |
6068 | Research Outline: Ohio., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Ohio | |
6069 | Research Outline: Oklahoma., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Oklahoma | |
6070 | Research Outline: Ontario., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6071 | Research Outline: Oregon., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Oregon | |
6072 | Research Outline: Quebec., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6073 | Research Outline: Saskatchewan., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6075 | Research Outline: The Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934., c1992. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Immigration - Emigration | Germany |
6077 | Research Outline: British Columbia., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Canada | |
6078 | Research Outline: Maine, c1988. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Maine | |
6079 | Research Outline: Maryland., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Maryland | |
6080 | Research Outline: Massachusetts., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Massachusetts | |
6081 | Research Outline: Michigan., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Michigan | |
6082 | Research Outline: Minnesota., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Minnesota | |
6083 | Research Outline: Mississippi., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Mississippi | |
6084 | Research Outline: Montana., 1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Montana | |
6085 | Research Outline: Nebraska., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Nebraska | |
6086 | Research Outline: Nevada., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Nevada | |
6087 | Research Outline: New Hampshire., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | New Hampshire | |
6088 | Research Outline: New Jersey., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | New Jersey | |
6089 | Research Outline: New Mexico., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | New Mexico | |
6090 | Research Outline: New York, c1988. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | New York | |
6091 | Research Outline: North Dakota, c1988. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | North Dakota | |
6105 | Resource Outline: 1881 British Census Indexes., c1996. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Census Records | England |
6106 | Resource Outline: England., c1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | England | |
6107 | Resource Outline: Using the 1881 British Census Indexes., c1996. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Census Records | England |
10206 | Research Outline: Tennessee, 1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Tennessee |
10207 | Research Outline: Virginia, 1997. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia |
5369 | Old Parochial Registers (OPR) Index for Scotland., c1998. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | Book | 929.1072 CHU | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Scotland | |
5209 | New York State Area Key, c1979. | Clint, Florence | Book | 929.1072 CLI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
9700 | Tracing Your Westmeath Ancestors., c2012. | Connell, Gretta. | Book | 929.1072 CONNELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
7778 | Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry. 3rd Edition., c2004. | Cory, Kathleen B. | Book | 929.1072 COR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Scotland | |
1642 | Debrett's Family Historian, c1981. | Currer-Briggs, Noel & Royston Gambier | Book | 929.1072 CUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
10253 | Your French-Canadian Connection: Everyday Reference Guide for Beginners and Advanced Researchers, c1989. | Dahlquis, Alfred J. | Book | 929.1072 DAHLQUIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Canada, France |
11118 | Georgia Research: A Handbook for Genealogists, Historians, Archivists, Lawyers, Librarians, and Other Researchers, 2nd edition, c2012. | Davis, Robert S. and Ted O. Brooke | Book | 929.1072 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Georgia |
12147 | Quicksheet: Scottish Genealogy Research, c2010. | Dobson, David. | Book | 929.1072 DOBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference | Scotland |
11101 | Tracing Your Ancestry: French Acadian, French Canadian, c2013. | Doucette, Michele | Book | 929.1072 DOUCETTE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Canada, France |
12055 | Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research in Kansas, c2008. | Douglass, Mary Clement. | Book | 929.1072 DOUGLASS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Kansas |
9705 | Tracing Your Galway Ancestors., c2012. | Dowd, Peadar | Book | 929.1072 DOWD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
7771 | Tracing Your Donegal Ancestors., c1996. | Duffy, Godfrey F. | Book | 929.1072 DUF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Ireland | |
9701 | Tracing Your Limerick Ancestors., c2003 | Franklin, Margaret. | Book | 929.1072 FRANKLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
9583 | Genealogist's Handbook for New England Research, 5th ed., c2012. | Leclerc, Michael J. (editor) | Book | 929.1072 GENEALOG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/3/2014 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | United States, New England |
10563 | A General Introduction to Acadian Genealogy, extracted from Je Me Souviens, n.c.d. | Book | 929.1072 GENERAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Canada | |
11434 | Victuallers’ Licences: Records for Family and Local Historians, c1994. | Gibson, Jeremy and Judith Hunter. | Book | 929.1072 GIBSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
8331 | Who Do You Think You Are: Trace Your Family History Back to the Tudors., c2006. | Gil, Anton | Book | 929.1072 GIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
11492 | Finding Your People in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, c1988. | Good, Rebecca H. and Rebecca A. Ebert. | Book | 929.1072 GOOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Geography | Virginia |
6093 | Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy. 4th Edition, c2017. | Greenwood, Val D. | Book | 929.1072 GRE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference | |
12004 | The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy, 4th edition, c2017. | Greenwood, Val D. | Book | 929.1072 GREENWOOD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
2828 | Guide to Jewish Genealogy., c2004. | Sack, Sallyann Amdur & Gary Mokotoff. (editors) | Book | 929.1072 GUIDE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Jewish Research | |
9702 | Tracing Your Roscommon Ancestors., c2007. | Hamrock, John | Book | 929.1072 HAMROCK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
4073 | Locating Your Lost Roots: Discover Your Ancestors Using Land Records, c2003. | Hatcher, Patricia Law | Book | 929.1072 HAT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, Land Records | |
9331 | Research in the Land Entry Files of the General Land Office. (Reference Information Paper 114), c2009. | Hawkins, Kenneth (compiler). | Book | 929.1072 HAWKINS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/7/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Land Records | |
9239 | Acadian-Cajun Genealogy: Tracing Your Ancestry Back to Acadia & The Old World., c2010. | Hebert, Timothy | Book | 929.1072 HEB | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Canada |
5161 | New York Essays: Resources for the Genealogist in New York State Outside New York City | Henry, Marian S. | Book | 929.1072 HEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
11843 | Civil War Genealogy Research, c2013. | Hendrickson, Nancy | Book | 929.1072 HENDRICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Military - War | |
579 | Ancestral Trails., c1997. | Herber, Mark D. | Book | 929.1072 HER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
10798 | Sustainable Genealogy: Separating Fact from Fiction in Family Legends, c2013. | Hite, Richard | Book | 929.1072 HITE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10873 | Sustainable Genealogy: Separating Fact from Fiction in Family Legends, c2013. | Hite, Richard. | Book | 929.1072 HITE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Family Records, Fraternal Society | |
2821 | Guide to Genealogical Research & Records., c1991. | Holcomb, Brent Howard | Book | 929.1072 HOL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | South Carolina | |
10652 | How to Trace Your Native American Heritage (DVD), c2000. | Book | 929.1072 HOW TO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Native Americans | ||
6100 | Researching Irish Church Records: Conformist and Non-Comformist., c2001. | Hutchison, Brian W. | Book | 929.1072 HUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Ireland |
11119 | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. Magazine. Library has v.38 (2011). | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. | Book | 929.1072 HUXFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | Georgia |
11120 | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. Magazine. Library has v.39 (2012). | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. | Book | 929.1072 HUXFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | Georgia |
11121 | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. Magazine. Library has v.40 (2013). | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. | Book | 929.1072 HUXFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | Georgia |
11122 | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. Magazine. Library has v.41 (2014). | Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc. | Book | 929.1072 HUXFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | General Reference | Georgia |
3604 | Irish Church Records. 2nd Edition., c2001. | Ryan, James G. (editor) | Book | 929.1072 IRI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Church Records | Ireland |
11102 | Finding Your Canadian Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide, c2007. | Irvine, Sherry and Dave Obee. | Book | 929.1072 IRVINE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | Genealogy Reference | Canada |
5604 | Pennsylvania Line | Iscrupe, William L. and Shirley G.M. Iscrupe | Book | 929.1072 ISCRUPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania | |
8995 | Field Guide for Genealogists. 2nd Edition., c2007. | Jacobson, Judy | Book | 929.1072 JAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10651 | Mastering Genealogical Proof, c2013. | Jones, Thomas W. | Book | 929.1072 JONES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10254 | French and French-Canadian Family Research, c1985. | Konrad, J. | Book | 929.1072 KONRAD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Canada, Germany |
9730 | Guide to Chicago and Midwestern Polish-American Genealogy., c2012 | Kruski, Jason | Book | 929.1072 KRUSKI | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Illinois, Poland |
9712 | Finding Your Polish Ancestors., c2003. | LaBudie-Szakall, Kathleen Ann | Book | 929.1072 LABUDIE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Poland |
2432 | Genealogical Research in England, Scotland and Ireland, c2008. | Lea, James Henry | Book | 929.1072 LEA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | England, Ireland, Scotland |
9703 | Tracing Your Cork Ancestors. 2ndEdition., c2011. | McCarthy, Tony and Tim Cadogan | Book | 929.1072 McCARTHY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
12630 | The Unofficial Guide to Family 2nd Edition., c2015 | McCullough, Dana. | Book | 929.1072 McCULLOUGH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
11435 | St. Catherine’s House, Seventh edition, c1988. | McLaughlin, Eve | Book | 929.1072 McLAUGHLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | England |
9704 | Tracing Your Donegal Ancestors., c2008. | Meehan, Helen | Book | 929.1072 MEEHAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
12042 | Locating Your Ancestor’s Family When All You Know is the State, c1998. | Meitzler, Leland K. | Book | 929.1072 MEITZLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference | |
9588 | Handy Book to English Genealogy. Third Edition., c1990. | Mellon, Rachael | Book | 929.1072 MELLON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
7915 | United Empire Loyalists: Guide to Tracing Loyalist Ancestors in Upper Canada., c2006. | Merriman, Brenda Douglas | Book | 929.1072 MER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Loyalists | Canada |
12092 | Quicksheet: U. S. Federal Census Records, c2012. | Meyerink, Kory L. | Book | 929.1072 MEYERINK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | General Reference, Census Records | |
1754 | Discovering Your English Ancestors., c2000. | Milner, Paul & Linda Jonas | Book | 929.1072 MIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
12093 | Quicksheet: Citing Online Historical Resources, Evidence Style, 2nd edition, c2017. | Mills, Elizabeth Shown. | Book | 929.1072 MILLS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Sources and Citations, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
12148 | Quicksheet: Scots-Irish Genealogy Research, c2014. | Mitchell, Brian. | Book | 929.1072 MITCHELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, Scots-Irish | Ireland, Scotland |
11844 | Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy, c2016. | Mokotoff, Gary. | Book | 929.1072 MOKOTOFF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference, Jewish Research | |
10572 | English Genealogical Research in the Major London Repositories, c2006. | Morgan, George G. | Book | 929.1072 MORGAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
9911 | Advanced Genealogy research Techniques., c2013. | Morgan, George G. and Drew Smith | Book | 929.1072 MORGAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
11582 | Genealogist’s Guide to Discovering Your Italian Ancestors: How to Find and Record Your Unique Heritage., c1997. | Nelson, Lynn. | Book | 929.1072 NELSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | Italy |
507 | American Naturalization Records, 1790-1990: what they are and how to use them, c1998. | Newman, John J. | Book | 929.1072 NEW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
11630 | New York Family History Research Guide and Gazetteer, c2014. | New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. | Book | 929.1072 NEW YORK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/11/2017 | General Reference, History, Maps - Atlas - Gazetteer | New York |
11167 | New York Family History Research Guide and Gazetteer, c2014. | New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. | Book | 929.1072 NEW YORK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | New York |
11127 | Finding Your Chicago Ancestor, c1982. | O’Hara, Margaret | Book | 929.1072 O’HARA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Illinois |
11436 | How to Record Your Family Tree, 6th edition, c1994. | Palgrave-Moore, Patrick | Book | 929.1072 PALGRAVE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | England |
11461 | A Guide to Genealogical Research in Maryland, Fifth edition, c2001. | Peden, Henry C. | Book | 929.1072 PEDEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Maryland |
3010 | Hidden Sources: Family History in Unlikely Places., c2000. | Pfeiffer, Laura Szucs | Book | 929.1072 PFE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
9713 | Ukranian Genealogy; A Beginners Guide., c2007. | Pihach, John D. | Book | 929.1072 PIHACH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Russia |
11265 | Tracing Your Ancestors in Minnesota, 3rd edition, c1984. | Pope, Wiley R. and Alissa L. Wiener. | Book | 929.1072 POPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | Minnesota |
12166 | Quicksheet: Georgia Genealogical Research, c2017. | Ports, Michael A. | Book | 929.1072 PORTS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Georgia |
12194 | Quicksheet: Ohio Genealogy Research, c2015. | Ports, Michael A. | Book | 929.1072 PORTS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ohio |
10573 | Handy Guide to English Genealogical Records, c1978. | Preece, Phyllis Pastore and Floren Stocks Preece. | Book | 929.1072 PREECE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference | England |
9912 | Mastering Immigration and Naturalization Records, 2ndedition, Volume II of Quillen's Essentials of Genealogy), c2013. | Quillen, W. Daniel | Book | 929.1072 QUILLEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Immigration - Emigration, General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
9913 | Troubleshooter's Guide to Do-It-Yourself Genealogy: Creative Techniques for Overcoming Obstacles, Removing Roadblocks and Unlocking Your Family History., c2010. | Quillen, W. Daniel | Book | 929.1072 QUILLEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
589 | Ancestry Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources. 3rd Edition., c2005. | Book | 929.1072 RED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | ||
5211 | New York State Probate Records: Genealogist's Guide to Testate and Intestate Records., c2002. | Remington, Gordon L. | Book | 929.1072 REM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
11888 | The Guide to the Most Valuable German Genealogical Resources: Ortsippenbucher, Orts-Familienbücher, & Chroniks, c2017. | Ropers, Werner. | Book | 929.1072 ROPERS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
9706 | Tracing Your Dublin Ancestors. 3rdEdition., c2009. | Ryan, James G. and Brian Smith | Book | 929.1072 RYA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
6387 | Searching for Your Wisconsin Ancestors in the Wisconsin Libraries, c1979. | Ryan, Carol W. | Book | 929.1072 RYAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Wisconsin | |
2619 | German genealogical research., c2003. | Schweitzer, George R. | Book | 929.1072 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
5196 | New York genealogical research., c1995. | Schweitzer, George K. | Book | 929.1072 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
2923 | Handbook of Genealogical Sources, 1996. | Schweitzer, George K. | Book | 929.1072 SCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
12586 | The Magic of German Church Records: Finding the Key to Your Ancestors’s Past., c2020. | Schober, Katherine. | Book | 929.1072 SCHOBER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Church Records, General Reference | Germany |
11536 | Understanding Revolutionary War and Invalid Pension Ledgers 1818-1872 and the Pension Payment Vouchers They Represent, c2014. | Scott, Craig R. | Book | 929.1072 SCOTT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, Pension, General Reference, Military - War | |
9695 | Searching For Your German Ancestors Town of Origin., c2013. | Ropers, Werner. (Editor)-Collier County Genealogical Society. | Book | 929.1072 SEARCHING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
10177 | Estate Inventories: How to Use Them, c1984. | Smith, Kenneth L. | Book | 929.1072 SMITH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Estates, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
9957 | German Church Books: Beyond the Basics, c1989. | Smith, Kenneth L. | Book | 929.1072 SMITH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Church Records | Germany |
9708 | Tracing Your Mayo Ancestors. 2nd Edition., c2010. | Smith, Brian | Book | 929.1072 SMITH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/7/2013 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Ireland |
7761 | Trace Your Roots with DNA: Using Genetic Tests to Explore Your Family Tree, c2004. | Smolenyak, Megan and Ann Turner | Book | 929.1072 SMOLENYAK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | DNA, General Reference | |
1985 | English National Archives: Army Records-Guide for Family Historians., c2008. | Spencer, William | Book | 929.1072 SPE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | England |
10493 | Rhode Island Sources for Family Historians and Genealogists, c1986. | Sperry, Kip. | Book | 929.1072 SPERRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Records, Genealogy Reference | Rhode Island |
2805 | Grow Your Own Family Tree: The Easy Guide to Researching Family History, c2008. | Stewart, Alan | Book | 929.1072 STEWART | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
11410 | Bringing Your Family History to Life Through Social History, c2000. | Sturdevant, Katherine Scott. | Book | 929.1072 STURDEVANT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference | |
8996 | Uncovering Your Ancestry Through Family Photographs., c2005. | Taylor, Maureen A. | Book | 929.1072 TAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
7780 | Tracing Your Textile Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians, c2009. | Teasdale, Vivien | Book | 929.1072 TEASDALE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
11720 | Genealogy at a Glance: German Genealogy Research, c2011. | Thode, Ernest. | Book | 929.1072 THODE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | General Reference | Germany |
9332 | Black Family Research: Records of Post-Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives, c2006. | United States National Archives and Records Administration. | Book | 929.1072 UNITED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | African American, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War, US History | |
9333 | Using Civilian Records for Genealogical Research in the National Archives Washington DC Area, c2009. | United States. National Archives and Records Administration. | Book | 929.1072 UNITED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/7/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
7770 | Tracing Your College Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians, c2009 | Wadw, Stephen | Book | 929.1072 WADE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
7777 | Tracing Your Police Ancestors: Guide For Family Historians., c2009. | Wade, Stephen | Book | 929.1072 WADE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | |
10274 | St. Clair County, Illinois Research and Resources, c1998. | Walsh, Diane Renner | Book | 929.1072 WALSH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Illinois |
6023 | Research in Minnesota., c1992. | Warren, Paula Stuart | Book | 929.1072 WAR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Minnesota | |
12094 | Quicksheet: War of 1812 Research, c1991. | Book | 929.1072 WAR OF | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Military - War, General Reference | ||
12095 | Help Me to Find My People: The African American Search for Family Lost in Slavery, c2012. | Williams, Heather Andrea. | Book | 929.1072 WILLIAMS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | African American, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Slavery | |
8997 | Beyond the Family Tree: 21st Century Guide to Exploring Your Roots and Creating Connections.,c2010. | Worick, Jennifer | Book | 929.1072 WORICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
1527 | Cradled in Sweden., c2002. | Johansson, Carl-Erik | Book | 929.10720 JOHANSSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Sweden | |
10246 | Huguenot Genealogical Research, c1985. | Franklin, Charles M. | Book | 929.108 FRANKLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Huguenot | |
7198 | The Hidden Half of the Family: A Sourcebook for Women's Genealogy, c1999. | Schaefer, Christina K. | Book | 929.1082 SCHAEFER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | |
3382 | In Search of Your German Roots. 4th edition., c2001. | Baxter, Angus | Book | 929.1089 BAX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
938 | Black Roots - A Beginner's Guide to Tracing the African American Family Tree., c2001. | Burroughs, Tony | Book | 929.1089 BUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, African American | |
6332 | Scandinavian-American Genealogical Resources., c2001. | Dickson, Dr. Charles | Book | 929.1089 DICKSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference | Scandinavia (Regional) |
10186 | Finding Your German Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide, c1999. | Hansen, Kevan M. | Book | 929.1089 HANSEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
8998 | From Generation to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Family History., c2004. | Kurzweil, Arthur | Book | 929.1089 KUR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Jewish Research | |
12377 | From Generation to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Family History., c2004. | Kurzweil, Arthur. | Book | 929.1089 KURZWEIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Genealogy Reference, Jewish Research | |
10799 | Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes: Southeastern Indians Prior to Removal, c2002. | Lennon, Rachal Mills. | Book | 929.1089 LENNON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Native Americans | |
10874 | Tracing Ancestors Among the Five Civilized Tribes: Southeastern Indians Prior to Removal, c2002. | Lennon, Rachal Mills | Book | 929.1089 LENNON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Native Americans | |
10331 | Cherokee Proud: Guide to Tracing and Honoring Your Cherokee Ancestors. 2nd Edition., c2002. | McClure, Tony Mack | Book | 929.1089 MCCLURE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | Native Americans, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
7159 | The German Research Companion, c2000. | Riemer, Shirley J. | Book | 929.1089 RIE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Germany | |
6469 | Slave Genealogy: A Research Guide with Case Studies., c1986. | Streets, David H. | Book | 929.1089 STR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Genealogy Reference, African American | |
9675 | Black Family Research: Records of Post Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives, c2006. | Washington, Reginald (compiler) | Book | 929.1089 UNITED | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | African American, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | United States |
8729 | History For Genealogists: Using Chronological Time Lines to Find & Understand Your Ancestors., c2009 and 2016 Revised Edition. | Jacobson, Judy | Book | 929.1097 JAC | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Genealogy Reference, US History, World History | |
5387 | One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families., c1893. | Austin, John Osborne | Book | 929.12 AUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Rhode Island | |
2398 | Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island., c1887. | Austin, John Osborne | Book | 929.12 AUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Rhode Island | |
4795 | New England Historical & Genealogical Register. Mayflower Source Records., c1986. | Book | 929.1744 MAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Mayflower | Massachusetts | |
10196 | Mayflower Source Records: Primary Data Concerning Southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, and the Islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, c1986. | Roberts, Gary Boyd (compiler). | Book | 929.1744 MAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Mayflower | Massachusetts |
9960 | The Last Habsburg, c1968. | Brook-Shepherd, Gordon | Book | 929.2 CHARLES I | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
9196 | Beside the Still Waters: The Story of the Fernandez Family of Estero, c2010. | Fernandez, Pamela | Book | 929.2 FERNANDEZ | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Florida |
9951 | Unlocking the Who Within: A Journal of a Journey, c2012. | Callanan, Kathleen J. | Book | 929.2 CALLANAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference | |
11376 | Thomas A. Edison: A Streak of Luck, c1979. | Conot, Robert. | Book | 929.2 EDISON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | General Reference, History | Florida |
11058 | Joseph Antonio Garcia, Sr.: Every Man a Hero in the Eyes of His Son, c1990. | Fowler, Mary (transcriber). | Book | 929.2 GARCIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10836 | Eighty Odd Years, n.c.d. | Kellogg, Harry Burton. | Book | 929.2 KELLOGG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Wisconsin |
10316 | Len Small: Governors and Gangsters, c2009. | Ridings, Jim. | Book | 929.2 SMALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Illinois |
10181 | Commodore Abraham Whipple of the Continental Navy: Privateer, Patriot, Pioneer, c2010. | Cohen, Sheldon S. | Book | 929.2 WHIPPLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | |
11845 | Abell/Abel Families: Maryland to California 1649-2016, c2016. | Greenlee, Victoria Brenner. | Book | 929.2 ABEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Family Histories | Maryland, California |
9915 | The Abercrombie Family, n.c.d. | Abercrombie, Lelia | Book | 929.2 ABERCROMBIE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2014 | Genealogy Reference, Family Histories, General Reference | |
310 | Achilles Genealogies, 1596-1990., c1991. | Smith, Walter Burges | Book | 929.2 ACHILLES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
314 | Adam's Addenda., c1981. | Book | 929.2 ADAMS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
209 | A Genealogical History of the Ajnbunder, Zeldes and Associated Families, 2v., c2002, 2008. | Zeldes, Ilya | Book | 929.2 AJNBUNDER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11072 | Alcott in Her Own Time: A Biographical Chronicle of Her Life, c2005. | Shealy, Daniel (editor). | Book | 929.2 ALCOTT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, Women | |
361 | Aldermans in America., c1957. | Parker, William Alderman | Book | 929.2 ALDERMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
12230 | John Alexander: A Northern Neck Proprietor, His Family, Friends and Kin, c1990. | Pippenger, Wesley E. | Book | 929.2 ALEXANDER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Genealogy Reference, Family Histories, General Reference | |
11073 | First Steps in Genealogy: A Beginner’s Guide to Researching Your Family History, c1998. | Allen, Desmond Walls. | Book | 929.2 ALLEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference | |
380 | Allin Families of North Devonshire., c1992. | Allin, George R. Jr. | Book | 929.2 ALLIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | England |
5890 | Raising Heretical Questions About Accepted | Oppenheimer, Christine Crawford | Book | 929.2 ALTMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Pennsylvania, Colonial America | |
6512 | Some Descendants of Friedrich Altvater., c1981. | Biddle, Clara Grace Suthard | Book | 929.2 ALTVATER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6289 | Rudolph P. Anderson: His Ancestors & Descendants, c1971. | Anderson, Alloa Caviness | Book | 929.2 ANDERSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11573 | The Andrews Family of Chesterfield County, Virginia, n.c.d. | Blackwell, Janet Moore | Book | 929.2 ANDREWS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | Virginia |
6872 | The Andrews, Clapp, Stokes, Wright, & VanCleve Genealogies., c1984. | Andrews, Alfred Stokes | Book | 929.2 ANDREWS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6873 | The Andrissen Family IGI of New York & New Jersey, n.c.d. | La Coste, Ellsworth John | Book | 929.2 ANDRISSEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New Jersey, New York |
10541 | Anspach Genealogy, Pt. I (Anspach to Bernds and Ryan), c2000; and Pt. II (Leffler to Anspach), c2000. | Goyke, Josephine Ryan and Jacqueline Harvey Ryan (compilers). | Book | 929.2 ANSPACH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
11074 | An Applegate Saga: A Line of Descent from Thomas the Immigrant, c2015. | Applegate, James Bennett. | Book | 929.2 APPLEGATE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
8606 | Family Histories of Bert Albert Keith Arave & Dolly Emma Emeline Cottle: The Ancestors & Descendants., c1994. | Lewis, Richard F. & Marjorie A. (Compilers). | Book | 929.2 ARAVE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
238 | A History: The Archers, an Old Virginia Family., c1989. | Fowler, Donald D. | Book | 929.2 ARCHER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Virginia |
9618 | Armsbury Hart and Swinehart Scott Family History Information, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 ARMSBURY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | General Reference, Family Histories | ||
6922 | The Brothers & Sisters of Colonel John Armstrong, 1717-1795 & his Wife Rebecca, 1719-1797, Carlisle, PA., c1990. | Bell, Raymond Martin | Book | 929.2 ARMSTRONG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1301 | Clan Armstrong Association. Armstrong News. Library has miscellaneous issues: 1982-1998. | Book | 929.2 ARMSTRONG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
643 | Armstrong Family Record. | Armstrong, Joseph Lewis | Book | 929.2 ARMSTRONG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
644 | Armstrongs of Catawba., c1969. | Cansler, Norma Todd | Book | 929.2 ARMSTRONG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | North Carolina | |
1274 | Chronicles of the Armstrongs., 1902. | Book | 929.2 ARMSTRONG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
6883 | The Arrol, Arroll, & Arrell Families., c1994. | Arrol, John & Robert N. Arrol | Book | 929.2 ARROL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6770 | Symon Jansen van Arsdalen, From Bornholm in the Baltic Sea & his Children., c1932. | Hoppin, Charles Arthur | Book | 929.2 ARSDALEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6884 | The Arszman Family History Back to 1500, v.02, c2008. | Arszman, Ernest A. and Larry A. Arszman | Book | 929.2 ARSZMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6739 | Supplement to Asburys in America., c1991. | Asbury, Carl E. | Book | 929.2 ASBURY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
648 | Asburys in America., c1984. | Asbury, Carl E. | Book | 929.2 ASBURY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
8699 | The Ashby Book: Descendants of Captain Thomas Ashby of Virginia. Revised and Enlarged Edition. 2v., c1982. v.01. | Reese, Lee Fleming | Book | 929.2 ASHBY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia |
8700 | The Ashby Book: Descendants of Captain Thomas Ashby of Virginia. Revised and Enlarged Edition. 2v., c1982. v.02. | Reese, Lee Fleming | Book | 929.2 ASHBY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/21/2021 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia |
5714 | Pioneers: My Mothers Family, c2005. | Schurr, Kay | Book | 929.2 ASHLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
652 | Ashleys of the Old Colony - Volume One: Descendants of Joseph and Elizabeth (Percival) Ashley of Rochester, Mass., c1981. | Ashley, Robert E. | Book | 929.2 ASHLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Massachusetts |
672 | Atwater History & Genealogy, 1456-1956., c1956. | Atwater, Charles H. | Book | 929.2 ATWATER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11956 | Related Families of Botetourt County, Virginia, Revised Edition, c1977. | Austin, J. William, II and Rebecca H. R. Austin. | Book | 929.2 AUSTIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia |
257 | A Straight Pine Tree., c1971. | Avant, D.A. | Book | 929.2 AVANT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
10501 | Badgley Genealogy, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BADGLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | ||
11009 | From Catherine Baillon to Charlemagne, extracted from the American-Canadian Genealogist, c1999. | Jette, Rene et al. | Book | 929.2 BAILLON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
6961 | The Clan Bain with its Ancestral & Related Scottish Clans., 1963. | Lawrence, A.J. | Book | 929.2 BAIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Scotland |
5648 | Peter Baker of New York 1767-1822, v.2, c1987. v.02. | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | New York | ||
5649 | Peter Baker of New York 1767-1822. 2v., c1986, v.01. | Baker, Emerson R. | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Family Histories | New York |
688 | Baker Family Newsletter. v.10 (1997). | Baker Family | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | |
689 | Baker Family Newsletter. v.05. | Jensen, Crystal (editor) | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | |
690 | Baker Family Newsletter. v.06. | Jensen, Crystal (editor) | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | |
691 | Baker Family Newsletter. v.07. | Jensen, Crystal (editor) | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | |
692 | Bakersearch Newsletter. Library has miscellaneous issues 1989. | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | ||
693 | Bakersearch Newsletter. Library has miscellaneous issues 1994. | Book | 929.2 BAKER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | ||
695 | Ball Cousins: Descendants of John and Sarah Ball and of William and Elizabeth Richards of Colonial Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, c1981. | Kinsey, Margaret | Book | 929.2 BALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Pennsylvania |
12231 | Passage: A Gripping Story of Deceit, Love, and Sacrifice of One Women’s Perilous Journey Through Life., 2011. | Powers, Sandy. | Book | 929.2 BALOUGH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Women, General Reference | |
6891 | The Banning Family, c1931. | Book | 929.2 BANNING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
10542 | A Supplement to Banta Pioneers and Records of the Wives and Allied Families, c1983. | Banta, Elsa M. | Book | 929.2 BANTA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10543 | A Summary of Research on the Family Tree of Hendrick Banta III (Henry Banta, Senior), c1984. | Frick, Franklin (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BANTA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10654 | A Summary of Research on the Family Tree of Hendrick Banta III (Henry Banta, Senior) a Pioneer in the Kentucky Wilderness, c1984. | Frick, Franklyn (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BANTA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Genealogy Reference | Kentucky |
4388 | Matteson, Dorcas White. A Record of the Ancestry & Descendants of Edward Barber & wife Phebe Tillinghast of Hopkins, Rhode Island., c1892. | Book | 929.2 BARBER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Rhode Island | ||
250 | A Record of the Ancestry & Descendants of Edward Barber & wife Phebe Tillinghast of Hopkins, Rhode Island., c1892. | Matteson, Dorcas White | Book | 929.2 BARBER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6892 | The Barclays of New York: Who They Are & Who They Are Not, & Some Other Barclays, c1904. | Moffat, R. Burnham | Book | 929.2 BARCLAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New York |
6864 | The Ancestry of Fanny Barnes and her husband, Thomas Knight., c1989. | Berry, Brian J.L. | Book | 929.2 BARNES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
3716 | Journal of John Barnwell., c1898. | Ludwell, Ms. (Virginia Historical Society) | Book | 929.2 BARNWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
10502 | The Barr Family, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BARR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | ||
3187 | History of the Barrys: An Abridgement of the Records of the Family from the Earliest Times to the Present Time with Pedigrees., c1930. | Barry, Colonel Michael Harry | Book | 929.2 BARRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1402 | Commodore John Barry., c1933. | Gurn, Joseph | Book | 929.2 BARRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1681 | Descendants Of Joseph Barthel and His Wife Christina Lutz, c1988. | Cargill, Patty Barthell | Book | 929.2 BARTHEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6189 | Robert Bartlett of the “Anne†and His Descendants for Four Generations, c1995. | Wakefield, Robert S. (compiler) | Book | 929.2 BARTLETT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | ||
2139 | Fishing for Bass., c1989. | Bass, George | Book | 929.2 BASS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11075 | Some Members of the 18th Century Colonial American Bay Family, c2004. | West, Tommy L. | Book | 929.2 BAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
8607 | Baylis Family of Virginia, With Supplelemnts on the Chunn, Fawcett, Hawkins, and Turner Families and a Baylis Family in England., c1958. | Blum, Willetta Baylis & William Blum Sr. | Book | 929.2 BAYLIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, General Reference | England, Virginia |
10544 | Baynard: An Ancient Family Bearing Arms, c1972. | Hasell, Annie Baynard Simons, (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BAYNARD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10655 | Baynard: An Ancient Family Bearing Arms, c1972. | Hasell, Annie Baynard Simons (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BAYNARD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | |
614 | Annie Laurie Beauchamp 1884-1965: her Ancestors and Allied Families in Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and Texas, and Her Descendants., c2002. | Slater, Martha Strong | Book | 929.2 BEAUCHAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Georgia, Maryland, Texas, Virginia |
815 | Beekman Family of New Jersey., c1897. | Beekman, George C. | Book | 929.2 BEEKMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Jersey | |
2531 | Genealogy of the Family of Sarah & Aaron Beer., c1980. | VanBuren, Abigail & Clarence A. Hawk | Book | 929.2 BEER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11583 | The Belcher Bunch, n.c.d. | Blackwell, Janet Moore and George Barry Lodge, Jr. (compilers). | Book | 929.2 BELCHER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | |
11584 | The Family of Sally Warren Belcher, n.c.d. | Blackwell, Janet Moore (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BELCHER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | |
12096 | The Family of Sally Warren Belcher: An Adjunct to the Line of Harvey Francis Andrews, c2007. | Blackwell, Janet Moore (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BELCHER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | |
10603 | The Bell Family of Carteret County, North Carolina: Over 1,380 + Descendants of Thomas Bell, c2000. | Eckhout, Dawn D.B. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | North Carolina |
12442 | Samuel Bell’s Riddle: 1756 – 1982., c1982 | Bell, Eldon Raymond. | Book | 929.2 BELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | |
6901 | The Bell's History of Shenandoah Valley, Virginia & Knox County, Tennessee., c1994. | Bell, Eldon Raymond | Book | 929.2 BELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Tennessee |
830 | Bennet/Bennett Genealogy., c1991. | Bennett, Richard H. | Book | 929.2 BENNET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
831 | Bennets on the Bias., c1990. | Minium, Muriel Bennet | Book | 929.2 BENNET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6902 | The Bennet Family., c1958. | Royse, Mintie Allen | Book | 929.2 BENNET | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
836 | Berenson, A Biography., c1960. | Sprigge, Sylvia | Book | 929.2 BERENSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
4129 | Madame Sarah., c1967. | Skinner, Cornelia Otis | Book | 929.2 BERNHARDT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
583 | Ancestry of Elizabeth Yanconish Berry., c1989. | Berry, Brian J.C. | Book | 929.2 BERRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
847 | Berry Family of New Jersey, n.c.d. | Berry, Brian J.C. | Book | 929.2 BERRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New Jersey |
1435 | Concluding Discoveries, n.c.d. | Berry, Brian J.C. | Book | 929.2 BERRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
5285 | Northern Neck Families - The Ancestors of Susan Frances Chapman., n.c.d. | Berry, Brian J.L. | Book | 929.2 BERRY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
10545 | Beveridge Family History, c1986. | Dunn, David O. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BEVERIDGE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
6904 | The Bickel Family of Webster & Braxton Counties & Other Associated Families., c1989. | Bickel, Oney E. | Book | 929.2 BICKEL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6905 | The Bigelow Family Genealogy: Volume 1: Six Generations of Descendants of John Biglo (1617-1703) of Watertown, Massachusetts., c1986. | Bigelow, Loring L. (editor) | Book | 929.2 BIGELOW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Massachusetts | |
6907 | The Bigelow Family Genealogy: Volume 2: Seventh & Eighth Generations of John Biglo (1617-1703) of Watertown, Massachusetts., 1993. | Bigelow, Loring L. (editor) | Book | 929.2 BIGELOW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Massachusetts | |
6909 | The Bigelow Family: Corrections/Additions., c1996. | Bigelow, Loring L. (editor) | Book | 929.2 BIGELOW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
8650 | Robert Bigham: Northern Ireland to Charleston, South Carolina 1767-1768., c1993. | Graham, Sibyl Scott | Book | 929.2 BIGHAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | Ireland, South Carolina |
911 | Biller Research., n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BILLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
3258 | House of Dreams: The Bingham Family of Louisville, c1988. | Brenner, Marie | Book | 929.2 BINGHAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
2056 | Family History of Jim Bishop of Whitburn, Scotland; Robert Hamilton Bishop of Oxford, Ohio; Ebenezer Bishop of McDonough County, Illinois; and John Scott of Ireland., c1951. | Scott, Stanley R. & Montgomery, Robert H. (Compilers) | Book | 929.2 BISHOP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Illinois, Ohio, Ireland, Scotland |
562 | Ancestors & Descendants of Lewis Conley Bishop., c1980. | Branen, Winnie | Book | 929.2 BISHOP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
2374 | Genealogical Account of the Family of Bisshop or Bishop., c1877. | Bishop, W.T. | Book | 929.2 BISHOP | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
4492 | Memorial History of Peter Bitsche & a Complete Family Register of his Lineal Descendants & those Related to Him by Intermarriage from the Year 1767 to 1892., c1892. | Peachey, Samuel M. | Book | 929.2 BITSCHE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
10800 | Research Report #1303907 – Blackwell by Lineages, c2005. | Book | 929.2 BLACKWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/26/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
10546 | The Blackwells of Blackwell’s Neck, c1997. | Evans, June Banks(compiler). | Book | 929.2 BLACKWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
11585 | Ancestors of Hugh Guthrie Blackwell, n.c.d. | Blackwell, Janet Moore (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BLACKWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | |
12097 | Research Report # 1303907: Blackwell by Lineages, c2005. | Book | 929.2 BLACKWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | ||
12099 | The Blackwells of Blackwell’s Neck, c1997. | Evans, June Banks (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BLACKWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
12100 | The Children of John Blackwell: An American Odyssey, c1999. | Preston, Peter Blackwell. | Book | 929.2 BLACKWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10887 | Research Report #1303907 – Blackwell by Lineages, c2005. | Book | 929.2 BLACKWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
9150 | Bishop John Blank and Family, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BLANK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
6911 | The Blauvelt Family of New York., n.c.d. | La Coste, Ellsworth John | Book | 929.2 BLAUVELT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New York |
6912 | The Bledsoe Family., c1973. | Bledsoe, John T. | Book | 929.2 BLEDSOE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
2528 | Genealogy of the Bliss Family in America. 3v., c1982. | Bliss, Aaron Tyler | Book | 929.2 BLISS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11586 | Histoire et Généalogie des Familles BOISVERT, c1993. Library has v.2. | Boisvert, Michel. | Book | 929.2 BOISVERT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | |
4062 | Liwwat Boke, Pioneer, 1807-1882, c1987. | Knapke, Luke B. (Comp.) | Book | 929.2 BOKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Ohio | |
9151 | Descendants of John Boling of Virginia 1769-1827 Through Eight Generations, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BOLING | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia | |
8999 | The Bonner Smith Circle : Compilation of the Family Lines Which Intersect Bonner & Smith Lines., c1975. | Bonner, Ruth E. | Book | 929.2 BONNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | |
3188 | History of the Borgias., c1931. | Corvo, F.B. | Book | 929.2 BORGIA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
2465 | Genealogies of Borman, Rieley, and Power., c1978. | Linley, Veronica | Book | 929.2 BORMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
4780 | New Country., c1960 and 1962. | Bosworth, Allan R. | Book | 929.2 BOSWORTH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6918 | The Bourlands in America., c1978. | Read, Carl & Mary Read | Book | 929.2 BOURLAND | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6774 | Tale of a Legacy: Bourquin Family., c1968. | Howard, Eugenia Walker | Book | 929.2 BOURQUIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
7039 | The Descendants of Cheney Boyce, "Ancient Planter", and of Richard Craven, for Seven Generations., c1996. | Brayton, John A. | Book | 929.2 BOYCE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
202 | A Family History: Boyds & Connected Families., c1980. | Boyd, John Wright | Book | 929.2 BOYD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
969 | Boydton in Mecklenburg County, Virginia., c1942. | Hutchenson, Charles Sterling | Book | 929.2 BOYDTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
12101 | The Ancestry of Thomas Bradbury (1611-1695) and His Wife Mary (Perkins) Bradbury (1615-1700) of Salisbury, Massachusetts, 2nd edition, c1995. | Threlfall, John Brooks. | Book | 929.2 BRADBURY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
8918 | Some Descendants of Ralph Braddock of Maryland & Virginia ca. 1695 - ca. 1766., c2008. | Beatty, Allen & Margaret | Book | 929.2 BRADDOCK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Family Histories | Maryland, Virginia |
7047 | The Descendants of Rev. John Bradner & Christian Colville of Orange County, New York, n.c.d. | Bradner, Frank W. | Book | 929.2 BRADNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New York |
3710 | Joseph Brant, 1743-1807 - Man of Two Worlds, c1984. | Kelsay, Isabel Thompson | Book | 929.2 BRANT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
3190 | History of the Christian & Sophi (Marburger) Braun, dating 1809-1982. 173 years, 125 in America., c1980. | Krueger, Annie | Book | 929.2 BRAUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
494 | American Historical Co., Bray-Swart & Allied Families., n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BRAYSWART | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
8564 | Order of First Families of North Carolina Registry of Ancestors, Vol. 1: The Descendants of John (d.1692) and Thomas Williams (d. 1693) of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, c2008. ***NOTE: Shelved in North Carolina Section. | Brayton, John A. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BRAYTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | North Carolina, Virginia |
3687 | John Henry Bressler of Tower City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania with Related Families Matter & Walborn., c1988. | Bendigo, Irma Sanford | Book | 929.2 BRESSLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Pennsylvania |
12187 | A Notebook on the Descendants of Elder William Brewster of Plymouth Colony, c1985. | Terry, Milton E. and Anne Borden Harding (compilers). | Book | 929.2 BREWSTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | Massachusetts |
983 | Brewsters of America., c1985. | Terry, Milton E. & Ann Borden Harding | Book | 929.2 BREWSTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
985 | Bridges family history., c1978. | American Genealogical Research Institute | Book | 929.2 BRIDGES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1317 | Clement Briggs of Plymouth Colony & his Descendants. 2v., c1966. | Hannibal, Edna Anne | Book | 929.2 BRIGGS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New England |
991 | Briner Family History: A Genealogy of George Michael Breiner & Anna Catherine Loy, married 1756/57 in Pennsylvania., c1984. Supplement., c1985. | Myers, Forrest D. & Jerry A. Clouse | Book | 929.2 BRINER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Pennsylvania |
10503 | Brinton Genealogy, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BRINTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | ||
10657 | The Brinton Genealogy: A History of William Brinton Who Came from England to Chester County, Pennsylvania in 1664, c1924. | Schoonover, Janetta Wright (compiler/editor). | Book | 929.2 BRINTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | England, Pennsylvania |
1115 | Careers of Col. Charles Broadwater - Fairfax County, Virginia., c1939. | Haycock, Robert Lee | Book | 929.2 BROADWATER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Military - War | Virginia |
6921 | The Brooks Historian. Library has miscellaneous issues: 1991. | Mills, Madeline E. (editor) | Book | 929.2 BROOKS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
12102 | Descendants of James Brown (Senior) (17__-1833) Who Settled in Augusta County, Virginia, c 2011. | Brown, Edwin Beecher (compiler). | Book | 929.2 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
2524 | Genealogy of John Brown of Hampton, New Hampshire., c1977. | Brown, Marguerite Willette | Book | 929.2 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New Hampshire |
1011 | Brown Family Genealogy Part 1., n.c.d. | Barker, Edith | Book | 929.2 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | |
1012 | Brown Family Genealogy Part 2., n.c.d. | Barker, Edith | Book | 929.2 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | |
1013 | Brown Family Genealogy Part 3., n.c.d. | Barker, Edith | Book | 929.2 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories | |
1014 | Browns of Fordham., c1897. | Miller, Robert Brown | Book | 929.2 BROWN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New York | |
1018 | Buchanan: The Family History of James Buchanan son of Alexander Buchanan of Pennsylvania 1702-1975., c1978. | Blakemore, John A. | Book | 929.2 BUCHANAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Pennsylvania |
12443 | The Buck Family: 1587-2019., c2019. | Buck, Dudley | Book | 929.2 BUCK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | |
1019 | Buck: A History of a Part of the Family & Near Connections., c1906. | Buck, Annis & D.E. Washburn | Book | 929.2 BUCK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
5819 | Prologue: A Family History & Genealogy of Richard W. Buckingham and his wife Muriel Barbara Earl., c1979. | Buckingham, Richard W. & Muriel Barbara Earl | Book | 929.2 BUCKINGHAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
8730 | Buffalo Bill: His Family, Friends, Fame, Failures, and Fortunes., c1979. | Yost, Nellie Snyder | Book | 929.2 BUFFALO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
12493 | 50 Years of the Bull Family Picnic of Orange County, New York: The William Bull and Sarah Wells Family Association., c1973. | Book | 929.2 BULL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | New York | |
12494 | Addendum to the The History and Genealogy of the William Bull and Sarah Wells Family of Orange County, New York., c1983 | Bull-Brown, Beatrice Langone. | Book | 929.2 BULL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, General Reference | New York |
12495 | The History and Genealogy of the William Bull and Sarah Wells Family of Orange County, New York: The First Six Generations in American and Canada., c1983. | McWhorter, Emma, Dolly Booth, and Philip Seaman. | Book | 929.2 BULL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, General Reference | Canada, United States |
2068 | Family Records., c1965. | Burke, Peter Burke | Book | 929.2 BURKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
12144 | Burke, Bourke & De Burgh People and Places, c1990. | Bourke, Eamonn. | Book | 929.2 BURKE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | Ireland |
1636 | Deacon John Burnham of Ipswich & Ebenezer Martin of Rehoboth, Massachusetts & some of their Descendants., c1987. | Martin, Elisabeth Puckett | Book | 929.2 BURNHAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Massachusetts |
1049 | Burr-Bowles Genealogy., c1995. | Powell, Ruth Burr | Book | 929.2 BURR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
2130 | First Families: The Making of an American Aristocracy., c1970. | Burt, Nathaniel | Book | 929.2 BURT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1126 | Carter Hall & Genealogical Notes on the Burwell Family of Virginia., c1978. | Brown, E. Stuart., Jr. & Ann Barton Brown | Book | 929.2 BURWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Virginia |
12043 | The Life and Times of John Butler (1825-1906) King of Blackfoot, n.c.d. | Allen, Margaret Woods and Max Seymour Woods. | Book | 929.2 BUTLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
10888 | Butler Family of Chesterfield Co., Virginia., c2007 | Blackwell, Janet Moore. | Book | 929.2 BUTLER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10504 | Byram Genealogy, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 BYRAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | ||
1062 | Byrams in America., c1996. | Byram, John Arnold | Book | 929.2 BYRAM | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1063 | Byrds of Virginia., c1996. | Hatch, Alden | Book | 929.2 BYRD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Virginia |
6925 | The Cadmus Family: IGI of New York & New Jersey. n.c.d. | La Coste, Ellsworth John | Book | 929.2 CADMUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New Jersey, New York |
1074 | Calhoun Family of South Carolina., n.c.d. | Salley, A.S. Jr. | Book | 929.2 CALHOUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | South Carolina |
7094 | The Family History of Jochem Caljer., n.c.d. | La Coste, Ellsworth John | Book | 929.2 CALJER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
12589 | Clan Callaghan: The O’Callaghan Family of County Cork., c2020. | Callaghan, Joseph F. O. | Book | 929.2 CALLAGHAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories, General Reference | Ireland |
9676 | Cargill Beginnings: An Account of Early Years., c1965. | Work, John L. | Book | 929.2 CARGILL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 1/12/2013 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | |
10505 | Carley Genealogy, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 CARLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | ||
1117 | Carlos, The King Who Wouldn't Die., c1963. | Langdon-Davies, John | Book | 929.2 CARLOS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
239 | A Journey Through Carpenter County., c1985. | Carpenter, William S. | Book | 929.2 CARPENTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1630 | David Carson Family., n.c.d. | Campbell, Harold N. | Book | 929.2 CARSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6929 | The Carters of Captiva, v.1, c2002. | Carter, John E. | Book | 929.2 CARTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Family Histories | |
6930 | The Cary Family in America., n.c.d. | Berry, Brian J.L. | Book | 929.2 CARY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
9619 | Casada - Davis Family History Information, n.c.d. | Sexton, Inez M. Keith (compiler) | Book | 929.2 CASADA | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/3/2014 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | |
4681 | My Ostfriesian Ancestors in Whiteside County, Illinois., c2005. | Cassens, Robert G. | Book | 929.2 CASSENS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Illinois |
6931 | The Cate Family of Duluth, Minnesota., c1978. | Konkel, Leonard A. | Book | 929.2 CATE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Minnesota |
2988 | Henry Cavinis: Additions & Corrections., c1996. | Anderson, Alloa Caviness | Book | 929.2 CAVINIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
2989 | Henry Cavinis: Immigrant Infant & Some of His Descendants., c1971. | Anderson, Alloa Caviness | Book | 929.2 CAVINIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
9620 | Cecil Waddle Davidson Hedrick Family History Information, n.c.d. | Davidson, Ethel (compiler) | Book | 929.2 CECIL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/27/2015 | Family Records, General Reference | |
10547 | The Chadwick Family of Carteret County, North Carolina, c2000. | Eckhout, Dawn D. B. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 CHADWICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10658 | The Chadwick Family of Carteret County, North Carolina; Over 70 Direct Descendants of Ephraim Chadwick, 2000. | Eckhout, Dawn D. B. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 CHADWICK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | North Carolina |
10889 | The Ancestry and Posterity of James Brainard Chaney (descendant of John Chaney of Newbury, MA), c1990. | Hennebery, Edna Chaney (compiler). | Book | 929.2 CHANEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/25/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
9621 | Chaney - Moss Family History Information, n.c.d. | Hennebery, Edna Chaney (compiler) | Book | 929.2 CHANEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/3/2014 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
1211 | Chapman Family History., c1978. | Book | 929.2 CHAPMAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
10251 | Einhard and Notker the Stammerer: Two Lives of Charlemagne, c1969. | Thorpe, Lewis (translator). | Book | 929.2 CHARLEMAGNE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/10/2017 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
6939 | The Cherrington Family History & Genealogy., 2nd edition., c1978 and 1999. | Cherrington, Dean C. and Henrietta C. Evans | Book | 929.2 CHERRINGTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11110 | Black in Selma: The Uncommon Life of J. L. Chestnut, Jr., c1990. | Chestnut, J. L., Jr. and Julia Cass | Book | 929.2 CHESTNUT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | Family Histories, General Reference | Alabama |
10315 | Pastor Chinquy: Illinois Apostate and Father Chinquy’s Dying Confession., c1958. | Barrett, John Francis. | Book | 929.2 CHINIQUY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/23/2021 | Church Records, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Illinois |
11076 | Before Lewis and Clark: The Story of the Chouteaus, the French Dynasty That Ruled America’s Frontier, c2004 | Christian, Shirley. | Book | 929.2 CHOUTEAUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
2172 | Florida Pioneers: Christian., n.c.d. | Cusker, Mary Nell Christian | Book | 929.2 CHRISTIAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
7647 | The Yesterdays Behind the Door., c1973. | Beach, Hicks (Mrs.) | Book | 929.2 CHRISTIAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
8678 | The Christie Families of Northern New Jersey., c1989. | Maszalec, Edward T. | Book | 929.2 CHRISTIE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | New Jersey |
11846 | Dr. Benjamin Church, Spy: A Case of Espionage on the Eve of the American Revolution, c2013. | Nagy, John A. | Book | 929.2 CHURCH | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/26/2018 | Military - War, General Reference | |
6948 | The Churchills., c1958. | Rowse, A.L. | Book | 929.2 CHURCHILL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6949 | The Cierzan Family of Winona, Minnesota & Pine Creek, Wisconsin., c1984. | Konkel, Leonard A. | Book | 929.2 CIERZAN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Wisconsin |
1300 | Claiborne of Virginia: Descendants of Col. William Claiborne, c1995. | Dorman, John F. (Comp.) | Book | 929.2 CLAIBORN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Virginia |
2614 | The German Clapps in America, c1978. | Clapp, Elmo F., Sr. (author & compiler). | Book | 929.2 CLAPPS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Germany |
7073 | The Edward Clark Genealogy: 1676-1988., c1988. | Smith, Walter Barges II | Book | 929.2 CLARK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
9240 | The Clays of White Hall, n.c.d. | Heflin, Donald L. | Book | 929.2 CLAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
3652 | Jane Clemens: The Story of Mark Twain's Mother., c1964. | Varble, Rachel M. | Book | 929.2 CLEMONS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
587 | Ancestry of William Clopton of York County, Virginia, c1939. | Clopton, Lucy Lane | Book | 929.2 CLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
9622 | Ancestral Line of Clovis, King of the Franks Through Charlemagne, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 CLOVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 11/12/2012 | Family Histories, General Reference | ||
10506 | Coats Genealogy, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 COATES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | ||
2060 | Family Memorials & Recollections of Aunt Mary's Patchwork., c1885. | Coates, Mary | Book | 929.2 COATES | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6965 | The Cochrane Tree: 1240-2003. v.1, c2003. | Cochran, Miles Edward | Book | 929.2 COCHRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Family Histories | |
6966 | The Cochrane Tree: 1240-2003. v.2, c2003. | Cochran, Miles Edward | Book | 929.2 COCHRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 12/19/2021 | Family Histories | |
6967 | The Cochrans of Horseshoe Bend., c1969. | Evers, Katherine Hedges | Book | 929.2 COCHRANS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
6644 | Special Issue of New York Genealogical & Biographical Record on Johnathan Coddington Inslee. October, 1892 issue. | Book | 929.2 CODDINGTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New York | |
5893 | Ranch on the Ruidoso., c1968. | Coe, Wilbur | Book | 929.2 COE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | New Mexico | |
12399 | The Coffin Family., c1962. | Coffin, Lewis. (Editor). | Book | 929.2 COFFIN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | General Reference, Genealogy Reference, Family Histories | |
6968 | The Cogswells of America., c1884. | Jameson, E.O. | Book | 929.2 COGSWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
7096 | The Family of Ebenezer Colcord., n.c.d. | Colcord, Timothy A. | Book | 929.2 COLCORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
7040 | The Descendants of Elisha Cole, n.c.d. | Curtis, Joseph O. (compiler) | Book | 929.2 COLE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
10659 | Jacob Woodward Colladay and His Descendants, c1976. | Jones, Wayne V. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 COLLADAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | |
9536 | History and Genealogy of the Florida Society Colonial Dames Seventeenth Century, 1933-2009, c2009. | Florida Society Colonial Dames Seventeenth Century | Book | 929.2 COLONIAL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/23/2012 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Lineage Societies | Florida, United States |
1390 | Colquhoun/Calhoun and their Ancestral Homelands., c1993. | Johnson, Ellen R. | Book | 929.2 COLQUHOUN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
6984 | The Colton Letters: Civil War Period, 1861-1865., c1993. | Gates, Betsy | Book | 929.2 COLTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, Military - War | |
978 | Braxton Bragg Comer: His Family Tree from Virginia's Colonial Days., c1947. | Walker, Anne Kendrick | Book | 929.2 COMER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Virginia |
3683 | John Conn of Groton, Massachusetts and Some of His Descendants., c1927. | Hoffman, Mary Giazelle | Book | 929.2 CONN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Massachusetts |
12348 | A Family of the Bagaduce: The Ancestry and Genealogy of William Conner, Jr. (1807-1884) of Penobscot, Maine., c1976. | Myers, Albert. | Book | 929.2 CONNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, General Reference | Maine |
1488 | Conner Family History: Descendants of James Conner., c1998. | Martini, Mary Jane Conner | Book | 929.2 CONNER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
388 | Alva Cook and Lydia Cooper: Their Ancestors and Descendants., c1958. | Stockberger, Maude N. | Book | 929.2 COOK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
2532 | Genealogy of the Floyd Cook Family., c1980. | Turner, David Anderson | Book | 929.2 COOK | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
8608 | John Singleton Copley., c1966. | Prown, Jules | Book | 929.2 COPLEY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
12103 | Ancestors of Lin Cornelius, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 CORNELIUS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/6/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
1512 | Cornwall Family History Society: Its Library & Activities., c1990. | Hicks, Norman | Book | 929.2 CORNWALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | England | |
2515 | Genealogy and History of Edward Couture's Family and Related Families., c1992. | Couture, Edward Henry | Book | 929.2 COUTURE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
7041 | The Descendants of Ellin Cowgill: 1682-1800, c1994. | Stuebing, H.G. & Cardle J. Cowgill-Stuebing | Book | 929.2 COWGILL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
4213 | Marjorie Jean Cox: Her Genealogy., c1992. | Oliver, Frederick | Book | 929.2 COX | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
199 | A Craig Family Case History., c1981. | Rubincam, Milton | Book | 929.2 CRAIG | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1676 | Descendants of Henry Edward Crampton, M.D., 1837-1899., c1987. | Crampton, Henry E. IV. | Book | 929.2 CRAMPTON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
10548 | A Crane Family History and Supplement, 2v., n.c.d., v.01. | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
10549 | A Crane Family History and Supplement, 2v., n.c.d., v.02. | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 9/4/2021 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
10550 | History of the Family of John Crane and Wife Mary (Polly) DeLozier. | Merrem, William E. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
9623 | Crane - Bennett Family History Information, n.c.d. | Breker, Edith Crane (compiler) | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/3/2014 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
10660 | Supplement to Genealogy of the Crane Family, Volume 1, n.c.d. | Crane, Ellery Bicknell | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | |
2994 | Henry Crane of Milton, Massachusetts, 1654 and some of his descendants., 1893. | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Massachusetts | |
2995 | Henry Crane of Milton, Massachusetts: 1654. Compiled for Albert Crane of Rock Acre, Stamford, Connecticut., 1893. | Leavitt, Miss Emily Wilder (compiler) | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Massachusetts |
1528 | Crane Family History., c1978. | American Genealogical Research Institute | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1529 | Crane Marriages in New England & the Eastern United States, 17th-19th centuries., c1996. | McKee, Ruth V. | Book | 929.2 CRANE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New England |
1536 | Crawford Genealogy, c1936. | Stephens, Lucinda Francis | Book | 929.2 CRAWFORD | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
5684 | Pierre Cresson: The Huguenot of Staten Island, Pennsylvania, & New Jersey Progeny., c1968. | Van Name, Elmer Garfield | Book | 929.2 CRESSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania |
7028 | The Creswell Notebook: A Family History., c1979. | Book | 929.2 CRESWELL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
10507 | Crew Genealogy, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 CREW | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
8609 | Critchlow & Related Families: Their Life Histories, Writings, and Genealogies of William Critchlow, Benjamin Chamberlin Critchlow & Elizabeth Frances Fellows Critchlow & Their Families., c1967. | Bickmore, Georgina Boulette Critchlow, Charlotte Rhoda Critchlow Ryberg, Frances Elizabeth Critchlow (Comps/Eds) | Book | 929.2 CRITCHLO | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
10508 | Croasdale Genealogy, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 CROASDALE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
2529 | Genealogy of the Culbertson and Culberson Families, c1893. | Culbertson, Lewis R. | Book | 929.2 CULBERTSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
7029 | The Cullens of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, 1850-1900, n.c.d. | King, Katherine Ann Cullen | Book | 929.2 CULLEN | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | Wisconsin |
7048 | The Descendants of Robert and Jane Cummins., n.c.d. | Cummins, Martin J. | Book | 929.2 CUMMINS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
9152 | Descendants of Richard Cureton (Kewrden) 1420-1975; John Cureton of Virginia; Kirk Family with Connections to Cureton Family, n.c.d. | Book | 929.2 CURETON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | Virginia | |
1558 | Currie Critters Newsletter. Library has miscellaneous issues. | Book | 929.2 CURRIE | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
2527 | Genealogy of Richard Currier. 6v., c1914. | Currier, Harvey | Book | 929.2 CURRIER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
3684 | John Curtis (1635-1696) of Derbyshire, England & Burlington County, New Jersey., c1973. | Cook, Lewis | Book | 929.2 CURTIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New Jersey, England |
9624 | Cutter - McMillan Family History Information, n.c.d. | Koppitch, Mary Cutter (compiler) | Book | 929.2 CUTTER | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/3/2014 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
10564 | A History and Genealogy of Our Family: A Branch of the Sire (Cyr) Family in the New World, c1985. | Cyr, Leo G. | Book | 929.2 CYR | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | Canada |
11262 | Daughter of Boston: The Extraordinary Diary of a Nineteenth-Century Woman Caroline Healey Dall, c2005. | Deese, Helen R. (editor). | Book | 929.2 DALL | Fort Myers Regional Library | 7/5/2017 | General Reference, Women | Massachusetts |
9625 | Darcy - Phelps Family History Information, n.c.d. | Osborne, Patricia Darcy (compiler) | Book | 929.2 DARCY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 5/3/2014 | Family Histories, General Reference | |
2511 | Genealogy & History of Eleanor C. Davidson's Family and Related Families., c1988. | Couture, Harriet Jennie Davidson (compiler) | Book | 929.2 DAVIDSON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
11010 | My Confederate Kinfolk, c2006. | Davis, Thulani. | Book | 929.2 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 2/23/2016 | Genealogy Reference, General Reference, Military - War | |
12349 | Ancestors and Kin: Davis, Hicks, Kennedy, c2016 | Davis, Mary Kennedy Reynolds. | Book | 929.2 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
1634 | Davis Families., n.c.d. | Randall, George L. | Book | 929.2 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
1727 | Diggin' for Davis: A Research Bulletin. Library has miscellaneous 1973 issues. | Book | 929.2 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | ||
1769 | Dolar Davis: A Sketch of his Life with a Record of his Earlier Descendants., 1881. | Davis, Horace | Book | 929.2 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | |
7670 | Tidewater Virginia Families: A Social History, c1989. | Davis, Virginia Lee Hutcheson | Book | 929.2 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Virginia | |
8186 | Walter Goodwin Davis: A Scholar's Unique Contribution to New England Genealogy., c1985. | Smith, Danny D. | Book | 929.2 DAVIS | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Family Histories | New England |
1635 | Day, Dyke, Camp, and Little Family Records., c1978. | McQueen, Naomi G. | Book | 929.2 DAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | Illinois | |
8919 | Road From Hilldene (Virginia): Growing Up On a Farm in the Great Depression., c2006. | Day, Leroy | Book | 929.2 DAY | Fort Myers Regional Library | 0000-00-00 | General Reference | Virginia |
10552 | The DeWitt Genealogy: Descendants of Tjereck Claessen DeWitt of Ulster County, New York, n.c.d. | DeWitt, Mary V. (compiler). | Book | 929.2 DE WITT | Fort Myers Regional Library | 4/11/2015 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | |
10565 | Généalogie de Catherine de Baillon (Genealogy of Catherine de Baillon), n.c.d. .,: vol. 01 A-H. | Book | 929.2 DeBAILLON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference | Canada | |
12364 | Généalogie de Catherine de Baillon (Genealogy of Catherine de Baillon), n.c.d. .,: v. 02 I-Z. | Book | 929.2 DeBAILLON | Fort Myers Regional Library | 3/9/2020 | Family Histories, Genealogy Reference, General Reference | ||
12365 | Généalogie de Catherine de Baillon (Genealogy of Catherine de Baillon), n.c.d. .,: v. 03 General Supplement, |