Saturday, July 27th – John Bifano – Live Presentation Meeting Rooms AB – Topic: Locating and Using Online Italian Civil and Church Records – Once an ancestor’s town has been definitively identified, there are three major sources for locating records in that town: FamilySearch, Italian Parish Records, and Antenati. Italian Parish Records and Antenati are free as is FamilySearch, but you must register to view records. Ancestry’s Worldwide Edition is not as good a source, but it has some Italian records. Please note that the overwhelming majority of the records on these sites are either in Italian for civil records or Latin for church records and they are NOT indexed. This program will be an introduction on how to navigate these sites to locate individual town records. Due to time constraints, the program will only cover civil records for the period 1809 to roughly 1910. Very few records are available after 1910.
For more information or to register for the program: