Saturday, July 13th – John Bifano – Live Presentation Meetings Rooms AB – Topic: Determining an Italian Ancestors Town of Birth – In Italian genealogy, it is critical to determine an ancestor’s town of birth since civil and church births, marriages and deaths were recorded at the town and parish level. Sources for this information include using online resources on Ancestry, FamilySearch, and Ellis Island. Other sources are family documents or family oral histories. It is not enough to know the region your ancestor came from. For example, Calabria until 1992 contained three provinces–Catanzaro, Cosenza and Reggio Calabria; and there were many towns in each province. Using the aforementioned online resources, the program will locate ship manifests, WWI and WWII draft registration cards, and naturalization records to locate the Italian town of birth. Knowing the town of birth, it is then possible to head back to the old country to locate civil and church records which will be covered in Part 2.
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